David Anderson(Green Bay), 53, took 1st Place in the Masters 2(50-59) 165 Lbs. Unequipped Powerlifting Division, with a Squat of 390 Lbs., a Benchpress of 220 Lbs., and a Deadlift of 491 Lbs., for a Powerlifting Total of 1102 Lbs. Anderson set 3 World Records and lifted at a bodyweight of 162.0 Lbs.
Wendy Hou-Seye(Sheboygan), 42, took 1st Place in the 198 Womens Open Power Sports Division, with a Strict Curl of 66 Lbs., a Benchpress of 121 Lbs., and a Deadlift of 238 Lbs., combining for a Power Sports Total of 424 Lbs. Hou-Seye set 8 State Records, lifting in her first Meet since 2006. Wendy was successful on all 9 of her attempts.
Steve Korff(Sheboygan Falls), 50, took 1st Place in the 198 Masters 2(50-59) and Masters Pure(40+) Unequipped Powerlifting Divisions. Korff Squatted 502 Lbs., Benchpressed 314 Lbs., and Deadlifted 485 Lbs., to combine for a Powerlifting Total of 1,301 Lbs. Korff lifted at a bodyweight of 192.8 Lbs., set 3 State Records, set 2 American Records, and set 5 World Records. Steve was successful on 7 out of 9 attempts, and had the 4th highest coefficient, out of 258 Entries at the Event.
Peter Jensen(Sheboygan), 79, took 1st Place in the 198 Masters 4(70+) Power Sports Division, and the 198 M4 Unequipped Powerlifting Division. Jensen was successful on 12 out of 14 attempts, including a 99 Lbs. Strict Curl, a 220 Lbs. Squat, a 182 Lbs. Benchpress, and a 325 Lbs. Deadlift, which combined for a Power Sports Total of 606 Lbs., and a Powerlifting Total of 727 Lbs. Peter lifted at a bodyweight of 194.8 Lbs., and his 220 Lbs. Squat is a new World Record.
Sean Callahan(Eau Claire), 41, took 1st Place in the Master's Pure(40+) Power Sports Division, and the Masters Pure Unequipped Powerlifting Division. Callahan was successful on 12 out of 14 attempts, including a 104 Lbs. Strict Curl, a 238 Lbs. Squat, a 259 Lbs. Benchpress, and a 335 Lbs. Deadlift, to combine for a Power Sports Total of 700 Lbs., a Powerlifting Total of 832 Lbs., and a Quadralifting Total of 936 Lbs. Sean lifted at a bodyweight of 199.2 Lbs., and set 4 State Records, as well as 4 World Records.
Matt Glenzer(Sheboygan), 19, took 1st Place in the 220 Lbs. Junior Unequipped Powerlifting Division, with a Squat of 342 Lbs., a Benchpress of 270 Lbs., and a Deadlift of 386 Lbs., to combine for a Powerlifting Total of 997 Lbs. Glenzer was successful on 8 out of 9 attempts, and set 4 State Records, and 4 World Records, lifting at a bodyweight of 211.9 Lbs.
Job Hou-Seye(Sheboygan), 43, took 1st Place in the 242 Lbs. Lifetime Pure Division, with a Squat of 375 Lbs., a Benchpres of 267 Lbs., and a Deadlift of 375 lbs. Hou-Seye set 4 World Records, and 8 State Records. Job lifted at a bodyweight of 220.7 Lbs. and was successful on 7 out of 9 attempts. It was Hou-Seye's first Powerlifting competition since October of 2005.
Tom Mangelsdorf(Sun Prairie), 50, took 1st Place in the 275 Lbs. Masters 2(50-59) Unequipped Powerlifting Division, with a Squat of 325 Lbs., a Benchpress of 281 Lbs., and a Deadlift of 353 Lbs., for a Powerlifting Total of 959 Lbs. Mangelsdorf was successful on 7 out of 9 attempts, and set 4 World Records, at a bodyweight of 270.9 Lbs.
Jon Riggs(Eau Claire), 41, took 1st Place in the 308 Lbs Masters Pure(40+) Power Sports Division, and the Master's Pure Unequipped Powerlifting Division. Riggs Strict Curled 187 Lbs., Squatted 480 Lbs., Benchpressed 325 Lbs., and Deadlifted 524 Lbs., to combine for a Power Sports Total of 1,035 Lbs., a Powerlifting Total of 1,328 Lbs., and a Quadralifting Total of 1,515 Lbs. Jon set 4 World Records and 13 Wisconsin State Records, lifting at a bodyweight of 305.1 Lbs.
Teams are only allowed to have 2 Members in the same weight class, which required Sean Callahan and Job Hou-Seye to both gain 5 Lbs., prior to their weigh-ins last weekend.