SCHOOL YEAR: 2016-2017
Name: / Assignment:Dates: EOY/Evaluation: Mid Year/Observation:
I have received a copy of the completed Initial Planning Sheet and understand my performance evaluation shall include, but not be limited to, these stated goals and objectives and the procedures established both in the California Education Code and the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the San Jacinto Unified School District and the San Jacinto Teachers Association.
School/Work Location: / Grade Level or Department:Administrator :
Status:(check one): / Probationary 1 or 2
Other (specify status) / Academic Targets:
College / Career Readiness and Leading Indicators
School Wide Goals: / 1. / 2.
*(Student work samples, Accelerated Reader data, R-180, System 44 data, or other measures)
Standard 1: Engaging and Supporting all Students in Learning
Goal/Objectives / Evaluation Procedures and/orEvidence of Growth to be used
Standard 2: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Goal/Objectives / Evaluation Procedures and/orEvidence of Growth to be used
Standard 3: Making Subject Matter Comprehensible for All Students
Goal/Objectives / Evaluation Procedures and/orEvidence of Growth to be used
Standard 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for all Students
Goal/Objectives / Evaluation Procedures and/orEvidence of Growth to be used
I will assist students in becoming proficient writers by:
-Increasing the quality and quantity of student writing
-Using Thinking Maps
-Providing timely feedback
-Addressing CCSS writing standards
Standard 5: Assessing Students for Learning
Goal/Objectives / Evaluation Procedures and/orEvidence of Growth to be used
Standard 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Goal/Objectives / Evaluation Procedures and/orEvidence of Growth to be used
I will participate as a professional learning community member by:
-Focusing on learning
-Working collaboratively to plan lessons and review data
-Holding myself accountable for every student’s achievement
-Analyzing formative and summative assessment results to engage in meaningful conversations about next steps
Standard 7: Student Progress Toward the Attainment of Academic Standards
Goal/Objectives / Evaluation Procedures and/orEvidence of Growth to be used
All students, including subgroups, will progress toward college and career readiness as evidenced by multiple measures which reflect the attainment of grade level standards. / MULTIPLE MEASURES TO BE USED:
Standard 8: Professional Behavior
Goal/Objectives / Evaluation Procedures and/orEvidence of Growth to be used
General Comments (optional):
Signed Signed Evaluatee Date Evaluator Date