
DateNo. 1 Welcome toRotary!

Dear (Firstname):

Congratulations on your acceptance to membership in the Rotary Clubof_. It iswith greatpleasurethateverymemberofourClubwelcomesyoutothisRotaryClubandtoour InternationalOrganization.

Thisisthefirstinaseriesoftwelvelettersthatyouwillreceiveweeklytoconveyimportant elements concerning Rotary, its purpose and mission. We ask that you give careful attentionin yourreadingoftheletterstohelpyouunderstandmoreaboutRotaryandtoassistyouin engaging in the activities of our Club andOrganization.

YouhavebeeninvitedtomembershipbecauseyourSponsorrecognizedyouasapersonof good character and reputation, a leader in your profession. a leader in the community andsaw inyouthe“heartofservice”.AlthoughyouhavebeeninvitedtojoinRotary,itwillbethrough your own actions that you become a Rotarian—a term that means much more than just beinga member of a Rotaryclub.

ThefirstthingweaskisthatyouattendtheClubmeetingseachweek.Inthisway,youwill have the best opportunity to meet the other Club members and learn about the activities ofour Club.Eachofourmemberswillmakeanefforttomakeyoufeelwelcome,willtogettoknow you and then we ask that you also do your part. Plan to participate in the weekly meetings asa greetersothatyoucanbecomefamiliarwiththeothermembers.Sitatdifferenttableseach week to enhance your exposure to more members. Volunteer to sell raffle tickets at the door,or to take notes for the weeklynewsletter.

There is no probationary period in Rotary. You are a Rotarian, just like every other Rotarianin ourCluborintheworld.FirstnamesarethecustomthatdenotesweareallequalsinRotary. Reach out your hand in friendship to all the other members and introduce yourself.The members will be interested in learning about you, your profession, your family and yourhobbies. Through this interaction, you will also get to know each of ourmembers.

PersonalacquaintanceandfriendshiparethecornerstonesofRotaryandattendanceateach meetingisveryimportanttoourOrganization.Rotarymeetingsareheldeachweekandyou are encouraged to attend at least 50% of the time. Committee work, project work and other specific club activities can be counted towards your 50% attendance. Greater attendance is encouraged becausethe absence of any member deprives the Club of the value of our diversifiedmembership, contributionsofallmemberstoongoingclubprojectsandthepersonalfellowshipofeach member. You will find that you miss a lot when you miss one of ourmeetings!

Pleasespeaktome,ortoanyoftheotherRotariansinourClub,withanyquestions.Ilook forward to seeing you at this week’smeeting.

Yours in RotaryService,