Date of Meeting:Tuesday 2nd September 2014
Venue: EB 1.05
Attendees: Alison McGrand AM (HR), Sharon Cahill SC (Psychology),), Mary Linington ML (CASS), Caroline Edmunds CE ( Psy); Olivia Corcoran OC ( HBSc); Nandini Hayes NH (HBSc);Irfaan Arif IA (E&D)
Agenda- Apologies Membership of self- assessment group; welcome to new members
- Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising
- Evaluation of current Data
- Action Planning
- Future meetings
Notes & Actions
- Apologies:
- Minutes of previous meetings
Issues arising included:
- Use monthly research seminars to disseminate AS work
- Cornelia might help at consultation meeting; OC to follow up
- ML and AM to meet Unions at end of Oct – AM to organise.
- Reports on AS data to go to individual Deans who should share with Research management teams.
- Annual AS reports to go to Deans group and RMTs
- AM pointed out the re-organisation meant ULT now formed ( VCG and Deans) so AS will report here as well as E&D
- Data
- 3-year analysis by school and STEMM non STEMM was discussed. Changes reflect UEL policy on redundancy.
- Discussion about recruitment and promotion. UEL has clear policy about advertising Principal Lecturer jobs – no automatic promotion
- SFR and PRF equivalent to PL and SL – resulted for move across when grades made equivalent
- Questions about professors, readers and management grades- Profs and readers combined – management separate. Separate readers from professors and do a detailed analysis of ProfGrades. ML
- Hourly paid lecturers are appointed by individual schools and HR has no central data. During AS process we must look at this – include in action plan.
- ACE needs more exploring
- Action Plan
- The draft was reviewed and each proposed point discussed in detail.ML to write revised plan. Draft 2 to be circulated to group by ML
- Future meetings
- Consultation meeting discussed – either 24/9 or 1/10 depending on speaker
- ASAP: 8th October @ 10.30 in Dox
- Discussed finding support for data analysis.Irfaan doing recruitment data analysis.
Future Meetings 2014
Further meetings:
5Th November @ 1.30 in Stratford ( SC to find room)
28th November @11 in Dox