Performance & Finance Working Group No 42

Date of Meeting 9th July 2015Time 10:00-14:00

Venue: Council Chamber

Working Group Attendees
Val Potter (VP) / George Potter (GP)
Pam McGowan (PM) / Sheila Sharpe – (SS)
Sheila Baxter (SB) - Apologies / Denise Collins - (DC) - Apologies
Council Attendees
Roger Bayliss (RB) - Apologies / David Moxon (DM)
  1. Welcome
  • Apologies were received from RB and SB
  1. Minutes from previous meeting – 30/04/2015
  • Minutes were accepted as a true record of previous meeting.
  • All actions were responded to by DM with exception of understanding what the 5080:0787 plans would be for 2015/16 – to be carried forward
  1. Year End Outturn
  • The Working Groupwas taken through the 2014/15 year end outturn summary based on the published outturn data.
  • DM explained that the original forecast deficit was now a slight surplus of £12k due in the main to an under-spend of £2M against Yr3 DHIP activity.
  1. Business Plan Opportunities
  • DM that a number of opportunities presented themselves for 2016/17 and beyond, which included New Build, Empty Homes ‘Plus’ Standard, additional costs associated with larger team structures, additional spend on capital projects.
  • All of these however would need to be modelled against the Business Plan in order to be able to accurately plan for income against expenditure across the 35 years of the plan.
  • DM modelled the impact in terms of short term cash flow as well as the ability to pay back the short terms loans due in 2022/23.
  1. Empty Homes Review
  • DM explained that the service was committed to investing more energy in terms of securing quicker turnaround of empty homes as well as including more items of choice for the incoming tenant including for example kitchen surfaces as well as tile colours.
  1. Tenant Key Measures
  • The key measures were not published as planned in July’s In Touch Magazine due to some challenges being received from SMT as to the focus of some of the measures.
  • DM to send out a summary of these challenges prior to the next Working Group Meeting and to include as an agenda item on the 3rd September meeting.
  1. NFI Review
  • DM shared the results from the Experian credit check against our tenants advising that of 4,158 just 199 had been declared as very high or high risk. As a result of the costs for further access to the detail behind the 199 DM explained that he felt this was not VfM. The Working Group agreed with DM’s approach.

Actions: (All for DM)

Would consideration be given to established of a ‘hotline’ for reporting of damage to property caused by aircraft at EMA?

Provide a cost for the re-concreting works to SS property

SS advised that following a recent repair, G Purchase had not requested any sign off documentation for the repairs completed

Depreciation charges on property was £3.9M in 14/15 is this not simply a paper exercise and if not why not?

Understand the plans for 5080:0787 Annual Report budget line.