Kindergarten / Art’s & Craft’s K-2
Mixed Activities K-2 / Art’s & Craft’s K-1
Mixed Activities K-1 / T-Ball (Kindergarten Only)
First Grade / Art’s & Craft’s K-2
Mixed Activities K-2 / Coach Pitch 1-2 (Boys & Girls)
Art’s & Craft’s K-1
Mixed Activities K-1 / Mixed Activities 1-2
Second Grade / Art’s & Craft’s K-2
Mixed Activities K-2 / Coach Pitch 1-2 (Boys & Girls)
Children’s Theatre 2-6 / Mixed Activities 1-2
Art’s & Craft’s 2-3
Cheer/Drill Team 2-6
Third Grade / Volleyball 3-5
Golf 3-5 (Monday’s & Wednesday’s)
Flag Football 3-4 / Children’s Theatre 2-6
Mixed Activities 3-5 (Frisbee Golf, etc)
Golf 3-4 (Tuesday & Thursday) / Cheer/Drill Team 2-6
Art’s & Craft’s 2-3
Golf 3-5 (Monday’s & Wednesday’s)
Golf 3-5 (Tuesday’s & Thursday’s)
Fourth Grade / Volleyball 3-5
Golf 3-5 (Monday’s & Wednesday’s)
Flag Football 3-4 / Children’s Theatre 2-6
Mixed Activities 3-5 (Frisbee Golf, etc)
Golf 3-4 (Tuesday & Thursday) / Cheer/Drill Team 2-6
Golf 3-5 (Monday’s & Wednesday’s)
Golf 3-5 (Tuesday’s & Thursday’s)
Fifth Grade / Volleyball 3-5
Golf 3-5 (Monday’s & Wednesday’s)
Flag Football 5-6 / Children’s Theatre 2-6
Golf 5-8 (Monday’s & Wednesday’s)
Mixed Activities 3-5 (Frisbee Golf, etc) / Cheer/Drill Team 2-6
Golf 3-5 (Monday’s & Wednesday’s)
Golf 3-5 (Tuesday’s & Thursday’s)
Sixth Grade / Golf 6-8 (Tuesday’s & Thursday’s)
Flag Football 5-6 / Children’s Theatre 2-6
Golf 5-8 (Monday’s & Wednesday’s)
Junior High Softball 6-8 / Cheer/Drill Team 2-6
Golf 6-8 (Monday’s & Wednesday’s)
Golf 6-8 (Tuesday’s & Thursday’s)
Seventh & Eighth Grade / Golf 6-8 (Tuesday’s & Thursday’s) / Golf 5-8 (Monday’s & Wednesday’s)
Junior HighBaseball 7-8
Junior High Softball 6-8 / Golf 6-8 (Monday’s & Wednesday’s)
Golf 6-8 (Tuesday’s & Thursday’s)
2009 Summer Recreation Schedule of Morning Activities
Activity / Location / Activity / LocationArts & Crafts / Elementary ArtRoom / Volleyball / Elementary Gym
Mixed Activities (K-2) / Elementary Outdoor Courts / Golf (will meet 2 times/week) / Golf Course/Driving Range
T-Ball / Sports Complex Soccer Fields / Mixed Activities (3-5) / Sports Complex Soccer Fields
Coach Pitch / Sports Complex Soccer Fields / Softball 6-8 / Sports Complex South Field
Children’s Theatre / Elementary Music Room / Baseball 7-8 / Sports Complex North Field
Cheer/Drill Team / Elementary Gym / Flag Football / Sports Complex Soccer Fields
Summer Recreation PM Schedule
Below is the schedule for our afternoon and evening programs.
**these are scheduled practice times, game times will vary**
Baseball & SoftballActivity Schedule
Activity / Days / Time / Location3rd-4th baseball / Monday-Thursday / 4:00-5:00 pm / Sports Complex
3-5th softball / Monday–Thursday / 5:00-6 :00pm / Sports Complex
5th baseball / Monday-Thursday / 6:00-7:00 pm / Sports Complex (South Field)
6th baseball / Monday-Thursday / 6:00-7:00 pm / Sports Complex (North Field)
The Summer Reading Program “Be Creative @ Your Library” is scheduled for June 1-June 30. Sign-up nowat the Library and if you have any questions you are encouraged to call the Library at 476-5651.
Payment & Delivery of Registration Forms
Make checks payable to RockValley Summer Recreation. The registration deadline is Friday, May 1 but please turn in ASAP.
Late forms will be charged $15 per child and no late forms will be accepted after May 8.
Please return the first page of this registration form by mail to:
RockValley Summer Recreation
Rock Valley, IA 51247
OR: Drop it off at either the City Office (southeast entrance) or your school office.
Please call 476-9300 if you have any questions on the registration process.