Pan Sussex MACSE Form
Form Guidance
Section 1 / To be completed by Sussex Police- - Initial information
- - Safe and Well check / Missing
Section 2 / Missing Service Risk Assessment
- To be completed by Partner Agencies and Police
Section 2: Missing Service Risk Assessment
Please tick the relevant triggers which impact your victim based on the support criteria below. Please provide details of why the victim is impacted by this trigger in the Supporting Explanation Section on pages 8- 10.
Vulnerabilities largely relates to the victims family background and reviews all historic information, thus there is no time frame defining these characteristics. Any evidence of these indicators should be ticked. The Characteristics mostly refer to family relationships and not issues linked to a boyfriend/girlfriend. Characteristics relating to partners are included later in the assessment.
Moderate Risk Indicators & Significant / High Risk Indicators
The following sections of the form can be informed from the following sources: Police Crime data, Police intelligence data, Police CAD records, Police Missing Reports, Parent or Carer information, NHS Medical Records, Education records, Child services records, Charity records and any other relevant Stakeholder information. Open source (internet based) information can also be included. The information does not have to be corroborated/reliable or confirmed to be true. However the information should be referenced (ideally with a number) to a database or source such as a Professional in the field.
Where the answer to triggers is unknown efforts should be made to contact the relevant departments or services to ascertain the required information. If it remains unknown no score / tick would be given.
Moderate – Triggers that require further explanation
- Absent More than 5 times: Please only include ‘Absents’ in this section. Misper Data is included later in the form.
- Multiple callers – This includes male and/or females. As well as younger or older persons
- Linked to Criminality – The person can be a victim or suspect of any criminal activity. This can include intelligence where the victim is believed to be linked to criminal activity based on intelligence/information. This does not include the person as a witness or child involved in a criminal matter.
- Change in Appearance – Coming home looking different encompasses returning looking well / looked after despite having no known base, perhaps even in new clothing/accessories. Or coming home looking unwell, mistreated, unhappy or disheveled. Alternatively this may include a change in image/style over time.
- Expression or despair or disabilities - This does not have to be diagnosed or confirmed. Suspected or believed symptoms should be included.
- Use of Mobile Phone / Internet that causes concerns – This covers a diverse range of activities and Professional judgment should be used. The victim should be asked about their usage of mobiles and the internet.
- Gang Association – The victim at risk associates with male or female gang members of any age.
- Drug Misuse – Please tick if the victim is linked to drug activity in the first box (1 point), if the victim is known to use on a weekly basis also tick the second box (a further 1 point), if the drug is known to be Class A please also tick the final box (a further 1 point) as well as the other boxes. This area could score a maximum of 3 points.
- Alcohol Misuse – If infrequent use please tick the first box (Just 1 point), if alcohol abuse occurs weekly please tick both boxes giving a score of 2 points.
Significant (High) Risk Indicators
Information/Intelligence is split into time frames - current (previous 6 months) and past (6 to 12 months ago). If symptoms are present during both time frames please tick both boxes and score accordingly.
- Periods of going Missing. This assesses the frequency of reported Misper activity on Police Compact systems. If occurrence is 5 times or less in the given time period please score as normal OR if they have been missing more than 6 times in the stated time period please tick the second box and multiple by 2. For example if in Current time frame & more than 6 times score would be 5 x2 = 10. If in past time frames and missing more than 6 times x2 =2. If the victim has been a Misper in both time frames (Current & past) please complete both boxes. However DO NOT tick 5 or less and 6 + box during the same time frame. The form does not assess the duration of the missing period. Comments/concerns should be added to the Supporting Explanation section and professional judgment used.
During the MASCE Meeting
During the MACSE meeting the victim will be assessed with as much of the form completed prior to the meeting. The group will agree upon the triggers and score. (Misper Coordinators to expand upon guidance detail in this section if required).
Scoring Brackets
Brackets determining the individual as High, Medium or Low risk will be set once each Division has assessed 10-15 individuals each; this will test the form and ensure consistency. A working group made up of Police and other stakeholders will analysis the scores and determine the risk brackets.
Once the victim is a assessed as High, Medium or Low risk, a range of actions/tactical options will be agreed upon and a review date set to bring the individual back to the MACSE meeting process. The review dates should be set in accordance to the bracket of risk.
Section 1
Initial Information and Safe and Well check/Missing
Form Completions and Review DateSections / Completed by / Date
Section 1 Completed
Section 2 Completed
MACSE Review Date
Summary - Reason for looking at individual
Details of Young Person
D.O.B/ Age
First language
Other language
Responsible LA
Looked After Child (CLA)
Subject to Child Protection Plan (CPP) or Child in Need (Specify)
School attended or alternative educational provision
YP mobile number
Details of Parent/ Carer/Responsible Adult
First language
Other language
Contact number
Police Safe and Well check / Missing Information
Number of previous missing episodes in the last three months / Number of previous absent episodes in the last three months
Has the YP been involved in criminality during missing/absent episodes? / Yes No
Unknown / Details of criminality during missing/absent / Information to risk taking Historic
Date(s) of this missing episode
Does the YP have any risky associates or associates involved in CSE/criminality/gangs?
Are there any KNOWN risks associated with attending the home for a return interview?
Section 2
Missing Service Risk Assessment
Police to complete as much as possible before forwarding to relevant third parties for further information gathering
Is the child receiving support or services from any other agency? / Yes NoUnknown / If other agencies are involved please list them here e.g. CAMHS etc. / Unknown
Has sexual exploitation previously been identified as a specific issue for this child? / Yes No
Unknown / Young person’s level of engagement with services – / Unknown
Are there any historic or current CSE investigations involving the child? / Yes No
Unknown / Details of CSE investigations.
Are there any historic or current non CSE investigations involving the child? / Yes No
Unknown / Details of non CSE investigations.
Vulnerabilities (1 point each) / Please tick / Vulnerabilities (1 point each) / Please tick
Emotional neglect by parent/carer/family member / Family history of mental health difficulties
Physical abuse by parent/carer/family member / Lowself-esteem
Sexual abuse / Unsuitable/inappropriate accommodation
Breakdown of family relationships / Isolated from peers/social networks
Family history of abuse/neglect/ domestic abuse (Incl HBV) / Lack of positive relationship with a protective/nurturing adult
Family history of substance misuse / Hostility between Child and parents/carers/family members
Unsure of sexual orientation or unable to disclose to family/friends / Migrant/refugee/asylum seeker (Incl trafficked)
Score (Max 14) / 0
Moderate Risk indicators (1 point each ) / Please tick if present on date of referral or during the past 6months
Sexually Active / Multiple Partners
Absent more than 5 times
Significantly older boyfriend/girlfriend (4yrs+)
Multiple callers (unknown adults or adults of concern - older or young people)
Linked to Criminal Activity
Change in appearance / inappropriate clothing / Coming home looking different/New things
Expressions of despair (self-harm, overdose, eating disorder, challenging behavior, aggression, suffers from mental health)
Learning and or Physical Disability
Use of a mobile phone that causes concern
Use of Internet that causes concern
Gang association
Perpetrators of victim are known, linked to gangs/OCG’s or associates are sex offenders.
Drugs misuse
Frequent/Regular (Weekly)
Class A
Alcohol misuse
Frequent/ Regular (Weekly)
Exclusion from school or unexplained absences from (Truant) or not engaged in school/college/training/work
Lack of support for Police Investigation for Sexual/Physical assault
Child and /or parents has inconsistent or no engagements with services
Score (Max 20) / 0
Significant (High) Risk Indicators / Please tick if present between 6and 12 months ago (1 Point) / Please tick if present on date of referral or during past 6 months (5Points)
Discloses sexual /physical assault
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), pregnancy/termination of pregnancy.
Peers involved in sexual exploitation
Periods of going missing
5 times or Less
6+ / (x2) / (x2)
Physical abuse by controlling adult or
Physical injuries with no adequate explanations
Emotional abuse by controlling adult
Entering/leaving vehicles driven by unknown adults / adults of concern
(not taking and driving away: car theft)
Unexplained amounts of money, expensive clothing, mobile phones or other items
Paid/given money for sex or other items for sexual favors
Frequenting areas and /or Premises known for on/off street sexual exploitation
Being taken to clubs/hotels/houses and engaging in sexual activity
Abduction/false imprisonment
Online grooming
Under 16 and meeting adults to engage in sexual activity
Victim introducing others into a sexually exploitive relationship
Under 13 years (Scores 5)
Score (Max 16/85) / 0 / 0
SERAF Score / Grand Total (Max score 135)
Risk Category / 46+ – HIGH
25-45 – MEDIUM
00-24– LOW
Supporting Explanation Section
VulnerabilitiesEmotional neglect by parent/carer/family member
Physical abuse by parent/carer/family member
Sexual abuse
Breakdown of family relationships
Family history of abuse/neglect/ domestic abuse (Incl HBV)
Family history of substance misuse
Unsure of sexual orientation or unable to disclose to family/friends
Family history of mental health difficulties
Low self-esteem
Unsuitable/inappropriate accommodation
Isolated from peers/social networks
Lack of positive relationship with a protective/nurturing adult
Hostility between Child and parents/carers/family members
Migrant/Refugee/asylum seeker (Incl trafficked)
Moderate Risk Indicators
Sexually Active / Multiple Partners
Absent more than 5 times
Significantly older boyfriend/girlfriend (4yrs+)
Multiple callers (unknown adults/older or young people)
Linked to Criminal Activity
Change in appearance / inappropriate clothing / Coming home looking different / New things. Expressions of despair (self-harm, overdose, eating disorder, challenging behavior, aggression, suffers from mental health)
Learning and or Physical Disability
Use of a mobile phone that causes concern
Use of Internet that causes concern
Gang association
Perpetrators of victim are known, linked to gangs/OCG’s or associates are sex offenders.
Drugs misuse incl Frequent/Regular (Weekly)& Drug Class
Alcohol misuse Incl Frequent/ Regular (Weekly)
Exclusion from school or unexplained absences from or not engaged in school/college/training/work
Lack of support for Police Investigation for Sexual/Physical assault
Child and /or parents has inconsistent or no engagements with services
Significant (High) Risk Indicators
Discloses sexual /physical assault
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), pregnancy/termination of pregnancy
Peers involved in sexual exploitation
Periods of going missing. Please included Frequency/Dates
Physical abuse by controlling adult or Physical injuries with no adequate explanations
Emotional abuse by controlling adult
Entering/leaving vehicles driven by unknown adults / adults of concern
Unexplained amounts of money, expensive clothing, mobile phones or other items
Paid/given money for sex or sexual favors
Frequenting areas known for on/off street sexual exploitation
Being taken to clubs/hotels/houses and engaging in sexual activity
Abduction/false imprisonment
Online grooming
Under 16 and meeting adults to engage in sexual activity
Victim introducing others into a sexually exploitive relationship
Under 13 years
Any additional notes from Police or third parties
Minutes and Actions
Date / Reference / Minutes / Actions1 of 1