Chronicle of the Niessen Family
Familienchronik Niessen
Chronicle of the Niessen Family
Paul Niessen
Translated, Annotated, and with an Introduction by Jim Niessen
Written by Paul Niessen, Cologne, Germany, ca. 1938; excerpts translated, illustrated and annotated with an historical introduction by Jim Niessen, 1985, transcribed in 1976 from the original bound manuscript in the possession of Edgar Niessen, presently residing in Eckernförde, West Germany. Note: illustrations are missing from the online version.
[Historical Introduction: The Niessens came from the Rhineland (Rheinland), the lowland between the lower Rhine and the Belgian/Dutch borders. The area was conquered from local Germanic tribes by Julius Caesar in 58-51 BC, and remained under Roman rule until Roman legions were withdrawn in the early fifth century AD. Several towns were actually founded by the Romans, like Cologne (Köln) and Neuss near Düsseldorf; Roman roads are many, and the original Christianization of the area dates from this period, as well. The Archbishopric of Cologne was founded by Charlemagne in the late eighth century, and the Archbishop founded a Benedictine Monastery on the present site of the Niessens' former home town, Mönchengladbach (Mönche = monks) in 976. A market developed there, and in 1364-66 it received the privileges of a city from the ruler of the immediately surrounding area, the Margrave of Jülich. There was heavy fighting and devastation in the area in the sixteenth through eighteenth centuries due to its situation on the borderland between the rival Holy Roman Empire (of which Jülich was a constituent principality), the Spanish Netherlands (Belgium), and France. In 1794 the Rhineland became one of the first conquests (liberated territories) of Revolutionary France. German nationalism was as yet weakly developed, and considerable evidence, including some in this Chronicle, indicates that common people were not unhappy to exchange the conventional despotism of their local princes for Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, the slogan of the Revolution. French rule also greatly stimulated the development of the local textile industry, since Napoleon's Continental System excluded British textiles and created a demand for alternate supplies. After the withdrawal of Napoleon in 1813, the Rhineland became a Prussian province, so that local proponents of the Revolution of 1848 had to deal with the Prussian army. Yet the Rhineland was one of the most radical regions of Germany, as it had by now many cities, a large middle and working class, and the most radical newspaper of its day, the Rheinische Zeitung (Rhenish News), edited by Karl Marx—who indeed drew some of the inspiration for his ideas from the conditions in factories such as those of Mönchengladbach. In 1870-1 the "blood and iron" of Bismarck created the German Empire. The following period is known by historians as the Gründerzeit (founding age) for its industrial boom but also for its militarism and for Bismarck's cynical method of rule by singling out Reichsfeinde (enemies of the Empire)—Catholics, Socialists and Frenchmen—for special abuse.
Mönchengladbach had a population of 8560 in 1804, little more in the 1830s when Hermann Niessen settled there, 53,662 when his son, Franz, emigrated to America in about 1895, and roughly 200,000 today. One-third of German textile production is produced in Mönchengladbach, and many of the workers, including many in the Carl Niessen plant there, are Turkish, Yugoslav and North African Arab guest workers. The town is probably best known by Germans today for its professional soccer team, Borussia-Mönchengladbach. It is situated in North Rhine-Westphalia (Nordrhein-Westfalen), the most densely populated and heavily industrialized province of the Federal Republic of Germany.
The narrator of the Chronicle was the son of the brother of Franz Niessen, and hence all references in the text to father, grandfather, etc. must be understood in this light.]
The author: Paul Niessen, March 5, 1876 - July 15, 1945. March 3, 1901 consecrated a priest: 1901-1908 Vicar in Malmedy. 1908 Director of the parish school [Pfarr-Rektor] in Köln-Zollstock; 1913 pastor; 1941 spiritual councillor; Feb. 15, 1944 Honorary Canon of the Köln [Cologne] Cathedral.
Niessen [picture of coat of arms]
This Niessen coat of arms was taken from the "Neuer Siebmacher." [a heraldic reference work] It is the coat of arms of a Rhenish family "Niessen," and among other places it has been observed in a village on the Mosel and in Trier. Whether our family has used it, cannot be proven. I propose that we adopt it as family coat of arms. [This coat of arms is on the factory wall and trucks of the "Carl Niessen Textilveredlung" (=C.N. Textile Finishing) company in Mönchengladbach today.]
The name Niessen [NB: variously written Nuesfen, Nuessen, or Nuesen in the manuscript] (or Nysen, Neysen, etc.) is very frequent in the Rhineland, especially on the lower Rhine. For instance, the Cologne address book for 1938 lists 186 Niessens. Of course, they are not all from the same family. The name comes from Dionysius (French Denis; in Malmedy this was pronounced Deniss). St. Dionysius, the first Bishop of Paris, lived in the 3rd century. He was a popular saint among the Lower Franks. In the Archdiocese of Cologne (including Aachen) there are 14 churches consecrated to him (including one in Dovern near Erkelenz)—A few traits of the Niessens can be mentioned. They are large (a relative in Borschemich once told me that his grandfather used to say that the Niessens always had been as tall as trees), light blond hair, and blue eyes. Among their mental traits: intelligence, strong persistence (almost obstinacy), thus tenacious retention of that which is considered right and good (every one of the descendants is Catholic), loyalty, a sense of justice, and finally a great joy in and love of nature: flowers, birds, horses, etc. The predilection for the last of these is supposedly due to the fact that Hungarian blood flows in our veins. This is what Dean [i.e. chief of the district clergy] Gisbertz, whose mother was a Niessen, told me many years ago. We have found no trace of any Hungarian blood in the family tree.
The earliest [ascertainable] ancestor of our tribe was called "Neiss"=Dionysius, without family name. He was a Halfen or Halbwinner on a large estate in Houverath, Kleingladbach parish. (Tenant, who rendered half of his harvest for the use of the land; Latin "villieus"). We can set the date of the birth of Neiss at about 1610. He was married to Sophia. They have no family names in the baptismal certificates of their children. From a remark in the Lagenbuch [land register] of the district of Wassenberg from 1669 we learn that her name was Dederichs ("Theo Dederichs and his son-in-law Neiss pledge to [the latter's] son Wilhelm house and land for 3 Albus, 1 Heller"—State Archives, Dusseldorf. Lagenbuch of the District of Wassenberg for 1669.) "Neiss Halffen" is also to be found in a list of hereditary oaths of allegiance, in this case the fealty which all male subjects had to swear on the succession of a new prince of the Duchy of Jülich-Kleveberg. "Neiss Halfen from the parish of Kleingladbach" swore this oath of fealty to Duke Heinrich Wilhelm of Jülich on November 29, 1666. The protocol was taken by the commissioners of the Duke: Heinrich Wilhelm Baron von und zu Lerodt and Christian von Ghor. (State Archives, Dusseldorf. Jülich-Berg, Papers II 2383)
Documents show the following children of "Neiss":
1)Stephan (on June 5, 1661 had a child, baptized "Johann". The wife was Elisabeth. Godparents: Rudolf Mahr and Eva "raedtemeckers").
2)Wilhelm (married Maria Hillen, April 24, 1667. Witnesses: Goswig Schoers and Arnold Hillen).
3)Anna (together with Arnold Hillen, she was the godmother of Theodor, son of Wilhelm Niessen and Maria on August 18, 1668).
4)Matthias (was godfather, with "Cath. Theodou" Schroers uxor [Mrs.], of Theodor [a second of this name], son of Wilhelm N. and Maria, August 25, 1669.
5)Heinrich (he had a son, Johann, baptized on August 25, 1686. The wife was Iven Jansen. Godparents were Christian N. and Ivingen Gotzen.
6)Engelbert (Baptismal certificate: "28.Mai 1658 bapt. est Engelbertus, filius Dionysii, villici in Hoverath et Sophiae uxoris. Susceperunt: Pet. Wilh. Kremers et Gertrudis Conradi Schenen uxor" [=On May 28, 1658 was baptized Engelbert, son of Dionysius, Halffe in Houverath, and his wife Sophia. Godparents: Peter Wilhelm Kremers and Mrs. Gertrud Conrad Schenen.]
7)Christian (Baptismal certificate: "9. Apr. 1667 bapt. est Christianus, fil. Dionysii Halffmanns in Hoverath et Sophiae uxoris. Susceperunt: Tilmann Corsten et Anna Essers) [=On April 9, 1667 was baptized Christian, son of Dionysius, Halffe in Houverath, and his wife Sophia. Godparents: Tilmann Corsten and Anna Essers.]
All children bore the name "Neysen."
Engelbert married on October 10, 1689 Angelika Cremers (Kremerss) Witnesses were Peter Kremers and Johannes Schosser (who was the sacristan). The marriage produced the following children:
1)Catharina (born in Houverath October 19, 1690. Godparents: Christian N. and Kath. Bertrams).
2)Dionysius (born November 7, 1692. As the eldest son he received the name of the grandfather. Godparents: Mich. Neysen and Mechtild Cremers).
3)Tilmann (born in Golkrath. Apparently the family settled there. There are still many Niessens in Golkrath today. (Baptized in Klein Gladbach [the parish seat; G. was apparently a new village] October 16, 1693. Godparents: Reiner N. and Kath. Gotzen. Tilmann died early.)
4)Tilmann (born in Golkrath May 17, 1695. Godparents: Joh. Theisen, substituted for by Tilmann Holzbecker, and Noelgen Tewess from Hechehoven).
5) Peter (born April 10, 1697 in Golkrath. Godparents: Reiner Poters and Mechtild Gerhartss).
6)Catharina (born March 7, 1699. Godparents: Dionys Knepper and Elis. Janssen).
7)Matthias (born March 16, 1701 in Golkrath. Godparents: Gottfried Neysen and Kath. Kleinen).
Matthias married Gertrud Seyben, the daughter of David Seyben and Marg. Krahen, born October 28, 1701 in Borschemich near Erkelenz, Keyenberg parish. The following children of the couple were found:
1)Tilmann, born ca. 1725-30 in Borschemich.
2)David, died August 21, 1795 at the age of 60.
3)Anna Cath., died Sept. 28, 1781, about 33 years old.
4)Agnes Brigitta, died 1789.
5)Konrad, died unmarried Sept. 8, 1795, 48 years old.
From 1730 on Mathias Niessen (or "Mattheiss Nyssen") is listed in the Send [annual court session to judge church transgressions of parishioners] records of Keyenberg, for instance in 1737, 1739, 1740. The session took place in Keyenberg on Passion Sunday ("Sinodus parochialis in Dom. pass. 1730" or "Annotativ nominium Parochianorum in Dom. pass. 1740" or "nomina eorum qui ex filiali Borschemich tenentur ad sindoum laicalem in Keyenberg pro anno 1735." [=names of those from the daughter parish of Borschemich attending the Send in Keyenberg in 1735.] In 1773 the sons Tilmann and David N. also appeared at the Send. Matthias apparently married into the village of Borschemich before 1730.
Tilmann, his eldest son, who was probably born in Borschemich, married about 1759 Kath. Schiffers (born Nov. 30, 1734 in Immerath) The children of this marriage were:
1)Catharine Gertrud, born March 1, 1760 in B. (Godparents: Franz Gottfried Schiffers, scabinus [=honorary judge] from Immerath and Cath. Niessen from Golkrath, for her: Sophie N. from Keyenberg. Cath. Gertrud married Feb. 23, 1782 Adolf Kamp from Düsseldorf.
2)Matthias (named after the grandfather) born March 29, 1763 in E., died December 22, 1840 in B. (Godparents: David N. from B. and Gertrud Mullers from Immerath), married Feb. 8, 1797 in Otzenrath with Anna Kath. Schneiders, born April 2, 1767 in Spenrath.
3)Johann Lambert, born Oct. 13, 1766, died Dec. 29, 1838. (Godparents: Christian Schillings from Immerath and Sibylla Schiefers from Jackerath, married Nov. 27, 1818 with Maria Ida Kath. Heilgers.
4)Maria Sophia Margarethe, born Jan. 5, 1770 in B., died Aug. 13, 1770 in B. (Godparents: Adam Sieben, church curator [Kirchmeister] in Keyenberg, and Magdalene Bosch, substituted for by Anna Maria Claessen, B.)
5)Johann Theodor, born Sept. 7, 1771 in B., died Aug. 17, 1819 (Godparents: Theodor Fischer and Cäzilie Niessen from Immerath; married June 25, 1799 with Gertrud Esser); he was the godfather of grandfather [Hermann] Niessen.
6)Franz Gottfried, born Feb. 26, 1775 in B. He was a pensioner [i.e. lived off an annuity]. Died 1856 in B. (Godparents: Joh. Gottfried Fischer and Christine Gertrud Schmitz from B.) It is said of him that 3 French soldiers sought to recruit him. When they became importunate, he beat them so that they fled.)
7)Maria Magdalena, born May 13, 1776 in B., died Oct. 28, 1837. (Godparents: Christian Schiffer and Mechtild Kupper from Immerath, substituted for by Agnes N. from B., married July 28, 1801 with Joseph Heinrich Chuack.) Lambert (no. 3) was childless and Franz Gottfried (no. 6) remained unmarried. Both were wealthy heirs and therefore heavily courted. However, they bequeathed almost everything to the Gisbertz family, and the Niessens received a laughably small sum. For this reason, there was for a long time no friendship between the two families. Johann Theodor, no. 5, who on June 25, 1799 married Gertrud Esser from Bornheim "with dispensation", was already the father of a child: Marie Kath. Josefa N. This daughter married on Dec. 2, 1829 (Dec. 3 in the church) in Venrath to Johann Peter Gisbertz, born Dec. 9, 1799 in Venrath. The eldest child of this marriage was Lambert Theodor, born June 22, 1830 in Borschemich, died June 22, 1911 as Dean [church district chief] of Werden.
Matthias, born March 29, 1763 in Borschemich. He married Anna Katharina Schneiders, born April 2, 1767 in Spenrath; in documents M. was often called, erroneously, Mathieu=Mathäus. Children of this marriage were:
1)Johann Tilmann, born May 24, 1799 in Borschemich, our grandfather. (Godparents: Johann Theodor Niessen and Kath. Adolps [uncle and grandmother]). In the marriage registry he is listed as Jean Theodor, but he was called Hermann. "Hermann" now became the traditional name in our family (2 sons, two grandsons, one granddaughter, one great grandson, etc.)
2)Peter Anton, born July 2, 1800 in B.
3)Peter Anton, born Oct. 14, 1801, died May 4, 1864 in Anrath. He was a master shoemaker and married Elisabeth Bendt, born Oct. 10, 1809 in Anrath. Various children, grandchildren: Chaplain Hans Niessen descends from him.
4)Anna Magdalena, born March 24, 1803 in B., died Feb. 10, 1826 in an accident.
5)Anna Catharina, born Aug. 6, 1804 in B., married Johann Michael Hahl. Descendants live in B.
6)Anna Gertrud, born Jan. 20, 1806 in B., married Oct. 18, 1836 Johann Jakob Dederichs in B. There are descendants living in B.
7)Adam Napoleon, born March 28, 1808 in B., died May 9, 1808 in B.
8)Karl Napoleon, born April 5, 1809. Our father and his cousin are probably named Karl after him. Our father once had to pick up his uncle to take him to the Kirmes [parish fair] in [Mönchen-] Gladbach. The late Kirmes is in August. The road was long, and it was very hot. On the way they stopped at an inn. The uncle ordered a small glass of beer. Our father then ordered a large glass. The uncle stared at him, shocked, and said not another word the rest of the way. Arriving in Gladbach, he said to our grandfather: "Manes, pass ob dä Jung op, dat wöt ene Sueper." (Hermann, keep an eye on the boy, he will become a drinker. [plattdeutsch dialect]
Nearly all Niessens were peasants.
Four members of the family were Catholic priests:
1)Lambert Theodor Gisbertz, born June 22, 1830 in Borschemich (his mother was a Niessen), died June 22, 1911 as Dean of Werden.
2)Johann Adam Niessen, born Feb. 22, 1873 in Mönchengladbach, died Oct. 7, 1898 [sic] as Dean of Aldenhoven.
3)Johann Paul Niessen, born Aug. 5, 1876 in Mönchengladbach, now pastor in Köln-Zollstock, St. Pius.
4)Hans Niessen, born June 13, 1910 in Mönchengladbach-Neuwerk, now Chaplain in Würm, District of Geilenkirchen. He is an industrious researcher in family history, and I am grateful to him for much information. The oldest documents can be found in the church books of Borschemich and Keyenberg. NB: Side lines of the family tree were generally not researched. This would go too far afield. The complete family must be very large.
Our Grandmother, Barbara Niessen, neé Vennen, came from the village and parish of Korschenbroich, which belonged to the small sovereign territory [rechtsunmittelbaren Herrschaft] of Millendonk. The church books do not go very far back and are incomplete, so that the completion of a large family tree is not possible. A further difficulty arises through the frequent use of the same name in the Vennen family.
The name Vennen probably comes from water or swamp, like many names in this wet area. The oldest mention of the name Vennen is from the year 1546. Court was held at the Hochgedingen, which took place four times a year around 1500, and later, in the 18th century. Roads, fences, watercourses, in general everything of public significance, were examined. In a protocol for the day after a holy day [Sakramentstag] in 1546, we read: "In Neeosbrocih (near Korschenbroci) the commons [Freden] and fences were examined. . . Johann Vennen (and others) have the right to a hole" (for a well) (from Dr. Bremer, "Millendonk" p. 414). In 1647 a certain Theis Vennen was the dues collector of the Monastery of Neuwerk. In 1668 Theis and Maria Vennen donated an annuity of 4 Gulden, 8 Albus for the poor (ibid., p. 429, 440). Until 1700 the territories collected the communal taxes directly. The sovereign, Countess von Berlepsch, took this right over and entrusted it to her officials. After 1714 the commune again determined its tax officials, among them a certain Derich Vennen. The officials had to suffer imprisonment and various ordeals. For instance, the surgeon H. Leurs testified, with two witnesses, that on orders of Countess von Berlepsch the tax collector Dirk Vennen was beaten on the back until he was black and blue. Only in 1729 did the commune receive its right back by a ruling of the Imperial Court in Wetzlar (p. 191, 414). On Sept. 4, 1716 Adam Vennen leased the moor farm ["Heider- or Heierhof] from the heir Heinsberg for 12 years for an annual 27 Ml of oats, 50 lbs. of butter, 200 eggs, 1 calf, 1 pig or 4 Reichstalers [large silver coins], 10 Reichstalers church money, and 3 Reichstalers at New Years (p. 71). In ca. 1750 Vennen was required to regularly deliver hay and ice from Neeosbroich to Millendonk (p. 179).
In grain sales in Korschenbroich in 1781 a certain Peter Vennen is cited as a buyer (p. 293). The earliest Vennen in the family tree is the peasant Adam Vennen, born ca. 1690, married to Barbara Gyles or Geiles. Sons were Johann Peter, born 1726, and Johann, born 1729. (Godparents: Peter Heinrich Geiles and Maria Genter). Johann was a day laborer. On Jan. 2, 1762 he married Anna Welters and died in Korschenbroich on April 19, 1798. Anna Welters died Jan. 15, 1801. Their children were: Adam, born 1762, Cacilie, born 1767, Margarete Sib., born 1771, Maria Christine, born 1775. Adam was born March 25, 1762 in Korschenbroich and married there Anna Gertrud Rütters (also Ritter or Ritters), born Feb. 21, 1769 in Buttgen; she died Feb. 11, 1836 in Korschenbroich. Adam Vennen and Barbara Rütters are our great grandparents. From them is descended Barbara Vennen, our grandmother. Her mother, Anna Gertrud Rütters, descended from Konrad Matthias Rütters, born April 16, 1736 in Korschenbroich, who married Sibylla Plucks, born Sept. 2, 1734 as the daughter of Vitus Plucks and Christina Leven. The parents of Konrad Matthias [Rütters] were Matthias Rütters and Gertrud Heuren or Eva Schmitten (he was married twice). Matthias had a brother Reiner, who married Cath. Knalappen. (Children: Gertrud, born Dec. 11, 1729, and Maria Christina, born Aug. 2, 1731). Besides Konrad, he had 2 other sons: Reiner, married Dec. 25, 1777 to Gertrud Hellenbroich and Quirin, married in 1782 to Gertrud Bolten. It appears that our grandmother, Barbara Vennen, had no brothers or sisters, at least I have not heard of any. The name, Vennen, is still known today in Korschenbroich.