Igor Gräzin
Date and place of birth:27 June 1952, Tartu
Marital status: Single, two sons
Education: U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Institute of State and Law, Juris Doctor 1987; All-Union Institute of Law (Moscow), Candidate of Sciences (PhD) 1979;Tartu University, Faculty of Law (cum laude) 1975; Tartu Miina Härma Gymnasium1970
Career: 10th, 11th and 12th Riigikogu 2005–; Kennan Institute, Woodrow Wilson Center, public policy scholar (Washington, USA) 2004–2005; University Nord, Faculty of Law: pro-rector 2001–2003; dean 1999–2001; 8th Riigikogu 1995–1999; Ministry of Foreign Affairs adviser 1999;Kellogg Institute for International Studies faculty fellow and professor of law 1992–2000; University of Notre Dame, lecturer and professor 1990–2000; Academy of Sciences of Estonia, director of the Law Dept, Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Law, 1988–1989; University of Tartu: pro-dean of the Law Faculty 1986–1988; research fellow and assistant professor 1984–1986, senior lecturer, assistant and legal adviser to the Rector 1978–1984, lecturer in philosophy 1975–1978
Party affiliation: Estonian Reform Party 1994–
Membership in representative bodies: 8th, 10th (2005–2007), 11th and 12 th Riigikogu; Member of the 12th Supreme Council of the USSR and Congress of Peoples’ Deputies 1989–1991; Tallinn City Council 2002–2004
Social activities: Academic Society of Lawyers of Estonia, VC; member of the Taxpayers Union of Estonia; the Estonian Bar Association; the Federalist Society (USA); the American Association of University Professors; Rotary International; member of the Board of the Estonian Centre for Civic Education; member of the Estonian Broadcasting Council; member of the Board of the National Library of Estonia
Creative activities: books: Anglo-ameerika õigusfilosoofiast (On Anglo-American Philosophy of Law) 1983 and 1999; Lugemik poliitiliste õpetuste ajaloost I-II (Textbook of the History of Political Epistemology) and Vene poliitilis-juriidilise mõtte ajalugu (History of Russian Political & Legal Studies) 1987; Jeremy Bentham 1990; Parema käega (With the Right Hand: Old-Fashioned Radio-Stories) 1994; Poliitika kui depressioon ja enesetapp (Politics as Depression and Suicide) 1999; The Constitutional-Legal Framework of the U.S.S.R. on the Eve of its Downfall: the Parliamentarian Viewpoint 2000; From Behind the Velvet Curtain 2003; compilation of training materials for students; more than 100 articles on the philosophy of law and mythology, legal cognition and interpretation, property law in a transition society, etc., also articles on politics in the Estonian press
Hobbies: skiing, tennis, television, Kafka
April 12, 2011