HRIA Form 2B


Please complete this form in full and return via email to or send to HR Central Services, 5th Floor, Maxwell Building, The Crescent, Salford M5 4WT no later than 5pm on 15th July 2016(deductions will be made in September salaries)

Employee Number:
Job Title:
For part time employees only, please indicate number of hours worked each day:
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Sunday


Any incomplete forms will be returned to the employee.

By completing this form I am confirming that I have taken part in the Industrial Action consisting of strike actionon Tuesday 5th July 2016.

Please also confirm by clicking on the text in RED below (followed by the arrow on the right hand side of the box) whether you wish to make employee and employer pension contributions in respect of the day of strike action.*

Click here to choose a pensions response (see overleaf for printed and handwritten forms)


(no signature required if form returned by e mail)

*Notescontinued overleaf:

  • For each day of strike action 1/260 of annual salary will be withheld.
  • Members of USS who wish to maintain their death in service cover can elect to do so by informing HR in advance of the days they will be on strike. USS members may also “make up” pensionable service lost due to unpaid strike action i.e. by paying employee and employer pension contributions.
  • There is no provision within TPS to “make up” pensionable service lost due to unpaid strike action. Each strike day would be recorded as “days excluded” . However death in service cover wouldbe maintained as there would be a continuous contract of employment.
  • LGPS members may “make up” pensionable service lost due to unpaid strike action i.e. by paying employee and employer pension contributions provided that such payments are made within 30 days of the action. Death in service cover would be maintained.
  • Any Hourly Paid Appointments do not need to complete this deduction form as they simply do not claim hours for any strike action they take

IMPORTANT NOTE: There is no requirement for you to notify us of your participation in strike action until AFTER the day/s of action. However, a USS member may choose to do so in advance in order to protect life cover for the day of action, following direction from their UCU representative and review of the Q&A on the USS website.

For printed and handwritten forms:

By completing this form I am confirming that I have taken part in the Industrial Action consisting of strike actionon Tuesday 5th July 2016.

Please also confirm by ticking the box below whether you wish to make employee and employer pension contributions in respect of the day of strike action.*

I wish to make employee and employer contributions

I DO NOT wish to make employee and employer contributions

USS Member – I wish to make death in service contributions only

TPS member – Not applicable

Not in a pension scheme – Not applicable
