Data Submission to UK Data Archive – a service provider for the Economic and Social Data Service (ESDS)
Please supply the following information to enable UKDA to review the data collection in relation to our acquisition criteria. We will contact you if we need further details and to inform you whether your data are suitable for archiving.
Please ensure that the complete data collection can be submitted within two months, if accepted.
1. Dataset title: MoSeS Individual, Household and Communal Establishment Populations for 20012. Contact details:
Name: Andy Turner / Position:Researcher
Department/Section:CCG, School of Geography
Institute/Organisation:The University of Leeds
Postcode:LS2 9JT / Tel:0113 3433309
3. Abstract: Please give a brief description of the project in less than 300 words:
Various data are created for the UK at Output Area level. These are comprised of either: collections of Individual Sample of Annonymised Records or their ID; or a combination of these and collections of Household Sample of Annonymised Records or their ID. These data are combined with Census Aggregate Statistics AreaCodes. The combination represents sets from the Sample of Annonymised Records that’s aggregate characteristics fit those of the Census Aggregate Statistics.
The fit is given by a function which has been designed for a specific or general use. A heuristic search is performed to optimise fit. Such optimisation is also control constrained mainly by age and gender ensuring these groups are identical to those in the Census Aggregate Statistics.
Please also give five key words describing the study:Demography, Census, UK, 2001, MoSeS
4. Funding:
Grant number: (if applicable) RES-149-25-0034
Principal Investigator(s): Mark Birkin
ESRC Research Programme: (if applicable):NCeSS
5. Data collection method(s): e.g. postal survey, clinical measurements, telephone interview,
in-depth interview, observation, focus group etc. Sources used: If the data were derived in whole or in part from other published or unpublished, printed or electronic sources, please give references to the original material and confirm that all copyright permissions have been sought and granted.
The source data are ONS. The Census Aggregate Statistics were obtained from MIMAS via CASWEB. The Individual Sample of Annonymised Records and the Household Sample of Annonymised Records were sourced from ESDS. The Household Sample of Annonymised Records has a special license, so for the derived works we need to take care that our submission is right with this (this may depend on the details and format for delivery – see below).
6a. Size and details of complete dataset: Please give quantities for all the elements of your data collection, e.g. numbers of datafiles, cases and variables, interview transcripts, audio-cassette tapes, semi-structured questionnaires, video cassette tapes, photographs etc.
There are approximately 60Million records in each dataset. Each record comprises:
an Output Area code, e.g 00DAFA0001
a Household or Communal establishment identifier, either “HP” or “CEP”
For data comprising only Individual Sample of Annonymised Records the further field is the Individual Sample of Annonymised Record ID. For data where the household population is comprised from the Household Sample of Annonymised Records, against “HP” the values are Household Sample of Annonymised Record ID and against “CEP” the values are Individual Sample of Annonymised Record ID.
For qualitative data:Please send 3 samples of interview transcripts in electronic form.
6b. Formats of complete dataset: Please give formats for all the elements of your data collection, e.g. SPSS, STATA, Excel, WORD 9, Beta video tape, compact audio cassette, typed paper (only in cases where no electronic version exists.)
These can be as you like, but I suggest Comma Separated Version Files.
7. Entities being studied or recorded: Please describe the principal units (persons, groups, institutions or others) e.g. teachers, small businesses, planning applications & give number of each.
UK Human Population in 2001
8. Documentation: Please list all available documentation relating to the data e.g. description of methodology, interview schedule, topic guide, questionnaire, and End of Award report, if applicable.
For qualitative data: Please send an example of the documentation in electronic form.
For quantitative data: Please send a copy of the questionnaire in electronic form.
9. Access conditions: It is standard practice for the UK Data Archive to grant access to data from the date of deposit. If you consider this would not be possible, please give reasons.
10. Confidentiality:
i)Please provide details of consent agreements made (if any) with respondents. If there is an electronic copy, please send this along with any data samples.
ii)If accepted for deposit, the dataset may require editing to remove key identifiers e.g. personal names unless prior consent has been obtained to retain this level of information. Please indicate if this is an issue and outline your proposals for the anonymistion of the data collection. Further advice is available at the following URL: and by contacting .
I see no reason why the data cannot be made publicly available. However, to be useful, users will need to be registered and acquire the source data for reconstruction..
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: In cases where any materials are transferred to the UK Data Archive for the purposes of review, whilst every care will be taken to preserve the physical integrity of the Data Collection, the University of Essex shall incur no liability, either expressed or implicit, for the Data Collection or for the loss of or damage to any part of the Data Collection.
This form can be returned electronically to:
Data Submission Form v210/18/2018