Minutes of the Meeting held on the 22.2.18 umphreysHat Llanymynech Village Hall.

PRESENT: Councillors Dilys Gaskill (Chairman), Ken Allcock, Peter McConville, Ian Pollitt, Peter Roberts, Barry Robinson, Janet Smith and Mark Vickers, Clerk Vivien Byrne and PC Mark Moth.

18/020 APOLOGIES: Councillor Adam Brown (family commitment) Robin Hitch (hol) Terry Mason (hol). These reasons were approved.

18/021 POLICE REPORT. PC Mark Moth was in attendance and gave the report of 8 incidents.

Of these 3 were anti social behaviour and 5 domestic incidents. There had been reports of a male going door to door in Pant, a drunken customer in the Bradford Arms, and finally a neighbour dispute. The outcome of the incident at Llanymynech Village Hall which caused damage to the roof was queried and PC Moth agreed to report back on this item. Legality was queried about a car regularly parked in Pant Memorial Hall.

18/022 MATTERS RAISED BY THE PUBLIC. No attendance.

18/023 SHROPSHIRE COUNCIL REPORT. Cllr Lee was not in attendance.


18/025HIGHWAY MATTERS. The Roads Strategy for the area had been published and the Llanymynech and Pant bypass is shown for completion by 2030. Highway lights on the A483 numbers 49 to 52 opposite the Pant Memorial Hall were not working, the Clerk had reported these to Highways England. Badgers Green estate roads – The Chairman had been arranging to meet the CEO of Shropshire Council, during the process Mark Wootton had replied to her and apologised for the delay in adoption of the roads and said this was dependent on a lighting report and this will take some time. The Clerk had been receiving complaints about lights on the estate not working and she had reported these to Shropshire Council for repair. Cllr Vickers reported the salt bin is now full. A new entrance onto the mini island on the B4398 opposite Heritage Way and removal of the hedge to be reported to SC Highways Department with a copy to Cllr Lee. The junction of the A483 with Briggs Lane where a gap collects standing water, which was reported to Kier Highways last year is causing a serious safety hazard, to be reported again. The VAS sign no. 58 southbound has been taken away for repair. The sign no. 59 northbound near the playing field is still working and recording speeds. Highway light on the A483 at Red Lane has the lantern hood detached and is swinging free to be reported. Also request Highways England to arrange litter collection through the village.

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18/026 PLANNING. None to hand.

18/027 STREET LIGHTING. Report on repairs carried out.Smelthouse Lane new light situation

to be investigated. Clerk reported on the site meeting at the Burial Ground to agree on the

installation of the new pole. This was attended by Cllrs Mason and Smith and Cllrs Connell and

Jones with the Clerk and Andy Vaughan of Highline Electrical Ltd. The new pole to be sited

within the depth of hedge by taking out a small portion which was dead wood. The solar light will

automatically conserve energy by dimming when not needed and brightening when the pir records


18/028 LLANYMYNECH LIMEWORKS HERITAGE AREA. The Clerk had sent the Council’s

proposal to Mark Blount suggesting a response for the February or March meeting.

18/029 MINUTES. Minutes of the meeting held on the 25.1.2018 were confirmed and signed.

18/030 DEFIBRILLATORS. The machine for Llanymynech Village Hall was awaiting delivery.

18/031 VILLAGE MAINTENANCE. Report was given on the Skate Ramp project. Cllr Brown had obtained agreement with an Artist who works with the Youth Service to carry out an art project with the young people of the village to decorate the wall of the skate ramp. This was approved. The Report on the TPO and the trees on the KGV field was still awaited, agreed to remind the Council Officer. Proposed by Cllr Pollitt and 2nd by Cllr Roberts with all in favour that M & T Pritchard be appointed as Grounds Maintenance Contractors for the ensuing season,

18/032 CORRESPONDENCE. SALC AGM had been re-convened. Arrangements for the Joint Meeting with Carreghofa Community Council were made to take place at 6.45pmon Thursday, 22nd March at Llanymynech Village Hall.


18/033 FINANCIAL MATTERS AND ACCOUNTS. The accounts for payment totalling £2263.87 were approved for payment. The financial statement of expenditure v budget to February 2018 was circulated and approved.

18/034 RIGHTS OF WAY. The copy of the Definitive ROW map had still not been received. Agreed to contact Cllr Lee.

List of Accounts for Payment:

1515 / Dolphin Inn / 236.45 / Council meal- recharged by Cllrs.
1516 / Britannia Elec. Serv / 177.42 / Defibrillators connection – Pant.
1517 / S Power / 179.71 / Lighting energy Inv. 105354184
1518 / Llanymynech V Hall / 20.00 / Room hire 22.2.18
1519 / Highline Electrical / TBC / Lighting maint.
1520 / V E Byrne / 727.56 / Feb Salary + exp.
1521 / HMRC / 135.60 / Tax & NI
DD / Public Works Loan / 787.13 / 2nd half year payment. (penultimate)