ETL – DataTransformations

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In this Chapter

●General Transformation Problems and Solutions

●Guidelines for Transformation process

●Data Quality Issus and Solutions


Data transformation is key process in ETL cycle. Transformation is the phase where in we transform the raw data into a more meaningful form meeting business analysis objectives. The following diagram shows the life cycle for transformation.

In brief of various phases of Transformation process is explained below.

Validate Extract: This is the first step after extraction to validate the data for the recount count, exceptions, and partially extracted records.

Map: Mapping is the activity to map the extracted data to the target, which is warehouse or data mart. This mapping can be 1 – 1, many to 1 or 1 to many columns.

Reformat:Reformat is performed based on the mapping. The staging schema is checked for the data type, data content, and business requirement as required for the target column. This phase related to only formatting of the staging data to fit exactly into the structure of target warehouse.

Cleanse: In this phase, the incoming data is cleaned for data quality problems such as redundancy, constraints and other data consistency problems

Integrate: This phase is for integrating data from multiple systems, from archive and current data stores.

Integrate: It is the integration phase where the cleansed data is aggregated (if warehouse is higher granular), integrated from multiple tables based on mapping for creating loading readydata set.

Apply Business rules: Business rules are applied for certain calculations and deriving meaningful and required data from extracted data

Need of Transformation

First you need to decide whether you need to perform transformations at all. The following factors are major reasons for creating transformations:

Transformation Process is required

The following section lists high level factors that indicate the need for data transformation.

  • Data Quality problems. Extracted data from source data stores may have data quality issues such as repeated Primary Key values, Nulls that are not suitable in a data warehouse, incorrect date formats, and referential integrity failures, cryptic codes values for some fields, inaccurate data, and data values that are inconsistent and redundant between multiple tables. The problems of data quality, guidelines and solutions are explained in Data Quality section. The major sources data quality problems are data entry errors, source system errors, normalization problems, and source database design flaws.
  • Multiple Data Sources. When data is extracted from multiple data sources, more than one system can update a single logical set of data that is commonly shared among the data sources. Managing discrepancies that result from using individual data islands as the source requires active transformations.
  • Data type inconsistency. Data type inconsistencies come from staging tables that are not compatible with the source systems. This is particularly problematic if one staging table is populated from heterogeneous systems such as Excel and SQL Server, where the data sources have different data types.
  • Business Rules. When there is a business rules such as the requirement of a minimum balance for a savings account, and the rule is not enforced at the source, then it should be handled as part of the transformation process.
  • Heterogeneous data stores. When the data is extracted from heterogeneous data stores, the source systems may have different data types, different column names, different column orders, and different data formats, particularly for date time values. These inconsistencies can be resolved during the transformation process.
  • Timely. Incase of transaction records are coming ahead of its corresponding look up table values. Example: Employee basic information record is not yet available for extracted but admission information is available in transaction tables. This is a typical transactions problem at source systems.
  • Custom Calculations. Custom calculations may be needed in the warehouse. The custom calculations can be performed and directly stored in the warehouse tables for query performance OR these calculations are computed while executing the query but later is a time consuming operation.
  • Data mapping. If source systems cannot be mapped to the corresponding objects in staging of staging schema design, then required transformation is to be done as part of extraction process before moving the data to staging. For example: if the source contains a customer’s birth date, but you want the age stored in a staging table, the transformation process would take care of the conversion as it loads the staging database.
  • Hierarchical sources. It is about the entity identification at different levels of the source. For example, suppose that the central server keeps track of all transaction and look-up tables needed by the warehouse, and that the data stored in that central server is not a real time. Then when you extract data from both the central server and real-time child sources, you may have duplicated data that needs to be managed in a transformation process.
  • Record tracking. If there is no record tracking at source, then identifying the Insert, Update, and Delete changes would be part of the data transformation process.

Transformation process can be avoided

Transformation process is not mandatory in the data warehouse loading process. It can be eliminated in the following scenarios. Eliminating transformation layer can reduce performance overhead of loading data to warehouse, so deciding if the transformation is really required in the system would benefit total processing time.

Transformation involves simple data modifications: If there is no need of

  • Record tracking. Typically if there is no record tracking mechanism and no transaction identifying mechanism at source then the same is accomplished using transformation layer. In no record tracking scenario at source, all the record are extracted in each extraction process and compared against the warehouse or accumulated staging to determine the kind of transactions happened from last extraction. So, if the extracted records do have the transaction code as well as the process can effectively bring only the delta records (inserted/deleted/updated records from last extraction) then the transformation can be eliminated as the transaction can directly be applied to warehouse without any transformation.
  • Data cleansing. If there are no data quality issues and the source already has constraints to keep data consistent and accurate (PK, FK, Check constraints or procedural constraints) then there is no need for separate transformations before loading the data to warehouse.
  • Merging source systems. If there is no need of merging data from multiple source systems and multiple sources are not involved to accumulate data at a common place then and the source eliminate duplicates, referential integrity
  • Complex decoding. Source system would be embedded with codes that is interpreted or data represented by source application. To have these codes be loaded to warehouse, data representation code them convert to user understandable values. If the decoding process is not complex to have a separate layer of transformation then the layer can be eliminated.
  • Complex interpretation of default values. If the default values are just codes from the look up tables or simple codes (such as 1 for male and 2 for female) that can be converted to meaningful words while extracting data. There is no need of separate transformation process after extracting data unless there is a complex process involved to interpret default values. The general default values in the system are typically assume if the column is not allowed for null values, the value is not appropriate for the column, incorrect entry, not available yet.
  • Custom calculations. If there are no complex calculations involved before loading the data to warehouse, the transformation layer can be eliminated. Simple calculations such as simple arithmetic calculations can be incorporated in extraction procedures.

Transformation Process

Transformation process involves the following steps at a conceptual level:

  1. Study the source system
  2. Location of Transformation Process
  3. Validate Data Extract (Selection)
  4. Delta Detection
  5. Continuity of Delta
  6. Count Check
  7. Capture bad records
  8. Mapping
  9. Data mapping document preparation
  10. Reformat
  11. Conversion
  12. Data Cleansing
  13. Data Quality checks
  14. Splitting/Joining
  15. Integrate
  16. Summarization
  17. Enrichment
  18. Applying Business Rules

Study the source system

Source System, which is a data source for the extraction system is to be studied from business domain point of view as well as the structural and integrity of the source system. Source system is not assumed to be a relational data store, it can be flat files or another database apart from SQL Server. In this section, a list of questions (can be treated as check lit) that need to discussed with source system (OLTP) database architect.

Studying the source system is not a one time activity, it is to be performed whenever

  • Extraction process is enhanced
  • Source business process is changed
  • Source schema is changed
  • New business functionality is to be extracted
  • Existing data checks/constraints on the source system are modified

The check list which should be discussed is as given below

  • Check how the data is fed into data source from which extraction is performed, any external applications or data is fed using the flat files or heterogeneous systems
  • This helps the understand the complexity to deal with while interacting with the source system
  • Typically structural complexity increases when you lack details of the source system or have less control over it
  • Incase of multiple data sources involved in extraction, it would result in more than one extraction process is needed to extract data and consolidation complexity
  • Extracting information if the data is fed to the source system by application would enable to check if data input screens are free text in nature where the data pollution may occur
  • Discuss the data consistency or data quality checks performed on the source system
  • Mapping your warehouse requirement against the checks done at the source to see if the data checks will completely stop the polluted data to get into source system
  • As part of learning the source system – you need understand at what level of details and how much time you are going to invest in leaning the source system. You may or may not have the luxury to learn end-to-end source system (all the layers from UI to database schemes and all the dependencies). Sometimes, it might be as simple as evaluating the schema or sometimes understand how the user enters data
  • Check the integrity constraints managed in source system
  • Check the constraints enforcement on source system is using declarations or procedures. If the checks are enforced using procedures then check the possibility of data slipped through to cause data pollution
  • If the data checks are enforced properly then they do not need to be checked again as part of transformation process
  • Verify if the data will be in consistent at the time of data extraction, or at point of time
  • In some systems, the processing is completed at the end of the day, extracting data in the middle of the day would make the data inconsistent would lead to data quality problems
  • Transfer of check , if the check is process at the end of the day….transaction is completed, but available at the source; at 5 ‘O, Clock….pending transaction – Completeness of the transaction
  • Verify the accuracy of the calculations performed on the source system
  • Though it is evident that any problem in source system calculations would have been identified and fixed, the question is about the unused calculations whose problem is not identified yet but need to be extracted for analysis requirements
    Example, source applications might not be using employee leave balance so calculation problems, if any, are not identified. Having these calculations extracted to warehouse system would induce incorrect calculations. All the calculations that are extracted from source system are to be checked for accuracy.
  • Discuss the columns that would allow NULL on source system

Nullability of a column is to be decided by the source systems, when there is no expectation of NULL values from source. Having nullability of a column which never gets null values is an overhead for the table