Summary of Digital Media Market Trends,
Expectations, Labor Assessments

  1. Labor Market Assessment of GNO:
  2. Largest business sector: healthcare and social assistance, retail trade and accommodation & food service (40% of all jobs in region here)
  3. Local people w/o degree and no work or w/ degree and some work: want to develop and/or upgrade skills for needed workforce
  4. We’re not graduating enough tech people with the right skills for regional employers, even though jobs that need less than a 4-year degree will be in great demand in a year
  5. Some people (12%) not in workforce do have admin and office skills that we offer
  6. Need for connection between economic development, employers, educators, governmentlabor market very tight now – grads not finding jobs
  7. Employers note basic skills are borderline-satisfactory, with written communication and math slightly unsatisfactory
  8. Recommendations: community colleges work w/ univ to address business-training needs, especially within the 4 main sectors
  9. Expand training programs 7 recruiting in AA & cert programs in manufacturing, transportation, logistics, and other industrial targets
  10. career opportunities presented to middle school & high school
  11. closer ties among employers and educators
  12. deliver strong industry-focused training programs to create pipeline of skilled workers
  13. support life long learning
  14. dramatic increase of older population in next 3 years in Orleans Parish
  1. US Dept of labor
  2. Employment is expected grow about as fast as average. Keen competition for jobs is expected; individuals with Web site design and animation experience will have the best opportunities.
  3. Employment change. Employment of graphic designers is expected to grow 13 percent, as fast as the average for all occupations from 2008 to 2018, as demand for graphic design continues to increase from advertisers and computer design firms.
  4. Moreover, graphic designers with Web site design and animation experience will especially be needed as demand increases for design projects for interactive media—Web sites, mobile phones, and other technology. Demand for graphic designers also will increase as advertising firms create print and Web marketing and promotional materials for a growing number of products and services. Growth in Internet advertising, in particular, is expected to increase the number of designers. However, growth may be tempered by reduced demand in the print publishing, where many graphic designers are employed.
  5. Job prospects. Graphic designers are expected to face keen competition for available positions. Many talented individuals are attracted to careers as graphic designers. Individuals with Web site design and animation experience will have the best opportunities.
  6. Graphic designers with a broad liberal arts education and experience in marketing and business management will be best suited for positions developing communication strategies.
  7. What Employers looking for
  1. Michigan State’s Collegiate Employment Research Institute (Sheetz, 1995)
  2. career related work experiences
  3. abundant computer work
  4. problem-solving skills
  5. understanding of people aspects
  6. communication
  7. logic and reasoning
  8. knowledge beyond their field
  9. leadership experiences
  10. training on professionalism and preparation for life after college
  1. Grad Act: revenue autonomy linked to performance of schools. Can get more $$ flexibility like in procurement, getting construction projects approved and other areas if, during the first phase, they meet academic performance goals and demonstrate ability to responsibly exercise operational flexibility
  2. FY11: increased admission standards and other retention policies to project graduation rate goals consistent w/ peers
  3. Increasing number of program completers at all levels each year
  4. Eliminating academic programs with low completion and that are not aligned with current or strategic workforce needs
  5. Using technology for distance learning – expanding educational offerings
  6. Developing partnerships w/ feeder high schools to prepare students for college
  7. Phasing out developmental ed at 4-year colleges
  8. Comm & tech colleges must demonstrate progress in increasing the number of students placed in jobs and performance of transfers in 4-year institutions. Also increase passage rates on licensure and certification exams and workforce foundational skills as measured by ACT WorkKeys
  9. 4-year schools must provide feedback to 2-year schools on performance of AA grads
  10. must demonstrate collaboration in implementing new articulation and transfer policies

Comparison w/ other institutions

  1. IPEDS CIP (classification of instructional programs)