Kitty’s Kennel Costs Due Friday April 13Name: ______

Level 1
5 marks / Level 2
6 marks / Level 3
7 marks / Level 4
8-10 marks / Marks
Formulation and defense of hypothesis/ conjecture / Incorrectly identifies variables or the hypothesis is not linked to the problem. / Hypothesis created but connection to variables or problem are weak or poorly supported. / Identifies variables correctly and expresses hypothesis related to problem with some support. / Clearly and confidently states hypothesis and relates it to given variables and context of problem.
Creation of a plan to solve a problem / Parts of the task were attempted but with no evidence of a plan. / A plan was used but was inappropriate or inadequate to complete the task. / An appropriate plan was used successfully. / An appropriate plan was used, and the solution integrated all aspects of context.
Selection and sequencing of a variety of tools and strategies to solve a problem / Selects a few appropriate tools but key strategies are omitted or mis-sequenced. / Selects some appropriate tools with minor omissions or mis-sequencing. / Selects appropriate tools and incorporates these in execution of plan to solve problem. / Selects appropriate tools and sequencing to solve problem and verifies solution with further strategies.
Justification of reasoning and/or conclusion / Reasoning is evident but inconsistent or limited. / Reasoning is evident and logical in parts of the problem. / Reasoning is logical and consistent within context. / Reasoning is logical and consistent and relates to broader context.
Making conclusions and inferences / Conclusions are incomplete. / Conclusions are plausible but are not fully supported. / Conclusions are supported by evidence and integrate aspects of the problem. / Conclusions are supported, integrate all aspects of the problem, and are convincing.
Degree of clarity in explanations and justifications / Communication is limited but parts are understandable. / Communication is generally understandable and complete. / Communication is clear and complete. / Communication is consistently clear so that explanations and justifications are thoroughly understandable.