Data & Information Re-use CEs Steering Group Minutes
Date of meeting: / 27th October 2011Time: / 10:00 – 11:30am
Venue: / Pickering Boardroom, Level 11, LINZ
Members: / Colin MacDonald, LINZ (Chair)
Murray Bain, Ministry of Science and Innovation
Stephen Crombie, DIA
Paul Reynolds, Ministry of Environment
Geoff Bascand, Statistics NZ
In attendance: / Keitha Booth (Programme Leader)
Stuart Towne (Secretary)
Andy Neale, Digital NZ
Fiona Rigby, Digital NZ
Jeremy Palmer, LINZ
Agenda Items
1. Welcome and apologies / Apologies:Karen Sewell, Ministry of Education
Debbie Chin, Standards NZ
2. Approval of meeting minutes
/ Motion:The minutes of the meeting held on 18 August 2011 were approved and confirmed as a true and correct record.
3. Review of action points
/ 110413/07 – Action deferred to next meeting on 15/12110609/02 – Stephen confirmed this action can be closed
110818/01 – Stephen confirmed this action can be closed
110818/02 – Action taken off the register
110818/03 - Action deferred to next meeting on 15/12
110818/05 – Murray confirmed this action can be closed
110818/06 – Geoff confirmed this action can be closed.
4. Work Programme of Guidance and Advice to support the 2011 Declaration on Open and Transparent Government; including Project status reports
/ Keitha presented an overview of the Work Programme to support the Declaration on Open and Transparent Government; including Project status reports.Colin asked for feedback on the best way to drive this programme and if the resources and timelines were realistic.
Concerns were raised that the success of this programme was very reliant on Keitha and Nadia Webster, DIA Government Information Services. It would be difficult for them to cover all the policy, implementation and coordination activities. Actions to reduce this risk were necessary.
It was agreed that the members would check within their agencies for personnel who could be seconded for a 12 month period to assist Keitha. Keitha will also look into finding potential resources through her networks.
Stephen offered to consider whether a DIA resource could co-locate at LINZ with the Secretariat at agreed times. Members agreed that this could provide efficiencies. It was felt that a three-person Secretariat resource could then lead the work activities not yet allocated a lead agency.
Colin offered programme and project management advice from LINZ.
The Steering Group confirmed the focus at this stage is to assist agencies meet the March 2012 deadline on reporting progress on their plans to release high value public data. They discussed the importance of identifying champions, behavioural change, selling a strong story, and understanding user demand.
Action 111027/01: Members to identify potential seconded resources in their agencies or sectors to assist Keitha
Action 111027/02: Keitha to identify suitable resources from her networks.
Action 111027/03: Stephen to consider whether a DIA resource could co-locate at LINZ with the Secretariat at agreed times.
5. Mix and Mash competition
/ Andy Neale and Fiona Rigby from Digital New Zealand joined the meeting and presented a snap shot of some the entries in the Mix and Mash competition.Andy advised the committee that key aims of the competition were to encourage the use and reuse of NZ content data and showcase examples of NZ content data.
They noted that, whilst more students submitted entries this time, it will take time to get this competition integrated into the curriculum and class plans. Also, whilst there are now eight mentors, they had hoped for more. They are now considering what their future area of focus will be and where they will put their resources.
6. LINZ Data Service Demonstration
/ Jeremy Palmer joined the meeting and demonstrated the LINZ Data Service which has been developed in partnership with Koordinates. There are two access options: via the Portal, which provides access, discover and two-way feedback, and via Webservice APIs which give access to the raw data in machine-readable format.Jeremy advised the service has been well received with 800 layers being viewed. There are now 900 users – this figure is increasing by 50 a week, 600 downloads and 1100 web queries. The next stage is to offer tabular, non-spatial information.
Jeremy also advised that the feedback received has been positive with most users happy with the service and already wanting LINZ to provide more data and information. LINZ has also been providing users with integration help where required. Colin advised that LDS usage stories are now being collected.
7. Governance review
/ The draft recommendations were discussed in general, with Colin noting that the basic message from the review was that the current governance is working.The Group agreed to invite the DIA CE to join the Steering Group.
Geoff will email Colin with corrections to Recommendation 6.
Action 111027/04: Colin to invite the DIA CE to join the Steering Group.
Action 111027/05: Geoff to email Colin with corrections for Recommendation 6.
8. Other Business
/ Geoff advised that Statistics NZ has had every year book dating back to 1893 digitised. Committee members will be invited to the launch on 14/11/11.9. Date of next meeting
/ The next meeting will take place on Thursday, 15 December 2011, from 10.00am to 12 noon at LINZ, in the Pickering Boardroom, 11th floor, Lambton House, 160 Lambton Quay.(The meeting closed at 11.50am).
Approved by:
Colin MacDonald Date
Chairperson Data & Information Re-use CEs Steering Group
Action points:
Meeting Date / Item # / Summary of Task / Due date / Responsible person13.04.11 / 110413/02 / Report on the spatial viewer to support Auckland and Christchurch work at the next Steering Group meeting. / 27.10.11 / Keitha Booth (Secretariat)
Adam Cooper (LINZ)
13.04.11 / 110413/07 / Invite MSI to present an update on the Framework for eResearch Adoption at the next Steering Committee meeting. / 15.12.11 / Keitha Booth (Secretariat)
09.06.11 / 110609/06 / Think about how the Education sector is represented in the Steering Group later in the year. / 27.10.11 / All
18.08.11 / 110818/03 / Prepare a draft letter on behalf of ICT Ministers to state sector agencies inviting them to join the open data programme. / 27.10.11 / Keitha Booth
27.10.11 / 111027/01 / Investigate possibility of provided resource to assist Keitha / 15.12.11 / All
27.10.11 / 111027/02 / Identify suitable resources from her networks. / 15.12.11 / Keitha Booth
27.10.11 / 111027/03 / Consider whether a DIA resource could co-locate at LINZ with the Secretariat at agreed times / 15.12.11 / Stephen Crombie
27.10.11 / 111027/04 / Invite the DIA CE to join the Steering Group / 15.12.11 / Colin MacDonald
27.10.11 / 111027/05 / Email Colin with correction for Recommendation 6 in the Governance review / 15.12.11 / Geoff Bascand
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