Data Dictionary 00-01 HHS Purchase Unit Definition (v7)
CMS / COM Service ID / Purchase Unit Code / Purchase Unit Description / Purchase Unit Definition / Unit of Measure / Unit of Measure Definition01001 / AH01.01 / Dietician / Professional allied health services provided in an outpatient setting to personal health clients. Includes post discharge services and other HHS referrals as well as community-referred clients. Locally defined. / Attendances / Number of times a client attends a clinic/department/assessment unit.
AH0102 / AH01.02 / Other non-medical clinics / Professional allied health services provided in an outpatient setting to personal health clients. Includes post discharge services and other HHS referrals as well as community-referred clients. Locally defined. / Attendances / Number of times a client attends a clinic/department/assessment unit.
AH01003 / AH01.03 / Occupational Therapy / Professional allied health services provided in an outpatient setting to personal health clients. Includes post discharge services and other HHS referrals as well as community-referred clients. Locally defined. / Attendances / Number of times a client attends a clinic/department/assessment unit.
AH01004 / AH01.04 / Orthoptist / Professional allied health services provided in an outpatient setting to personal health clients. Includes post discharge services and other HHS referrals as well as community-referred clients. Locally defined. / Attendances / Number of times a client attends a clinic/department/assessment unit.
AH01005 / AH01.05 / Physiotherapy / Professional allied health services provided in an outpatient setting to personal health clients. Includes post discharge services and other HHS referrals as well as community-referred clients. Locally defined. / Attendances / Number of times a client attends a clinic/department/assessment unit.
AH01006 / AH01.06 / Podiatry / Professional allied health services provided in an outpatient setting to personal health clients. Includes post discharge services and other HHS referrals as well as community-referred clients. Locally defined. / Attendances / Number of times a client attends a clinic/department/assessment unit.
AH01007 / AH01.07 / Social Work / Professional allied health services provided in an outpatient setting to personal health clients. Includes post discharge services and other HHS referrals as well as community-referred clients. Locally defined. / Attendances / Number of times a client attends a clinic/department/assessment unit.
AH0108 / AH01.08 / Speech Therapy / Professional allied health services provided in an outpatient setting to personal health clients. Includes post discharge services and other HHS referrals as well as community-referred clients. Locally defined. / Attendances / Number of times a client attends a clinic/department/assessment unit.
C01001 / C01.01 / Well Child (0-5years) / Services for well children aimed at disease prevention and health education. Includes vision and hearing screening and immunisation. / Programme / Agreed lump sum amount. Service purchased in a block arrangement.
C01002 / C01.02 / Well Child - School Aged Services (5-18 years) / Services for well children aimed at disease prevention and health education. Includes vision and hearing screening and immunisation. / Programme / Agreed lump sum amount. Service purchased in a block arrangement.
CCADJ / Cost of Capital Adjustment / Adjustment to reflect re-allocation of cost of capital calculation by applying sector weighted average cost of capital on the basis of HHS specific debt and equity. / Premium / Price Premium for cost elements not funded adequately under national purchase unit base prices.
CS01001 / CS01.01 / Community Radiology (HHS) / Diagnostic imaging referred by a general practitioner or private specialist. Excludes tests referred by HHS staff. Excludes maternity ultrasound. / Procedures / An individual operative/diagnostic/assessment procedure.
CS0201 / CS02.01 / Community Laboratory (HHS) / Laboratory tests referred by a general practitioner or private specialist. Excludes tests referred by HHS staff. / Tests / Number of separate tests purchased (eg one person receiving an ECG and a stress test equates to two tests).
CS03001A / CS03.01a / Dispensing Pharmaceuticals / Pharmacy services refer to supply of pharmaceuticals and provision of clinical pharmacy support by a registered pharmacist. This service description covers the dispensing of "Hospital Only" medicines, special foods and "Special Authority" medicines (including those approved as "Exceptional Circumstances"), under the provisions of the New Zealand Pharmaceutical Schedule, to patients who are not under the direct care of the facility, and related incidental services. This service includes the provision of a vaccine storage and distribution system for community-based providers of RHA-purchased immunisation programmes. Vaccine storage and distribution to community-based services (ie not HHS services) is purchased from HHSs. Provision of the service to HHS units is an overhead for the relevant service. / Prescriptions / Number of items dispensed.
CS0401 / CS04.01 / Community referred tests - cardiology / Cardiology tests referred by a general practitioner or private specialist. eg ECG, stress tests, echocardiograph. Includes interpretation and reporting of the test. Excludes tests referred by HHS staff. / Tests / Number of separate tests purchased (eg one person receiving an ECG and a stress test equates to two tests).
CS0402 / CS04.02 / Community referred tests - neurology / Neurological tests referred by a general practitioner or private specialist. eg EEG, EP, EMG. Includes interpretation and reporting of the test. Excludes tests referred by HHS staff. / Tests / Number of separate tests purchased (eg one person receiving an ECG and a stress test equates to two tests).
CS0403 / CS04.03 / Community referred tests - audiology / Audiology tests referred by a general practitioner or private specialist. eg audiogram, ABR. Includes interpretation and reporting of the test. Excludes tests referred by HHS staff. / Tests / Number of separate tests purchased (eg one person receiving an ECG and a stress test equates to two tests).
CS0404 / CS04.04 / Community referred tests - gastroenterology / Gastroenterology tests referred by a general practitioner or private specialist. eg breath tests. Includes interpretation and reporting of the test. Excludes tests referred by HHS staff. Excludes endoscopy and motility studies. / Tests / Number of separate tests purchased (eg one person receiving an ECG and a stress test equates to two tests).
CS0405 / CS04.05 / Community referred tests - endocrinology / Endocrinology tests referred by a general practitioner or private specialist. eg thyroid tests, bone densitometry. Includes interpretation and reporting of the test. Excludes tests referred by HHS staff. / Tests / Number of separate tests purchased (eg one person receiving an ECG and a stress test equates to two tests).
CS0407 / CS04.07 / Community referred tests - urology / Urology tests referred by a general practitioner or private specialist. eg urodynamics. Includes interpretation and reporting of the test. Excludes tests referred by HHS staff. / Tests / Number of separate tests purchased (eg one person receiving an ECG and a stress test equates to two tests).
CS0408 / CS04.08 / Community referred tests - respiratory / Respiratory tests referred by a general practitioner or private specialist. eg spirometry, lung function. Includes interpretation and reporting of the test. Excludes tests referred by HHS staff. / Tests / Number of separate tests purchased (eg one person receiving an ECG and a stress test equates to two tests).
D01001 / D01.01 / Inpatient Dental treatment (DRGs) / See Appendix for a generic DRG purchase unit definition and health specialty mapping table. / Cost Weighted Discharges / As per the specifications for the calculation of Inlier Equivalent Separations version 5 (IES5) and Weighted Inlier Equivalent Separations version 5 (WIES5A).
D01002 / D01.02 / Outpatient Dental treatment / See Appendix for a generic specialist assessment definition. First attendance to dental surgeon or dental officer at registrar level or above for specialist assessment/treatment. / Attendances / Number of times a client attends a clinic/department/assessment unit.
D01003 / D01.03 / School dental services / School dental care is the provision of a comprehensive range of dental services to maintain a functional natural dentition. It includes preventive care, dental health promotion, treatment of oral disease and restoration of lost or absent tooth tissue. It covers children from the age of 0 - 2.5 up to secondary school. / Client cases / Number of clients managed by the service in a year ie caseload at the commencement of the financial year plus all new cases year to date.
D01004 / D01.04 / Adolescent dental services / A range of dental services, including preventive care, health education and treatment of oral disease, by special arrangement for secondary school children who have problems registering with a dentist for regular dental care. Covers teenagers from Form 3 to 17 years old. / Client cases / Number of clients managed by the service in a year ie caseload at the commencement of the financial year plus all new cases year to date.
D01005 / D01.05 / Emergency treatment/essential dental / Dental services that are immediately necessary for the treatment of pain and infection. It includes examination and diagnosis and treatment and reparative services as necessary. Elective maintenance and preventative care are excluded. / Completed treatment / Number of clients seen during the period for any one diagnosis for whom there is no further sessions or treatments booked.
DOM101 / DOM1.01 / Community Services - professional services / Professional nursing and allied health services provided in the community to personal health clients. Includes post-discharge community services. May include community allied health unless AH series includes domiciliary services. Excludes services covered by other purchase units. Excludes services able to be provided by general practices. Locally defined. / Locally defined / Uniquely defined at locality level.
DOM102 / DOM1.02 / Community Services - home oxygen / A regular supply of oxygen to patients in the community by either oxygen concentrator and/or oxygen cylinders, as clinically indicated by the medical practitioner. Education to patients and their families or carers on the correct use of domiciliary oxygen. / Locally defined / Uniquely defined at locality level. - number of clients managed by the service in a year.
DOM103 / DOM1.03 / Community Services - stomal service / Stomal therapy services including supply of equipment and advice/support services. / Locally defined / Uniquely defined at locality level. - number of clients managed by the service in a year.
DOM104 / DOM1.04 / Community Services - continence service / Continence services for personal health and disability clients including supply of equipment and advice/support services. / Locally defined / Uniquely defined at locality level. - number of clients managed by the service in a year.
DOM105 / DOM1.05 / Community Services - home help / HHS-based home help services are used to support people following illness or surgical intervention, who have not been assessed as having a permanent disability. (Home help services for people with disabilities are purchased separately, through DSS services.) The home help service includes only assistance with domestic tasks, not personal care, or professional health care. However the same worker may deliver home help and personal care where appropriate. / Hour / Number of hours provided.
DOM106 / DOM1.06 / Community Services - meals on wheels / Meals on wheels services to prepare and deliver meals to people unable to do this for themselves. / Meals / Number of meals provided.
DOM107 / DOM1.07 / Community Services - personal care / HHS-based personal care services are used to support people following illness or surgical intervention, who have not been assessed as having a permanent disability. (Personal care services for people with disabilities are purchased separately, through DSS services.) The personal care service includes only assistance with personal care such as bathing, toileting, dressing, mobility, grooming, assistance with meals, not home help, or professional health care. However the same worker may deliver home help and personal care where appropriate. / Hour / Number of hours provided.
DOM110 / DOM1.10 / Community Services - orthotics / Orthotic services provided in the community to personal health clients. Includes post-discharge community services. Excludes services covered by other purchase units. Excludes DSS services. Locally defined. / Locally defined / Uniquely defined at locality level.
DSS105 / DSS1.05 / Service Coordination / Service Coordination is the process of identifying and planning the package of services required to meet a person’s assessed needs. Service Coordination will also determine which of those needs can be met by publicly-funded services and will explore options for addressing service support needs which cannot be met. Monitoring outcome should be part of the Service Coordination process. / Programme / Number of co-ordinations. First and review co-ordinations should be counted separately.
DSS1012 / DSS1.12 / Child Development / Child Development involves a multidisciplinary team to provide an assessment and intervention service to children who have an intellectual, sensory or physical disability and to support their families to promote the child's development. Child Development services can be provided until children have completed schooling, but are separate to those services purchased by SES. / Locally defined / Uniquely defined at locality level.
DSS204 / DSS2.04 / Needs Assessment / A Needs Assessment is a process of determining the current abilities, resources, goals, and needs of a person with a disability and prioritising those needs which is most important. The purpose of the assessment is to decide what a person needs to achieve/maintain independence and participate fully in society, in accordance with their abilities, resources and goals. A person’s comprehensive support needs may include their recreational, social and personal development needs; their training and education needs; and their vocational and employment needs. / Assessments / Number of assessments. Initial assessments and reassessments should be counted separately.
DSS207 / DSS2.07 / Residential Long Stay - Non aged / Clients requiring 24 hour care in a continuing care setting who have been assessed through a Needs Assessment/service co ordination process. / Bed days / Total number of beds that are either available and/or occupied (depending on individual purchase method for each HHS) each day over a designated period. For reporting occupancy purposes, count beds occupied as at 12 midnight of each day.
DSS213 / DSS2.13 / Respite Beds / Respite Care is a hospital based service for clients who have continuous DSS related health and or support needs who require 24 hour registered nursing care and supervision. (Includes respite/intermittent care previously purchased by Central region). / Locally defined / Uniquely defined at locality level.
DSS214 / DSS2.14 / ATR Inpatient / Multidisciplinary inpatient assessment treatment and rehabilitation for people with complex medical, cognitive, functional and social needs with the aim of enabling them to live independently in the community. (Includes aged, physical, sensory and intellectual AT&R services). (Excludes mental health for the elderly purchased under a separate purchase unit). / Bed days / Total number of beds that are available each day over a designated period. For reporting occupancy purposes, count beds occupied as at 12 midnight of each day.
DSS215 / DSS2.15 / ATR Outpatient - Clinics / Assessment, treatment and/or rehabilitation in a non home setting by a health professional. Includes services delivered:
1)within HHS location;
2)) outreach services (not within HHS location - ie involves some travel).
Within (1) & (2) these will include specialist, allied health and multidisciplinary clinics. (Includes all disabilities including MHSE). / Attendances / Number of times a client attends a clinic/department/assessment unit. One event with multiple health professional contacts is counted as one volume.
DSS216 / DSS2.16 / ATR Outpatient - Day Hosp & Day Programmes / Multidisciplinary assessment treatment and rehabilitation programme for people with complex needs with the aim of improving their ability to live independently in the community Day Hospital definition includes attendances lasting more than 3 hours and services delivered by at least 2 health professionals. (Includes all disabilities including MHSE). / Day Attendances / Number of times a client attends a day session lasting 3 hours or more.
DSS217 / DSS2.17 / ATR Outpatient - domiciliary assessments & education sessions / A contact in a residential situation to determine the requirement for or provide assessment treatment or rehabilitation. Services to be delivered in a residential setting by clinical staff, allied health staff & domiciliary nurses who belong to the ATR team only. (Includes education sessions that should be linked to individual client needs). (Includes all disabilities including MHSE). / Visits / Number of visit by health professionals to a client’s place of residence.
DSS218 / DSS2.18 / Orthotics / The provision of essential orthotic services to provide equipment which is essential to maintain position, function or independence. Is for long term service provision (ie greater than six months). Includes an assessment and provision of orthoses to meet the essential need for clients with disabling conditions. Also includes management of orthotic assets. / Locally defined / Uniquely defined at locality level.
DSS2.20 / Specialist Support / This services is provided by a Community Support Team that will concentrate on:
1)education of families, providers and specialised community support services;
2)individual clinical intervention programmes aimed at reducing the incidence of severe challenging behaviour in people with an intellectual disability and assisting individuals to live more fulfilling lives in the community;
3)immediate responses in cases of emergency for service providers, individual families and the police. / Locally Defined / Uniquely defined at locality level.
DSS226 / DSS2.26 / Environmental Support / This purchase unit is for longer-term (more than 6 months) equipment provision, not assessment processes. The service includes provision of, repairs and maintenance of long term wheelchairs, seating and other equipment as specified.
Excludes Assessments, Orthotics, Prosthetics, Continence, Oxygen, Ostomy, Enteral Feeding, Hearing Aid Subsidy, Contact Lens Benefit, Speech Language Therapy and Audiology. / Programme / Agreed lump sum amount. Service purchased in a block arrangement.
DSS230 / DSS2.30 / Contact Lens Benefit / Reimburse the lens fitter and supplier the full cost/charge of assessment, supply and fitting of a new or replacement contact lens for an eligible person.
Reimburse the lens fitter and supplier two thirds of the full cost/charge of assessment, supply and fitting for the replacement of damaged or lost lens for an eligible person. / Programme / Agreed lump sum amount. Service purchased in a block arrangement.
DSS235 / DSS2.35 / ATR Inpatient - Mental Health Services for Elderly / Multidisciplinary inpatient age-related assessment treatment and rehabilitation for people with an identifiable or suspected psychiatric disorder (as defined in DSM IV, or other generally recognised diagnostic classification):
1)Which has a significant impact on that person’s ability to function, or
2)Which is likely to result in long term impairment with the aim of enabling them to live as independently as possible in the community. / Bed days / Total number of beds that are either available and/or occupied (depending on individual purchase method for each HHS) each day over a designated period. For reporting occupancy purposes, count beds occupied as at 12 midnight of each day.