Request for Proposals


Data Center Hosting and Operations

Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery
and Help Desk Technical Support

520 Medical Center Drive, Suite 120

Medford, OR 97504

Release Date: March 21, 2013

Closing Date: April 17, 2013 at 11:00 a.m. PST

Jefferson Health Information Exchange 32

RFP #13-03DCO

Table of Contents

1. Overview 1

1.1 Introduction 1

1.2 Background 1

2. General Instructions 3

2.1 Request for Proposal Timeline 3

2.2 Addenda to the RFP 3

2.3 Questions 3

2.4 Letter of Intent 3

2.5 Proposal Contents 4

2.5.1 Cover Letter 4

2.5.2 Table of Contents 4

2.5.3 Responses 4

2.6 Formatting Requirements 5

2.7 Number of Copies and Delivery Specifications 6

2.8 Closing Date 6

2.9 Incurred Expense 6

3. Proposal Stipulations & Requirements 6

3.1 Contract Period 6

3.2 Quantities 6

3.3 Funding Out 6

3.4 Mandatory Insurance Requirements 6

3.4.1 Workers Compensation 7

3.4.2 Professional Liability 7

3.4.3 Commercial General Liability 7

3.4.4 Automotive Liability Insurance 8

3.5 Non-Performance 8

3.6 Exceptions 8

3.7 Business References and Site Visit 8

3.7.1 Site Visit 8

3.8 Product Substitutions 8

3.9 Document(s) Execution 9

3.10 Schedule for Performance of Work 9

3.11 Personnel and Subcontractors 9

3.12 Method of Payment 9

3.13 Changes 9

3.14 Migration of Hosting Environment 10

3.15 Interest of Contractor 10

3.16 Rights and Obligations 10

3.17 Assignment of Antitrust Claims 10

3.18 Gratuities 10

3.19 Affirmation 10

3.20 Service Levels and Failure to Perform 11

3.20.1 Service Levels 11

3.20.2 Service Level Failure 11

3.20.3 Service Level Credits 11

3.21 Remote Processing 11

3.22 Pricing 12

3.23 Confidentiality 12

3.23.1 Confidentiality of Protected Health Information 13

3.24 Contract Documents 13

3.25 Assignment 13

4. Proposal Evaluation Process 13

4.1 Evaluation of Bids 13

4.2 Basis of Award 14

4.3 Criteria and Scoring 14

4.4 Additional Grounds for Selection 14

5. Scope of Services 14

5.1 Data Center Hosting 15

5.1.1 Hardware 16

5.1.2 System Operations 16

5.1.3 System Security 16

5.1.4 Data Center Hosting Requirements 17

5.2 Help Desk and Technical Support 19

5.3 Service Level Agreement Requirements 21

6. Deliverables 23

7. Corporate Capabilities 25

5.4 Mandatory Requirements 25

7.1 Corporate Organization 25

7.2 Disclosures 25

7.2.1 Convictions or Judgments 25

7.2.2 Legal Proceedings, Lawsuits or Regulatory Actions 26

7.3 Corporate Resources 26

7.3.1 Key Personnel 26

7.4 Corporate Financial Profile 27

8. Pricing 28

8.1 Pricing Worksheet 28

8.1.1 Pricing Proposal 28

8.1.2 Hardware 29

8.1.3 Task Assignment Rates 29

8.2 Budget Narrative 29

9. Attachment(s) 30

9.1 References 30

9.2 Signature Page 31

9.3 Pricing Workbook 32

10. Exhibit I – JHIE Agreement (Contract) Template 33

Jefferson Health Information Exchange 32

RFP #13-03DCO

Jefferson Health Information Exchange 32

RFP #13-03DCO

1.  Overview

1.1  Introduction

The Jefferson Health Information Exchange (JHIE) seeks proposals from qualified vendors for data center hosting, operations, business continuity and disaster recovery, and help desk technical support to facilitate the electronic exchange of clinical information among health care providers in Southern Oregon. The Respondent is expected to provide a comprehensive written response that specifically addresses the requirements set forth in this request for proposals (RFP).

JHIE requires a federated data storage model for its health information exchange (HIE) activities. The federated approach requires a separate database for each of the participating data contributors and will support phase II and III functionality, including query of patient records available in JHIE and conducting data analytics and reporting from the JHIE databases.

The annual transaction volume from participating Southern Oregon hospitals is expected to total 3 million per year in the first production year of the hosting environment. As additional data contributors are added, this volume will increase incrementally. The hosting solution must be capable of scaling rapidly and without disruption to JHIE’s operations.

By the time the hosting environment is live, JHIE anticipates that it will begin receiving data from multiple Independent Provider Associations (IPAs), physician offices and other health care providers (e.g., nursing homes, rehabilitation facilities, etc.) who have electronic health records. It is anticipated that due to the smaller volume of data from these types of providers, a shared database will be implemented, which is required to segregate the data by provider organization to ensure that:

a.  Patient privacy and data security is maintained at the highest possible level, including data encryption, access controls, etc.

b.  If a data provider/data contributing organization wishes to remove their data from JHIE, they may do so with ease.

Additional data contributors will likely join JHIE in the remaining contract period to include:

·  Additional hospitals

·  Local and regional laboratories

·  Diagnostic facilities (radiology, cardiology, etc.) to include diagnostic report storage only. JHIE does not expect to store clinical images.

·  Filled medication data, from pharmacies or third party aggregators (e.g., Surescripts)

1.2  Background

In 2011, the Jefferson Regional Health Alliance facilitated the development of the Jefferson Health Information Exchange (JHIE). The initiative brought together multiple key stakeholders to determine the feasibility and interest for implementing HIE in support of: 1) improved health care quality; 2) decreased health care costs and 3) improved health outcomes and access in Southern Oregon. The region defined in the initial phase (Phase I) of the project included Josephine, Jackson and Klamath Counties, and these founding organizations: Asante Health System, Ashland Community Hospital, Jackson County Health Department, Jefferson Behavioral Health, Mid Rogue Independent Physician Association, PrimeCare, and Providence Health and Services.

JHIE facilitates the exchange of electronic health information among health care providers in order to achieve the following goals:

·  Improve the care received by consumers served by Oregon’s health care system;

·  Reduce medical errors associated with incomplete information available to providers of medical care;

·  Improve communication among health care providers and their patients;

·  Reduce the number of duplicative tests;

·  Facilitate more efficient clinical referrals and transitions of care; and

·  Reduce the cost of health care, especially Medicare and Medicaid costs and Oregon Health Plan costs, thereby reducing the burdens of government.

In January 2013, JHIE went live with three primary functions that enable providers to improve care while saving time and costs: 1) provider-to-provider referral system; 2) provider-to-provider secure messaging; and 3) a consolidated clinical inbox for management of clinical results from JHIE participating hospitals that are not already interfaced with the electronic health record (EHR).

JHIE currently utilizes the Medicity iNexx applications and in Phase II and II will be utilizing the Medicity ProAccess application and MediTrust platform.

Beginning in late 2013/early 2014, JHIE will also offer:

·  Connectivity with the State’s CareAccord program – secure messaging with providers who do not participate in JHIE

·  Single source interface between a provider’s EHR and JHIE, allowing for clinical reports and results, and admissions and discharge information from all participating hospitals, labs and diagnostic facilities to be delivered to the EHR via a single interface – saving the cost of multiple interfaces and supporting federal meaningful use reporting requirements

·  Data sharing from practice/clinic EHRs via JHIE to other providers

·  Community Health Record – affording authorized providers the ability to search a patient’s clinical results and be presented with a consolidated, standardized and configurable view of a patient’s:

o  Results and reports from hospital participants

o  Continuity of Care documents from EHRs

2.  General Instructions

The following are requirements of Respondents under this RFP.

·  Read the RFP and Statement of Work requirements completely and thoroughly.

·  Prepare a response according to the instructions below. A complete response is required or the proposal will be disqualified.

2.1  Request for Proposal Timeline

RFP Release / March 22, 2013
Deadline to submit letter of intent / April 3, 2013, 5:00 p.m. PST
Deadline to submit questions / April 3, 2013, 5:00 p.m. PST
Answers to questions posted / April 5, 2013
Proposals Due / Bid Opening / April 17, 2013 at 11:00 a.m. PST
Interviews and Site Visits / April 29 through May 10, 2013
Bid Award Notifications (estimated) / May 10, 2013

2.2  Addenda to the RFP

If it becomes necessary to revise any part of this RFP, addenda to the RFP will be posted to All potential Respondents are responsible for periodically checking the JHIE website for newly posted addenda to the RFP. All Respondents shall acknowledge in writing receipt of all amendments, addenda and changes issued in connection with this RFP by submitting an affirmative statement of receipt in the Cover Letter.

2.3  Questions

All questions must be submitted in writing. The deadline for submitting questions is 5:00 p.m. PST on April 3, 2013. Questions must be directed to and must be provided in a Word document attached to the email. The questions should be sequentially numbered. Responses to all questions received by the deadline will be posted at by 5:00 PST on April 5, 2013.

2.4  Letter of Intent

Respondents shall submit a mandatory Letter of Intent (LOI) to respond to the RFP on or before 5:00 p.m. PST on April 3, 2013. The LOI must be submitted via email attachment to .

The LOI does not bind the Respondent to submit a bid. The LOI must be submitted on the Respondent’s letterhead, signed by an authorized representative, and contain the following information:

·  Name of Respondent organization

·  Name, address, telephone number, and email address of the primary point of contact

·  Brief summary of the organization and hosting solution and capabilities (200 word limit)

2.5  Proposal Contents

2.5.1  Cover Letter

A cover letter must be included in the RFP response that addresses the following requirements:

·  Must bear the original signature of a principal or authorized officer of the Respondent with the legal authority to enter the organization into a formal contract with JHIE.

·  Must include name of Respondent, mailing address, telephone number, fax number, primary contact name, and email address.

2.5.2  Table of Contents

The table of contents must reflect the headings as defined in Section 2.5.3 as well as the Scope of Work (Section 5).

2.5.3  Responses

Proposals must include the following:

·  Clear and concise presentation of the Respondent’s qualifications for providing each requirement set forth in this RFP.

·  List of at least three customer (3) references (see Attachment A), including contact person, telephone number, fax number and email address. References must reflect service offerings similar in size and scope to that required in this RFP. The site visit requirement (outlined in Section 3.7) must also be addressed.

·  Clear and concise response to each requirement, including how the Respondent will provide the service and any limitations, risks or modifications the Respondent will make when implementing the scope of work.

·  Exceptions the Respondent takes to the terms and conditions included in the RFP as well as any exceptions to the contract template (Exhibit I).

·  Respondents must make provision to meet and comply with all applicable federal and state laws and regulatory criteria.

Proposal Response Format

Response Section / Title / Format or Maximum number
of pages /
Cover Letter / Letter on company letterhead of no more than 1 page. Must be signed by a representative that has the legal capacity to enter the organization into a formal contract with JHIE.
I / Table of Contents (List all sections/documents comprising Respondent’s proposal) / No page limit
1 / Response to Statement of Work (SOW) / No more than 20 pages using subheadings consistent with RFP Section 5.
2 / Corporate Capabilities and Experience / Word document, including completed tables 4 and 5, no more than 6 pages.
3 / Budget Narrative / A pricing narrative provided in a Word document to include no more than 5 pages and shall account for all four contract periods.
Attachment A / References (3) / Completed form
Attachment B / Pricing Workbook / The Excel workbook pricing template includes 3 worksheets. Refer to Section 8 for instructions.
Attachment C / Hardware Specifications and Warranty Agreements / Word documents or manufacturer references. Provide only succinct documentation. Do not include manuals. No page limit
Attachment D / Exceptions / No page limit
Attachment E / Audited Financial Statement / No page limit

2.6  Formatting Requirements

·  Proposals must be typed, double space. Font size in Word documents must be 12 point at a minimum. Margins in Word documents shall be no less than 1 inch; however, they may be less for Word charts, tables and Excel spreadsheets.

·  Proposals should be prepared simply and economically, providing a straight-forward, concise description of the Respondent’s offer to meet the requirements of the RFP. Do not use ring binders.

·  Please limit the inclusion of pre-produced marketing collateral. If Respondent deems in necessary to include such items they must be limited to only those items with direct relationship to the proposal content and which adds specific value in aiding the evaluation process.

·  Proposals must indicate the name of the Respondent and RFP number on each page footer. This information also must be prominently displayed on the front cover page of the proposal.

2.7  Number of Copies and Delivery Specifications

·  All proposals must be submitted with one (1) original and four (4) hard copies and an electronic copy on portable flash drive, mailed or delivered in a sealed envelope to:

Jefferson Health Information Exchange


520 Medical Center Drive, Suite 120

Medford, OR 97504

2.8  Closing Date

Complete proposals must be received by April 17, 2013 at 11:00 a.m. PST.

2.9  Incurred Expense

JHIE will not be responsible for any expenses incurred by the Respondent in preparing and submitting a proposal.

3.  Proposal Stipulations & Requirements

3.1  Contract Period

The awarded contract shall be valid for a 42-month period upon contract execution as follows:

·  Contract Period 1: June 1 to December 31, 2013

·  Contract Period 2: January 1 to December 31, 2014

·  Contract Period 3: January 1 to December 31, 2015