Internet Research Worksheet on Computer History and Hardware
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Print this sheet and use the links below to answer the following questions in the space provided.1. Read the article “Evolution of Computers” and answer the following two questions.
When was the Osborne 1 introduced and at what cost? What is the latest computer introduced in the article and at what cost?
2A) By accessing the two following links, explain the term “Computer Generations” , and
2B) list the technological change that lead to the “5 generations of computers” and in each case describe why?
3. What did Blaise Pascal contribute to computer history and when?
4. What is Joseph Marie Jacquard best known for and when?
5. Charles Babbage is sometimes referred to as the “father of computing. What did he contribute and when?
6. What is Herman Hollerith best know for and when did he do it?
7. Who founded International Business Machines (IBM) and when?
8. What did John Presper Eckert, Jr. & John Mauchly do and when?
9. Who founded International Business Machines (IBM) and when?
10. What four inventions influenced the evolution of electronic devices and computers and when did each occur?
11. What is Silicon Valley best known for?
12. The microprocessor in a computer can be compared to what part in a human body?
13. List three differences between Laser printers and Inkjet printers. Which type provides the best quality?
14. What do the terms “WAN”, “LAN”, and “WiFi” stand for and how do they differ from each other? Which one best describes the one found in this room?
15. Explain the term “Binary Code” and how it relates to computers.
16. List the steps in the “Information Processing Cycle” and identify one or more computer hardware components that contribute to each step.