Data Assessment Analysis Process Guide

Data Assessment Analysis Process Guide

Learning Activity 3-B-2:

Data Assessment Analysis Process Guide

Part 1: Complete each step in the data analysis process as directed.

Step 1: Descriptor

The first step in the analysis process is to get a descriptive feel for what has been collected. Start by reading through the entire data set. This step can be completed alone or with a colleague.

Respond to the following questions:
What did I see as I inquired?
What was happening?
What are my initial insights into the data?

Step 2: Sense-Making

In the second step, the data is read and reviewed. It may make sense to organize the data into categories such as chronology, key events, people, behaviors, and so on.

To guide the process respond to the following questions:
What sorts of things are happening in my data?
What do I notice?
How might different pieces of my data fit together?
What pieces of my data stand out from the rest?

Step 3: Interpretation

In the third step, patterns and themes come to light and can be transformed into statements about what has been learned and what that means in terms of answering the inquiry.

Respond to the following questions to clarify this step:
What was my initial wondering as it concerned authentic instruction and how do these patterns inform it?
What is happening in each pattern and across patterns?
How is what is happening connected to my teaching?
How is what is happening connected to my students?
How is what is happening connected to the subject matter and my curriculum?
How is what is happening connected to my classroom/school context?

Step 4: Implications

In the fourth step, it is time to interpret what has been learned, to take action as a result of the findings, and to pose new questions that will extend the learning.

Respond to these questions to guide the process:
What have I learned about myself as a teacher?
What have I learned about my students?
What have I learned about the larger context of schools and schooling?
What are the implications of what I have learned for my authentic teaching?
What changes might I make to my authentic instructional practice?
What new wonderings do I have?

Part 2: Respond to the following questions and prompts.

What was the most challenging aspect of the data analysis process to inform instruction? How did you overcome the challenges?

What are some individual student needs based on the data analysis? How did you arrive at your conclusions? Remember to consider students with and without disabilities.

Reflect on your analysis findings. What surprised you the most?

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