Data and Information Re-use CEs
Steering Group
Minutes of meeting held on Thursday 2 December 2010, 10:00am – 12 noon.
Present / Colin MacDonald (Chair) (LINZ) / Lesley Middleton (MORST)Geoff Bascand (Statistics NZ) / Paul Reynolds (MfE)
Debbie Chin (Standards)
In Attendance / Stephen Crombie (DIA), until 10.50
Keitha Booth (Secretariat / Mark Leicester (SSC)
Janet Thomson (SSC)
Apologies / Karen Sewell (Education)
Penny Carnaby (NatLib)
Greg Goulding (Archives)
1Confirm draft minutes of previous meeting and review action points
1.1The draft minutes were confirmed as an accurate record and action points reviewed. Lessons learnt from the IR consultation are being incorporated in DIA’s Open Data Engagement pilot evaluation to be presented to the February 2011 meeting. Suzanne Snively’s concerns about the collection of personal consumer patterns were noted, as was the work programme’s focus on non-personal data.
2ICT governance report back
2.1Colin reported that the ICT Strategy Group recent focus has been on governance support for DIA’s common capability work through the establishment of the ICT Council. An independent chair is likely.
2.2His recommendation thatthe Steering Group present a formal report to the ICT Strategy group meeting in early 2011 was agreed. This will link the work programme to Direction Two of the Directions and Priorities for Government ICT. It will also include an updated ICT Governance diagram expanding on the Common Capability diagram developed by DIA. (Timeline: a draft to the Feb 18 meeting of the Steering Group; the final to the Strategy Group on 23 March)
3Steering Group Secretariat and Proposed Cabinet Paper on Supporting Open and Transparent Government update
3.1Colin advised that Keitha Booth will commence her secondment to LINZ on Monday 6 December.
3.2Members agreed that, whilst LINZ will drive the process of preparing the Cabinet Paper, the approach will be collaborative, with Working Group memberscontributing.
3.3It was agreed that the Steering Group’s governance arrangements will be revisited once changes at DIA and MORST are settled.
3.4The 2011 meeting schedule was circulated.
4Open Data Project: Monthly Report
4.1Stephen highlighted the rise in datasets notified and the static nature of access by visitors.
4.2Following a discussion on the low penetration of and the need for more attractive datasets, it was agreed that more promotion, including case studies,is needed. Examples from the Mix&Mash competition could be used to promote data mashup. Leveraging on the Guardian newspaper’s promotion of government data websites was also proposed. Active work to encourage academic research based on the datasets was also suggested.
Action Point:See whether applications developed for the Mix&Mash competition can be used to promote government data mashups.
Action Point:Consider innovative ways for promoting dataset usage.
5Report on Work programme Projects
5.1Keitha spoke to the summary report, noting that there had been slippage with some projects. It was agreed that the Working Group would receive regular project reports and report exceptions to the Steering Group.
6LINZ Presentation
6.1Colin described and illustrated LINZ’s geospatial data focus – leading New Zealand’s geospatial information strategy, and developing a geospatial centre of excellence by building on LINZ’s core technical functions. The LINZ Data Service, due to be launched on 1 July 2011, aims to improve the discoverability of and access to LINZ geospatial data. He also noted the focus of the Spatial Industry Business Association, which includes encouraging government to enhance ten most basic spatial reference datasets and make them more widely available.
6.2The subsequent discussion traversed the challenges of two different customer sets: specialists and interested parties, the opportunities providing by crowd-sourcing, and New Zealand’s position compared internationally.
7Discussion with Law Commission on their Review of the OIA
7.1Professor John Burrows and Margaret Thompson presented key issues the Law Commission is considering, including the OIA burden placed on agencies, proactive release by agencies, guidelines on consultations and the impact of technologies on the purposes of the Act. They encouraged agencies to make submissions to the Commission.
8Other Business
8.1There was no further business.
9Next meeting:
9.1The next meeting will be held on Thursday18February 2011, from 10:30am to 12:30pm at LINZ, in the Pickering Boardroom, 11th floor, Lambton House, 160 Lambton Quay.
Action points:
Meeting Date / Item # / Summary of Task / Due date / Responsible person2.12.10 / 021210/1 / Draft a report for ICT Strategy Group meeting in early 2011 / 18.02.2011 / Keitha Booth (Secretariat)
2.12.10 / 021210/2 / See whether applications developed for the Mix&Mash competition can be used to promote government data mashups / 18.02.2011 / Keitha Booth (Secretariat)
2.12.10 / 021210/3 / Consider innovative ways for promoting dataset usage. / 18.02.2011 / Stephen Crombie (DIA)
12.08.10 / 120810/2 / Direction 2 Cabinet paper preparation including: setting out the impact of the work programme; drawing up a flexible approach to seeking stakeholder perspectives; highlighting individual work items with Ministers; identifying what difference each would make; developing key communications messages. Steering Group to supply names of potential stakeholders / 18.02.2011 / Colin MacDonald (LINZ)
22.04.10 / 20104/2 / Present the review of the policy framework on government held information for consideration / May 2011 / Keitha Booth