Dartmouth College Library Staff Association

7/8/09 Meeting

Minutes of the meeting.

Convened: 10:30AM

Room: Baker 152

Baker-Berry Library

In attendance:

Cheryl Wheelock

Michelle Lee

Matt Agnoli

David Sandberg (minutes)

Danelle Sweeney

Jan Peltzer

Marcia Pirone

Jamie Dalton

Karen MacPhee

Karen Welch

Goodie Corriveau

Marianne Densmore

Joyce Thurston

Sylvia Wilcox

An email was sent seeing how people felt for voting for minutes by email. Response: 31 people sent to. 21 responses “yes”. Going forward approve the minutes. OK to do this. Agenda minutes. Concerns? Discrepancies? OK.

Minutes – results of survey. No rush. Week is reasonable. 2 weeks OK, too. “No wiki – you don’t want people changing minutes. Finalized, not changeable. Yes these will be on the website. Cheryl Wheelock will send an email on June minutes and report on website. Needs to be a proviso that reporter has 2 weeks to send out minutes. 2 weeks to put them out – a week to respond. Revised minutes have to be sent to the board. Then posted to the web giving the web master up to a week to post them to the website.. Informal process. Formally approve minutes next meeting. Yes Process End of meeting 2 weeks to transpose notes – circulate to board by email. Approved May and June minutes.


Program Committee – nothing to report at this time.

Social Committee – EBA lunch was successful – low attendance 75 staff came – 185 total library staff. Last year more than a hundred. Food drive 30 items – these were sent to the Raven pantry. Rethinking the timing of the EBA lunch for next year – move it earlier in the year? Three big events that week – EBA’s, Town Hall meeting and DCLSA Spring Meeting. Moving EBAs event would be an easy thing to do. Easy to put together. Date flexible.

Web Committee – sent out for feedback – just a little feedback received. Some positive. If you would like changes please let the web committee know. Changed link in the staff web. Web committee will meet soon to flesh out areas for development. Moved from old site to the new site. This looks good. Listserv function - does anyone want this? People want ways to collaborate more easily. Listserv would do that. Creates an archive. Has the ability to be searched. Can send a digest once a day. Makes it easier. Cheryl Wheelock will put on the agenda for a bigger discussion. Perhaps a demo for people? Michelle Lee and Marcia could put together a demonstration for the board? August agenda – a demo?

Craft Committee – Danelle Sweeney – Verbal confirms from crafters. She believes it’s going to go well. Waiver for food table. There was a need for a waiver because the Hanover Inn provides all food ate vents in the HOP. Alumni Hall and the adjoining room – big table outside describing what is inside. DCLSA table inside will feature crafts. Marketing and Craft committee will work together to put out info – Michelle Lee and Danelle Sweeney.

Welfare Committee – Cheryl reporting for Julie - One birth since the June meeting. Send gift, an item usually 45 dollars.

Treasurer report for 2008-2009 – Cheryl reporting for Barb.

Cheryl Wheelock will send a copy of the Treasurer’s report to the DCLSA board and to Secretary for the web. Question – Is this report part of the minutes board will approve? Are we supposed to approve? Expenditures were already approved. June meeting treasurer’s report is a wrap up of the prior fiscal year. Question - Are we going to have a budget? No strict budget – everyone should have an idea of how much to spend. 2500 carried from last year – 7000 subvention from library administration. 2540 from the craft fair. Cheryl Wheelock read into the Minutes the Treasurer’s Report. Jamie Dalton asked about cleaning expenses 300.00 – is this for cleaning the staff room in Baker Berry Library – when they transitioned from paying for it to having staff do it there may have been a short time where we were still paying for it? Will ask Barb. Perhaps at next meeting. We are not paying to clean the Baker Berry staff room. Barb will be asked to explain the three hundred dollars for cleaning expenses at the next meeting.

Cheryl - This meeting, in general, is a wrap up of last year – next meeting to focus on goals for the coming year.

Lora Thompson in Library Administration is interested in partnering with us to put on an event. An afternoon event with refreshments. Should we have music? Perhaps Bill Ghezzi? He is on vacation now. Perhaps have it in the loggia outside Novak Cafe? Would this work? It will be a 2 hour event to allow people on service desks to attend in rotation. Will be from 1 to 3PM. Danelle will check into prices for music with a friend of hers. We have had musicians in the past – should be OK now. Also – maybe donuts and coffee for the night shift in the library? 28, 29, 30 July are being looked at for dates. Marianne Densmore will get back to us on this.

Job Descriptions – Overview. Do we want to involve managers in sending flowers when someone leaves? Is it Ok for liaisons to handle this? Meeting decided liaisons are OK with handling this. Manager involvement does not need to be sought in this process.

Marianne Densmore will be the chair of the Social Committee. (An elected chair is necessary.)

For Programs Committee do we need to put in about “successful programs will be repeated.” This sounds limiting in practice. This will be deleted.

Marketing Committee Michelle Lee will help manage archive of the DCLSA with Barb at Rauner.

Cheryl Wheelock will make changes as requested to the Job Descriptions and then send them to the board by email for review.

Awards banquet. Cheryl Wheelock talked to Brenda Delaney – 9/10/09 available for this years Awards banquet. 1902 room reserved for 11-3 PM This is a well-attended event. This event requires preparation – awards must be printed and framed. Years of service reckoning is different from College’s policy. Number of years determined by last hire date – not first hire date. $1700.00 for awards last year. Main office wants beefed up awards ceremony. Social Committee will do up a budget and email to the board. Marianne will confirm the date with Brenda Delaney in Library Administration.

Library Go Round – committee open house with Staff Development Committee. A table to tell people what DCLSA is. Cheryl Wheelock confirmed that we would like to be represented. Michelle Lee will work on how we will market ourselves at this event. Michelle will communicate with Committee chairs to talk about this. Event will be 9/2/09 12:00-2:00 1902 Room Baker-Berry Library.

Meeting Adjourned 12:04PM