Darebin Arts Ambassador

Expression of Interest

EOIs Close: 4:00pm Wednesday 16 November 2016

Darebin City Council is seeking new members for the Arts Ambassadors Reference Group. Ten

new members are being sought who have diverse expertise, experience and commitment to

ensuring Darebin has a thriving arts and creative culture.

Council is seeking key advisors from the local community and from the local creative sector to assist on matters relating to the arts and creative sector in Darebin. Council plays an importantrole in contributing to and supporting a local and dynamic creative community and this advisorygroup is designed to help shape a strong future for artists, audiences and the community.

I’m interested, what do I need to do?

Please read the attached Terms of Reference and complete all sections of the Expressions of

Interest Application Form.

For further information contact Sarah Catchlove

Phone:03 8470 8505


Applications close 4pm Wednesday 16 November 2016.

How to Submit

Applications can be emailed to:

Or post, to arrive by the closing date: Darebin City Council

Attn Sarah Catchlove

PO Box 91



Darebin Arts Ambassadors Expression of Interest




In 2013 Council endorsed the establishment of the Darebin Arts Ambassadors Reference Group to advise Council on any matters relating to the arts in Darebin.

In relation to Darebin’s arts and creative culture, Council has a primary responsibility for understanding and articulating the community’s values and desired future for providing opportunities for cultural learning, arts participation and creative expression. Council also plays a significant role striking a balance between contributing to and supporting an evolving and dynamic creative sector as well as effectively addressing local needs through creative initiatives and programs.

There are three primary drivers that define the role and investment of Council in delivering a comprehensive portfolio of arts and cultural initiatives, programming and infrastructure:

1.Improved social cohesion, wellbeing and connectedness through arts and creative experiences for those who live, work, study or play in the City of Darebin.

2.Contribute to an environment and make possible the conditions that encourage creative endeavour and enterprise to proliferate.

3.Set the strategic agenda for facilitating the growth of creative culture across the Northern Metropolitan region.

The creative and cultural industries represent a significant employer in Darebin’s economy, supporting more than 2,500 jobs or nearly 5% of Darebin’s employment. The industry contributes over $400 million in gross regional product, a contribution of 7.5% of Darebin’s economic value. The live music scene contributes an estimated $32 Million to Darebin’s economy, with patronage estimated at over 700,000 audiences in 2015. Cementing Darebin's reputation as the hub of Northern Melbourne's vibrant arts scene will see this economic contribution grow and at least double over the next 10 years.

Coupled with this economic picture the City of Darebin places an emphasis on social inclusion and engagement with Darebin’s diverse communities. The Darebin Arts Ambassadors will take into account Darebin’s unique and diverse communities, based on but not limited to gender, age, cultural identity and ability, as well as providing an invaluable advisory mechanism to support both economic growth and social sustainability.

  1. Mission statement
  2. To act as Council's key advisory and consultative mechanism regarding arts and cultural policy, planning, programs and infrastructure.
  3. To inform and assist Council in understanding the key priorities, policies and drivers that influences the provision of and access to arts and cultural services and opportunities.
  1. Statement of Purpose
  2. Advise Council on matters relating to the arts and community in Darebin.
  3. Support and guide Council to achieve its goal of a Thriving Creative Culture through sector engagement, community engagement and advocacy.
  4. Support Council in the development, implementation and review of arts and cultural policy and strategy.
  5. Support and guide Council on the provision of its own arts programs, festivals, projects, infrastructure, assets and initiatives.
  6. Advocate on behalf of the creative sector on all matters pertaining to arts and culture at a local, state and national level.
  7. Engage in strategic planning and direction setting in relation to arts and cultural investment, creative spaces provision in the context of neighbourhood development and urban renewal zones.
  8. Participate in opportunities to collaborate with working groups, other advisory bodies that advance the strategic goals of Darebin City Council.
  9. It is not the purpose of the Darebin Arts Ambassadors Reference Group to become involved in day to day operational matters. Members will be encouraged to provide input to arts and cultural strategies and to make submissions on other Council strategy and policy documents. Members will also be encouraged to be actively engaged in the variety of arts and cultural programs occurring in Darebin and beyond.
  1. Membership
  2. Membership of the Darebin Arts Ambassadors Reference Group will be balanced in regard to age, gender and cultural background. The group will compromise of a total of 17 members. The following categories will apply.
  3. Five resident participants inclusive of gender, CALD and age balance. Selection will be based on demonstrated knowledge and experience in the arts and creative sector; understanding and interest in local government; and a commitment to advancing Darebin as a thriving creative centre.
  4. Five Creative Sector professionals working predominately in the arts and creative industries within Darebin.
  5. Five Council Staff; Manager Creative Culture, Coordinator Arts Programming, Coordinator Arts Participation and Coordinator Arts Integration.
  6. Two Councillors; Chair and Deputy Chair.
  1. Term and Method of Nomination
  2. Members will be appointed for a minimum of 2 years. The reference group will meet four times per year.
  3. If a vacancy occurs, a public notice will be placed in local newspapers, Council and Darebin Arts websites, key social media handles and the Darebin Arts e-newsletter advising of the vacancy and seeking expressions of interest.
  4. Appointments will be made by a panel of representatives from the reference group. Panel members will include the Chair (nominated Councillor), one member and one Council officer.
  5. A position will be deemed to be vacant if a member fails to attend for two consecutive meetings without reasonable grounds.
  1. Support
  2. Any support required to enable participation in the Darebin Arts Ambassadors Reference Group will be provided by Council. This includes reimbursement of costs for travel, language interpreters and other reasonable costs.
  1. Meeting times and frequency
  2. Meetings to be held at a time to suit members.
  3. There will be at least four meetings per year, every two months commencing in March of each year, with additional sub-group meetings as agreed by members.
  1. Financial Interests and Conflict of Interest
  2. Darebin Arts Ambassadors Reference Group members must disclose any financial interests to ensure there is no conflict interest resulting from their participation in meetings.
  3. If a member believes they have a conflict of interest in a matter before the Reference Group, then that member must declare their interest and not partake in any discussion or decision on the matter. The declaration will be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.
  1. Decision Making Processes
  2. The Darebin Arts Ambassadors Reference Group is not a decision making body of Council. It is designed to provide advice to Council of matters relating to local, state and national priorities relating to arts and culture.
  3. The Darebin Arts Ambassador Reference Group membership will be diverse in both representation and opinion. Darebin City Council encourages members to work together to achieve the best possible meeting outcomes.
  4. If the situation arises where consensus cannot be reached, the matter will be referred to Chairperson to recommend strategies to progress a decision.
  1. Resourcing
  2. Darebin City Council staff nominated by management will support the Reference Group. The nominated Council officer will prepare agenda papers for meetings.
  3. Agendas and supporting material will be circulated three clear working days prior to meetings to ensure a reasonable opportunity to read the meeting papers. At all times, the nominated Council officer remains under the direction of their Manager.
  1. Communication
  2. The business conducted at each meeting will be recorded in the minutes and copies of the minutes will be promptly distributed to Reference Group members, Councillors and the Council’s executive team.
  3. Council officers are responsible for ensuring that Reference Group members are advised of:
  4. Progress or outcomes of any feedback provided by the Reference Group;
  5. Dates of Council meetings considering matters relevant to the work of the Reference Group; and
  6. Any Council report or Council decision relevant to the Reference Group.


Darebin Arts Ambassadors Expression of Interest


The personal information collected on this form will only be used for the purpose of ensuring we are achieving our aims of an inclusive and diverse summit. This information will be handled in accordance with the Victorian Information Privacy Act 2000, and will not be disclosed to any third parties without your consent unless required by law.

You may applyfor accessto any of yourpersonal information held by theCity of Darebin by contacting the Council'sPrivacy Officer on 8470 8877.

Section 1: About You

Daytime Phone:
Mobile Phone:
What is your current connection to Darebin?(Tick as many as apply) / I live in Darebin
I work in Darebin
I run a business in Darebin
Section 2: Membership Interest and Selection Criteria
There are five community memberships and five creative sector memberships currently open;
please indicate under which category you are applying:
Community member
Selection of community members will be based on demonstrated knowledge and experience in
the arts and creative sector, understanding and interest in local government and commitment to
advancing Darebin as a thriving creative centre.
Creative sector member
Selection of creative sector members will be based on demonstrated knowledge and
professional experience in the arts and creative sector, are sector professionals working
predominately in arts and creative industries based in Darebin.
Section 3: Written Statement
Please provide below a written statement that details why you are interested and what contribution you will make as an active member of the Arts Ambassadors Reference Group. (250 words maximum):

Section 4: CV and Bio

Please provide a summary of your current CV and/or biography that highlights your engagement, knowledge and commitment to Darebin's thriving arts and creative culture. (250 words maximum). This can be supplied as an attachment.

Section 5: Council Reference Groups

Are you, or have you been, a member of any other Council Reference Group or key advisory groups?



If yes, please indicate the group and dates of membership:

(Preference will be given to people who are not members of other Groups)

Section 6: More about you

The following questions areOPTIONAL. You may choose not to complete this section of the form.

Please tick as appropriate:

I am Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander / Yes No
I was born overseas / Yes No
I identify as CALD / Yes No
My age group is / 25 and under 26-35 36 -45 46 – 55 6 -65 Over 65
I identify as / Female Male Trans
Other ------Prefer not to specify
I identify as a person with a disability / Yes No


Darebin Arts Ambassadors EOI application form