Manteo High School
Notification of the Annual English Language Proficiency Test
ESL Program Eligibility – Alternative Assessment – Testing Accommodations
Scheduled dates for testing: Feb. 5, 7, and 8.
Time: 2nd Period Grades tested: 9 – 7 School: Manteo High School
Student: Grade Level: School: MHS
The State of North Carolina requires that any student with a language other than English be administered and English language proficiency test. The test which is currently used is called the IDEA Language Proficiency Test or IPT. The IPT results help identify students with limited English skills by evaluating their English proficiency in listening, reading, speaking and writing based on his or her raw scores. Once the student receives a superior in all 4 domains, he or she will no longer be considered an ESL student and will not receive ESL services. IPT test result for each domain are ranked into one of six categories: Novice Low, Novice High, Intermediate Low, Intermediate High, Advanced and Superior. ______
Federal law requires that “…LEP (limited English proficient) students be provided an equal opportunity to access curriculum and instructions.”
State and Federal regulations require that students be served, and that they meet content and performance standards established by the State Accountability Program and the Federal No Child Left Behind Act.
LEP students are not exempt from state testing
Newly-arrived limited English proficient students may receive alternative assessments.
ESL Program Benefits – The goal of Dare County Schools ESL Program is to help LEP students obtain English language proficiency in order to meet State and federal grade level academic standards for grade promotion and graduation and the federal English language growth and proficiency requirements. ESL classes are taught in English with the use for special instructional materials. Small group instruction develops listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills within a content based framework.
ESL Program Services – Served and Consultative
Elementary and some middle and high school LEP students participate in regular classes and have scheduled ESL instruction based on each student’s English proficiency levels.
Exit Procedure
Our goal is to transition LEP students from the ESL program with two to five years depending on their English language grade levels. ESL services are provided to LEP students until they score Superior in all areas (listening, reading, speaking and writing) on the IPT. At that time, the student leaves the ESL program. Exited student’s grades are monitored for a minimum of one year to ensure academic success. In addition, at the secondary level, our expected goal is that 100% of our LEP students will graduate from high school.