Department of Sociology
1155 Union Circle #311157
University of North Texas
Denton, TX 76203-5017
940-576-2285 (-2296)
fax: 940.369.7035


Ph.D., Sociology, University of Georgia, Athens, 19901
M.A., Anthropology, University of Georgia, Athens, 19822
Graduate Certificate, Global Policy Studies, Political Science, University of Georgia, 1982
B.A., Anthropology, University of Texas at Austin, 1976


2011-present / Department Chair / Department of Sociology / University of North Texas
1996-present / Associate Professor / Department of Sociology / University of North Texas
1995-2002 / Visiting Professor / GLOBIS – Verona, Italy / University of Georgia
1990-1996 / Assistant Professor / Department of Sociology / University of North Texas
1988-1990 / Assistant Professor / Department of Sociology / University of Georgia


Publications: BooksResearch Monographs

2016Zafirovski, Milan and Daniel G. Rodeheaver. Conservatism’s Long Secret Journey: From Medievalism to Fascism and Back. Saarbrücken, Germany: LAP-LAMBERT Academic Publishing.

2013Zafirovski, Milan and Daniel G. Rodeheaver. Modernity and Terrorism: From Anti-Modernity to Modern Global Terror. Boston: Brill.

2004Weeber, Stan C. and Daniel G. Rodeheaver. Militias in the New Millennium. Lanham, MD: University Press of America.

2000Eve, R.A., S.B. Eve, D.G. Rodeheaver, R. Perez, K. Burton, S. Phillips, M. Hockenberger and S. Walker.Final Report: Community Oriented Policing Services Project: Loitering and Disorderly Conduct in East Arlington, Texas. Arlington Police Department and the Office of Community Oriented Policing Service, U.S. Department of Justice.

1999Eve, R.A., S.B. Eve, R. Perez, D.G. Rodeheaver, M. Hockenberger and S. Walker. Loitering and Disorderly Conduct: The East Arlington Experience. Arlington, TX: Arlington Police Department.

1999Rodeheaver, Daniel G. Community Oriented Policing and Apartment Residents in Arlington, Texas: Final Report. COPS, U.S. Department of Justice.

1998Eve, R.A., S.B. Eve, R. Perez, D.G. Rodeheaver, M. Hockenberger and S. Walker. Loitering and Disorderly Conduct: Community Perceptions in East Arlington. Arlington, TX: Arlington Police Department.

1997Sokulsky, Kariann et al. State of Texas Environmental Priorites Project, Volume 4: Socioeconomic Workgroup Report. Austin: Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission.

1995Sokulsky, Kariann et al. State of Texas Environmental Priorities Project: Report of the Socioeconomic Workgroup: Final Report. Austin: Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission.

1995Sokulsky, Kariann et al. State of Texas Environmental Priorities Project: Report of the Socioeconomic Workgroup: Draft Reports Nos. 1, 2 & 3. Austin: Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission.

1989Orthner, D.K., C.Z. Howe, D.G. Rodeheaver and I. Zimmerman. Impacts of Recreation and Club Programs on the Retention of Navy Personnel. Washington, DC: Department of the Navy.

1988Rodeheaver, D.G., D.K. Orthner and C.Z. Howe. A Report Drawn From the U.S. Navy Leisure Needs Survey. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina.

1982Bates, F.L., C.D. Killian, D.G. Rodeheaver and R.E. Klein. The Evaluation of Emergency Food Programs Following the 1976 Guatemalan Earthquake. Athens, GA: University of Georgia.

1982Bates, Frederick .L., Daniel G. Rodeheaver and Robert E. Klein. "Emergency Food Distribution and Its Appropriateness." Chapter 6 (pp.259-297).in F.L. Bates (ed.) Recovery, Change and Development: A Longitudinal Study of the 1976 Guatemalan Earthquake, Vol. 1. Athens, GA: University of Georgia.

1982Rodeheaver, Daniel G. Malnutrition and Food Aid Programs: A Case Study From Guatemala. Athens, GA: University of Georgia. (Also available from - Washington D.C.: USAID & Guatemala City: Instituto de Nutricion de Centro America y Panama).

Publications: Articles, Etc.

2011Zafirovski, Milan and Daniel G. Rodeheaver. “Puritanism and Democracy in Comparative-Historical Perspective: An Overview and Reconsideration of the Literature and Evidence.” Beliefs and Values: Understanding the Global Implications of Human Nature. 3(1):113-146.

2009Zafirovski, Milan and Daniel G. Rodeheaver. “The Mannheim Hypothesis Revisited: Conservatism versus the Principle of Liberty and Liberal Modernity.” Journal of Classical Sociology. 9(3):319-335.

2009Rodeheaver, Daniel G. “The Sociopolitical Ecology of a Post-American World.” International Review of Modern Sociology. 35(2):231-240.

2005Williams, James L. and Daniel G. Rodeheaver. “Teaching Sociology Graduate Students to Teach With Technology.” Journal of Applied Sociology. 22(1)/7(1):42-55.

2003Williams, James L., Daniel G. Rodeheaver and Denise W. Huggins. “Crime and Punishment in Russia and the United States: 1990-1996.” International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice. 27(1):39-67.

2003Weeber, Stan C. and Daniel G. Rodeheaver. "Militias at the Millennium: A Test of Smelser’s Theory of Collective Behavior." Sociological Quarterly. 44(2):181-204.

2003Eve, R.A., D.G. Rodeheaver, S.B. Eve, M. Hockenberger, R. Perez, K. Burton, L. Boyd, S. Phillips, and S. Walker. “Community-oriented policing in a multicultural milieu: the case of loitering and disorderly conduct in East Arlington, Texas.” International Journal of Police Science and Management. 5(4):245-264.

2002Williams, James L., and Daniel G. Rodeheaver. “Punishing Juvenile Offenders in Russia.” International Criminal Justice Review. 12(Fall):93-110.

2000Williams, James L. and Daniel G. Rodeheaver. "Violent Crime in Russia and the United States: 1990-1996.”International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice 24(2):135-158.

1999Williams, James L., Daniel G. Rodeheaver and Denise Huggins. "A Comparative Evaluation of a New Generation Jail." American Journal of Criminal Justice, 23(2):223-246.

1998Williams, James L. and Daniel G. Rodeheaver. "Crime and Punishment in the Soviet Union and the U.S., 1986-1990." International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice 22(1):77-90.

1997Rodeheaver, Daniel G., James L. Williams and Jennifer G. Cutrer. "Environmental Equity in Dallas County, Texas, Neighborhoods and Communities." Sustainable Communities Review 1(1):7-13+.

1995Williams, James L., Daniel G. Rodeheaver and Raj Sethuraju. "Teaching Theoretical Criminology to Undergraduates." Teaching Sociology 23 (October): 407-412.

1995Peacock, Walter Gillis and Daniel G. Rodeheaver. "The Political Economy of Ethnic Group Behavior in Guatemala." International Journal of Comparative Race and Ethnic Studies 2(1):1-20.

1991Williams, James L. and Daniel G. Rodeheaver. "Processing of Criminal Homicide Cases in a Large Southern City." Sociology and Social Research 75(2):80-88.

1991Rodeheaver, Daniel G. and James L. Williams. "Federal Educational Funding and the Professional Labor Market Entry of African American Women: The Impact of the Reagan-Bush Era." SAGEVIII(1):21-27.

1990Rodeheaver, Daniel G. and Denise P. Rodeheaver. "Rural Health Care Delivery and Nutrition Program Implementation: A Case Study From Highland Guatemala." ERIC/CRESS (October):1-16.

1989Williams, James L. and Daniel G. Rodeheaver. "Changes in the Social Prominence and Visibility of Black and White Women, 1925-1988." Sociology and Social Research 73(3): 107-111.

1989Rodeheaver, Daniel G., D.K. Orthner, C.Z. Howe and L.I. Zimmerman. "Recreation and the Retention Decisions of Armed Forces Personnel." Leisure Sciences 11(3): 201-216.

1988Tolnay, Stewart E. and Daniel G. Rodeheaver. "The Effects of Family Planning Effort and Development on Fertility: An Intervening Variables Framework." Studies in Comparative International Development 23(3): 28-50.

Book Chapters

2007Weeber, Stan and Daniel G. Rodeheaver. "Militias in Cyberspace: A Sociological Perspective." Pp. 7-48 (Ch. 1). In: S.C. Weeber (ed.). Private Armies, Citizen Militias, and Religious Terrorists: Origins and Forms of Antisystemic Violence Today. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press.

2005Rodeheaver, Daniel G. and James L. Williams. “Juvenile Crime and Juvenile Justice in post-Soviet Russia." Pp. 225-245 (Ch. 11). In: William A. Pridemore (ed.). Ruling Russia: Crime, Law, and Justice in a Changing Society. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.

1995Rodeheaver, Daniel G. and Jennifer G. Cutrer. "Environmental Equity and the Case of West Dallas." Pp. 213-233. In: S.R. Ingman, X. Pei, C. Ekstrom, H. Friedsam and K. Bartlett (eds.), An Aging Population, An Aging Planet, and A Sustainable Future. Denton, TX: TIREA/University of North Texas Press.

Book Reviews

2000Rodeheaver, Daniel G. "Creating Sustainable Cities." Sustainable Communities Review 4(1):48-49.

1994Rodeheaver, Daniel G. "Agrarian Structure and Political Power in Mexico." Rural Sociology 59(1):187-189.

1992Rodeheaver, Daniel G. "Harvest of Want: Hunger and Food Security in Central America and Mexico." Rural Sociology 57(2):288-290.

1991Rodeheaver, Daniel G. "The Mexican American Family: Tradition and Change." Social Science Journal 28(4):544-546.

Encyclopedia Articles

2016Rodeheaver, Daniel G. and Milan Zafirovski. “Sociology of Work.” In: A. Scerri, K. Wray and B. Turner (eds.). The Encyclopedia of Social Theory. London: Wiley.

2014Williams, James L. and Daniel G. Rodeheaver. “Hactivism.” In: Craig J. Forsyth and Heith Copes (eds.). The Encyclopedia of Social Deviance. Vol.8, Pp.317-320. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.

2006Rodeheaver, Daniel G. “Ecological Fields.” In: Jens Beckert and Milan Zafirovski (eds.). Encyclopedia of Economic Sociology. Pp. 159-160. London: Routledge.

Work-in-Progress/Under Submission

“Social Capital and Delinquency Among Turkish Juveniles.” With J.L. Williams and SuatCubukcu (under review, International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice).

“Acculturation in Context: Immigrant Generation, Neighborhoods, and Condom Use among U.S. Hispanic Males and Females.” With N.D. Driver, C.M. Cready, and M.D. Niño (under review, Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health).

Grant Activities3,4

2012 / “The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Democracy: How Calvinism Affects Modern Democratic Society” / NSF (Co-PI) / $302,000 / Denied
2005 / "The Role of Social Network Structure in Disaster Recovery: The Potential of Network Bridging for Recovery from Hurricane Katrina" / NSF/NIMH Rapid Response / $300,000 / Denied
2000-01 / "The Future of Sociological Research and Funding in the New Millennium" / Federation North Texas Area Universities / $2,500 / Received
2000 / "Transformations in Post-Soviet Russia: The Sociopolitical Ecology of Health, Environment and Crime" (P.I.) / National Science Foundation / $240,611 / Denied
2000 / "Capitalism and Crime" (P.I.) / UNT Research Enhancement Funds Award / $5,197 / Received
2000 / "Homicide in Russia: Toward the Development of Explanatory Models" (Co-P.I.) / National Council for Eurasian and East European Research / $68,622 / Denied
1999-00 / "The Transition to Capitalism and the Production of Crime in Post-Soviet Russia" (P.I.) / University of North Texas Research Opportunity Grant / $3,500 / Received
1997-99 / COPS Program Evaluation in East Arlington, TX (Co-P.I.) / National Institute of Justice / $38,000 / Received
1998-99 / East Arlington Sustainable Communities Project (Co-P.I.) / U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development/COPC / $4,000 / Received
1994-95 / “Race, Ethnicity, Economic Class and Power: A Model of Environmental Equity” (P.I.) / University of North Texas Research Opportunity Grant / $2,700 / Received
1992 / "Bi-national Study of North American and Western European Disaster Mitigation and Environmental Protection Policies, Institutions, and Practices" (Co-PI) / National Science Foundation / $162,469 / Denied
1991 / Junior Faculty Summer Research Fellowship / University of North Texas / $3,500 / Received
1990-91 / "Disaster Vulnerability, Socioeconomic Development and Environmental Problems, Policies and Organizations" (P.I.) / University of North Texas Research Initiation Grant / $1,500 / Received

3This table only includes grant activities since coming to UNT, beginning Fall, 1990.

4Currently, I hold a contract for the UNC/NIH sponsored the Add Health Restricted-Use data (the National LongitudinalStudy of Adolescent to Adult Health). There is no funding associated with this contract.

Conference, Professional, Etc. Presentations

2017Williams, J.L., and D.G. Rodeheaver.“An Integrated Theoretical Perspective on Intimate Partner Homicide Rates in Texas.” Southern Sociological Society. Greenville, SC (paper, March 30).

2017Williams, J.L., L.E. Espinoza, L.E. Espinoza, and D.G. Rodeheaver.“County Social Capital and Intimate Partner Homicide in Texas: An Exploratory Study.” Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. Kansas City, MO (paper, March 21).

2016Williams, J.L., D.G. Rodeheaver, and E.J. Lynton. “Intimate Partner Homicide in Texas Counties: A Social Disorganization Approach.” Academy ofCriminal Justice Sciences. Denver, CO (paper, March 30).

2015Williams, J.L., H. Gerling, D.G. Rodeheaver and E.J. Lynton. “Social Space and the Response to Controversial Police Homicides.”American Society of Criminology (Nov. 20). Washington DC.

2015Driver, N., C.M. Cready, M. Niño, D.G. Rodeheaver. “Acculturation in Context: The Relationship between Neighborhoods, Acculturation, and Condom Use among Adolescents.” American Sociological Association, Chicago, IL (paper, Aug. 25).

2015Williams, J.L., E.J. Lynton, and D.G. Rodeheaver. “Understanding the Criminal Justice System Response to Controversial Police Shootings.” Academy ofCriminal Justice Sciences. Orlando, FL (paper, March).

2014Williams, J.L., and D.G. Rodeheaver.“Modeling Intimate Partner Homicide in Texas: A Revised Strain Theory Approach.” American Society of Criminology. San Francisco. (paper, Nov.)

2014Niño, M., T. Cai and D.G. Rodeheaver. “Social Withdrawal and Delinquency and Violent Behavior over the Life Course: A Network Perspective.” 11th Annual Add Health Users Conference, National Institutes of Health. Bethesda, MD. (June 26).

2014Williams, J.L., and D.G. Rodeheaver. “Intimate Partner Homicide in Texas: A Modified Strain Theory Approach.” The Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences.” Philadelphia, PA. (Feb. 21)

2014Johnson, N.J., D.G. Rodeheaver, and J.L. Williams. “Intimate Partner Homicide Rates in Chicago, 1988 to 1992: A Modified General Strain Theory Approach.” The Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. Philadelphia, PA. (Feb. 21)

2013Williams, J.L., E. Lynton, and D.G. Rodeheaver. “Moral Time and Criminal Justice: Testing Black's Theory of Social Time.” The Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. Dallas, TX. (March 22.)

2011Cubukcu, S., J.L. Williams, and D.G. Rodeheaver. “Social Capital, Social Bonding, Differential Association, and Self Reported Delinquency Among Turkish Adolescents.” American Society of Criminology. Washington, DC. (roundtable paper, Nov. 17)

2010Williams, James L. and Daniel G. Rodeheaver. “Race, Gender, and Juvenile Justice Decision Making: An Application of Black's Theory of Law.” American Society of Criminology. San Francisco. (roundtable paper, Nov. 20)

2010Williams, James L. and Daniel G. Rodeheaver. “Race/Ethnicity, Gender, and Juvenile Justice Decision Making in Texas.”American Society of Criminology. San Francisco. (paper, Nov. 19)

2009Johnson, D.P., D.G. Rodeheaver and J.L. Williams. “Gender and Juvenile Case Processing in Texas.” American Society of Criminology. Philadelphia. (Nov.6).

2009Williams, James L. and Daniel G. Rodeheaver. “The Scarlet Letter: Internet Sex Offender Registries.” American Society of Criminology. Philadelphia. (Nov. 5).

2009Johnson, D.P., D.G. Rodeheaver and J.L. Williams. “Processing Hispanic Juveniles in Texas.” American Society of Criminology. Philadelphia. (Nov. 5).

2009Rodeheaver, Daniel G. "Ethical Issues in Teaching Environmental Sociology.” Southwestern Social Science Association. Denver, CO. (April).

2009Rodeheaver, Daniel G. and Diana Luque. “Bio-cultural Diversity: A Case Study of the Comcaac of Mexico.” Southwestern Social Science Association. Denver, CO. (April).

2008Williams, James L. and Daniel G. Rodeheaver. "Explaining the Overrepresentation of Minorities in the Juvenile Justice System," American Society of Criminology. St. Louis, MO. (November).

2007Williams, James L. and Daniel G. Rodeheaver. “Explaining Gender Differences in Juvenile Offending: A Test of Broidy and Agnew's Strain Theory.” American Society of Criminology. Atlanta, GA (November)

2007Williams, James L. and Daniel G. Rodeheaver. "Race, Ethnicity, and Juvenile Justice Case Processing in Texas." Southwestern Social Science Association. Albuquerque, NM. (March).

2006Williams, James L. and Daniel G. Rodeheaver. "Race/Ethnicity, Gender, and Decision Making in Juvenile Justice Systems." American Society of Criminology. Los Angeles, CA (November).

2005Williams, James L. and Daniel G. Rodeheaver. "Racial Effects in Processing Juvenile Cases in Texas: 1999-2003." Southwestern Social Science Association. New Orleans, LA (March).

2004Williams, James L., Daniel G. Rodeheaver and Felicia Guerrero. "Processing Offenders in Texas Juvenile Courts: Trends and Patterns." American Society of Criminology. Nashville, TN (October 17).

2004Rodeheaver, Daniel G. and Williams, James L. "Juvenile Crime and Juvenile Justice in Post-Soviet Russia. " Crime, Law, and Justice in post-Soviet Russia Conference, Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Harvard University. Boston, MA. (February 13).

2003Williams, James L. and Daniel G. Rodeheaver. "Problems and Prospects in Russian Criminal Justice since 1991." American Society of Criminology. Denver, CO. (November).

2003Williams, James L. and Daniel G. Rodeheaver. “Structural Sources of Violent Crime in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union.” Southwestern Social Science Association. San Antonio, TX (March).

2003Williams, James L. and Daniel G. Rodeheaver. “Teaching Macrosociology to Introductory Sociology Students.” Southwestern Social Science Association. San Antonio, TX (March).

2003Zottarelli, Lisa K. and Daniel G. Rodeheaver. “Public Support for European Union Membership in the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe.” Southwestern Social Science Association. San Antonio, TX (March).

2002Zottarelli, Lisa K. and Daniel G. Rodeheaver. ”To EU or Not to EU: A Comparison of Public Opinion Between Central and Eastern European Countries Seeking and Not Seeking Membership in the European Union.” American Sociological Association, Chicago, IL (August 17).

2002Williams, James L. and Daniel G. Rodeheaver. “Political Democracy, Inequality and Homicide in Russia and Eastern Europe.” Southwestern Social Science Association, New Orleans, LA (March).

2002Weeber, Stan C. and Daniel G. Rodeheaver. “Militias at the Millenium: A Test of Smelser’s Theory of Collective Behavior Utilizing Triangulated Data Sources.” Southwestern Social Science Association, New Orleans, LA (March).

2001Zottarelli, Lisa K., Daniel G. Rodeheaver and James L. Williams. "The Democratization and Marketization of Post-Soviet Russia: Contradictory Processes?" Southern Sociological Society, Atlanta, GA (April 5).

2001Williams, James L., Daniel G. Rodeheaver and John Greg Gullion. "Juvenile Justice in Russia: Structure and Problems." Southern Sociological Society, Atlanta, GA (April 7).

2001Zottarelli, Lisa K., Daniel G. Rodeheaver and James L. Williams. “Democracy and Capitalism in Russia: The Challenges of the Dual Transformations. Southwestern Social Science Association, Fort Worth, TX (March 18).

2000Rodeheaver, Daniel G., James L. Williams and Lisa K. Zottarelli. "Capitalism and Crime: The Russian Experience." American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA (November 17).

2000Williams, James L. and Daniel G. Rodeheaver. “Punishing Juvenile Offenders in Russia: 1992-1996.” American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA. (November 17)

2000Williams, James L. and Daniel G. Rodeheaver. "Patterns of Juvenile Delinquency in Russia: 1990-1996." Southern Sociological Society, New Orleans, LA. (April 21)

1999Williams, James L., Daniel G. Rodeheaver and Denise W. Huggins. "Crime and Punishment in Russia and the United States: 1991-1996." American Society of Criminology, Toronto, Canada. (November 19)

1999Eve, S.B., K. Burton, R. Cartwright, K. Daly, R. Eve, M. Hockenberger, D.G. Rodeheaver, S. Walker, R. Perez, and S. Phillips. "Older Adults Working for Sustainable Communities: A Case Study of East Arlington." Gerontological Society of America. (November). Abstract pub: The Gerontologist, 39 (Special Issue).

1999Eve, S.B., K. Burton, R. Cartwright, K. Daly, R. Eve, M. Hockenberger, D.G. Rodeheaver, S. Walker, R. Perez, and S. Phillips. "Community Oriented Policing in a Multicultural Environment: The Case of East Arlington, TX." (10th annual meeting of the International Association of Problem Oriented Policing, San diego CA, Nov. 13-16). <

1999Eve, S.B., R.A. Eve, D.G. Rodeheaver, R. Perez, M. Hockenberger and S. Walker. "Coping with Diversity in an Urban Environment." Society of Applied Sociology, Dallas, TX. (October 29-31).

1999Eve, R.A., D.G. Rodeheaver, M. Hockenberger, S. Walker, S.B. Eve and R. Perez. "The Challenges of Work and Family in an Ecological Field Characterized by Multiculturalism." Federation of North Texas Area Universities Conference, "Work and Family: Effects of Gender, Race and Class", Denton, TX. (September 10).

1999Williams, James L. and Daniel G. Rodeheaver. "The Legacy of Reform: Violent Crime In Russia During the 1990’s." Southwestern Social Science Association, San Antonio, TX (April 2).

1998Williams, James L. and Daniel G. Rodeheaver. "Rising Crime Rates in Russia and Eastern Europe: An Assessment of Competing Models." American Society of Criminology, Washington, DC (November 11).

1998Rodeheaver, Daniel G. and Jennifer G. Cutrer. "The Distribution of Environmental Contaminants: A Socio-Historical Study of Selected Neighborhoods in Dallas County, Texas." Southwestern Social Science Association, Corpus Christy, TX (March 20).

1998Williams James L. and Daniel G. Rodeheaver. "The Transition to Capitalism and Changing Crime Rates in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union." Southwestern Social Science Association, Corpus Christy, TX (March 19).

1997Williams, James L. and Daniel G. Rodeheaver. "Violent Crime in Post-Soviet Russia, 1991-1995." American Society of Criminology, San Diego, CA (Nov.).

1996Rodeheaver, Daniel G. "A Test of an Environmental Equity Model in the Dallas-Fort Worth CMSA." Southwestern Social Science Association, Houston, TX (March 20).

1995Rodeheaver, Daniel G. and Walter Gillis Peacock. "Subsistence Production, Informal Economy and the Cultural Division of Labor." American Sociological Association, Washington D.C., August. (Abstract pub: Sociological Abstracts suppl. 177:82).

1995Cutrer, Jennifer G. and Daniel G. Rodeheaver. "Intergenerational Transmission of Environmental Perceptions and Ethics." Southwestern Social Science Association, Dallas, TX (March 26).

1994Williams, James L. and Daniel G. Rodeheaver. "Homicide Case Processing in the Soviet Union and the United States, 1985-1990." American Society of Criminology, Miami, FL (November 9-12).

1994Rodeheaver, Daniel G. "Comparing Household Recovery: Accumulation, Deaccumulation and Reaccumulation Following the 1976 Guatemalan and 1985 Mexican Earthquakes." XIII World Congress of Sociology, Bielefeld, Germany (July 18-23).

1994Rodeheaver, Daniel G. "Society, Environment and Socio-Political Violence: The Case of Post-1976 Guatemala." Southwestern Sociological Association, San Antonio, TX (April).