Daniel 7 : The future unfolds
Perhaps you have noticed how different the last 6 chapters of Daniel are from the first 6? Particularly in style and language - the entire atmosphere is different. The first 6 are ordinary story/narrative style. The last 6 are mainly prophecy, wrapped in symbolic language - which had the purpose to give encouragement to believers who were in difficult circumstances. Something like: "Just persevere, because we know with certainty where everything is heading."
This is the purpose of chapters 7-12: "As believer, it is worthwhile to persevere, because the future of the world is in the Lord's hands."
From our recent study of Revelation, you will know that this is also the message of Revelation. Revelation is the same kind of literature as is Daniel 6-12 = apocalyptic literature. Daniel is the "Revelation" of the OT, and it helps us to understand the Revelation of the NT. That is only by the way.
To me personally, Daniel 7 is of the most precious and comforting passages in the Bible. One wants to keep it in one's heart, just the way Daniel did (v 28). Because the complete future of planet earth is summed up here. The Lord knows the future and controls it and His Spirit gave it to Daniel. It is God's reliable and inerrant Word. Without a doubt.
With regards to the time period, chapter 7 moves back to before chapter 5 - even before king Belshazzar saw the hand writing on the wall. Indeed it was in the first year of the reign of Belshazzar - who was still king of the Babilonian Empire. During that year the Lord gave Daniel a vision in his sleep. It was a prophetic word, which was actually a repeat of the dream of Nebuchadnezzar's which Daniel interpreted (Dan 2). It repeats that dream, and expands upon it. We should take thorough note of that.
I remind you of Nebuchadnezzar's dream in chapter 2: Giant statue of a man. Different parts. HEAD: Gold. CHEST AND ARMS: Silver. BELLY AND THIGHS: Bronze. LEGS: Iron. FEET AND TOES: Partly iron and partly baked clay. Suddenly a rock is cut out, but not by human hands. It struck the statue's feet of iron and clay and smashed them. Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver and the gold were broken to pieces and became like chaff which the wind swept away. But the rock became a huge mountain and filled the whole earth and will last for ever.
The 5 sections of the statue is an indication of the only 5 world-empires which would ever exist, from the Babilonian Empire and into the future - until with us today. HEAD =Babilonian, CHEST=Persian, BELLY=Greek (Alexander the Great), LEGS=Roman Empire, FEET AND TOES=divided kingdoms (independent political systems) which would come after the Roman Empire (after 476 AD), up to our time, and until the second coming of the Lord Jesus, when the rock will fill the earth. With Jesus' second coming, the rock alone will remain - God's kingdom.
Everything is repeated just like that in chapter 7, but with different images.
Now we see FOUR ANIMALS: 1)Lionwith wings like an eagle (Babilonian Empire); 2) Bearwith three ribs between its teeth (Persian Empire); 3) Leopardwith 4 heads and 4 wings (Grecian Empire); 4) A terrifying and frightening beast with iron teeth and who devoures its victims (Roman Empire). In Nebuchadnezzar's dream the legs of iron (Roman Empire) had feet with 10 toes - a variety of independent kingdoms who would exist all over the world (the last 1540 years) until God's kingdom replaces all and lasts for ever and ever (2nd coming of Christ).
In chapter 7, the 4th beast has 10 (the complete number) horns - indicating the same 10 kingdoms to follow the Roman kingdom - and during their time, an eternal kingdom will dawn in which the children of God will reign (correlates with the ROCK of Nebuchadnezzar's dream).
But chapter 7 goes deeper and shows more, which was not shown in chapter 2: Before the rock strikes the feet and toes of the statue (1st dream) andbefore God's kingdom replaces the 10 horns (2nd dream), something else will happen:
From among the 10 horns (all the political governments as we know it today) a "little horn" will come up which will be a single individual who will obtain world-influence, after he had crushed the other governments. The power will be centred in one man. His main purpose will be to exterminate the Christians. He will be in opposition against Christ and against Christians. Exactly when it seems as if he will succeed and that his tiranny will continue forever, the Lord will destroy him and God's eternal kingdom will dawn.
This part of the prophecy has not yet been fulfilled. The prophecy is fulfilled up totoday - 10 horns. The 4th beast was the Roman Empire which came to an end in 467 AD. After the Roman Empire there has not been a worldempire again. Certainly many governments. Those are the 10 horns/feet and 10 toes. Today we are still in the time of the 10 horns. Next on God's prophetic agenda for the world is the appearance of the little horn and his hate for the Christians. This man/horn is the Antichrist of which the NT speaks so clearly.
2 Thess 2 correlates 100% with Dan 7 > Just before the second coming of Christ, a man will appear on the world scene who will cause the greatest apostacy against Christ in all history. An absolute Antichrist whose coming will be orchestrated by satan. But, when Christ appears, the mere glory of His appearance will destroy the Antichrist. You may read it by yourself in 2 Thess 2.
Crystal clear: before the end time, there will be great persecution of the true believers. WAR (v 21). Christians will be defeated (v 21). It will appear as if it will go on forever: verse 25: literally: time, times and half a time. In other words, a certain period in duration. And afterward, another period like that. And then, another period like that, but it does not complete: The living God suddenly brings everything to a stop. Verse 26 > Quickly and easily, the power is taken away from the Antichrist. Verse 22: The little horn defeats the believers UNTIL.... the Lord pronounce judgment in favour of His children! It appears as if Antichrist has a free hand, but all the time he is under control. He is allowed to move only to the point where the Lord has drawn the line.
And then the surprise: in an instant, the little horn is destroyed and the kingdoms of the world will be handed to the children of the Lord (v 27). This will be an ETERNAL kingdom, in other words, it will replace all the previous failed human kingdoms. This is the ROCK of chapter 2 which smashed the statue and which then filled the whole earth.
Thus, the first important thing which chapter 7 addsto chapter 2, is the fact that God's eternal kingdom will not replace the 10 horns (feet and toes) until the little horn has made its appearance - the wicked world-dictator: Antichrist.
Amazing that his demise is already documented. Even though Antichrist has not appeared yet, we already know everything ahead of time - even his end. We also know what the outcome will be for the children of the Lord - that they will reign with Christ for all eternity. The future belongs to all who belong to Jesus. All this is written in Daniel 7, although Revelation proclaims it in all languages.
The second important addition chapter 7 makes to chapter 2: Behind the scenes, where no one can see AND while political systems through all the ages seemingly continue undisturbed, there is a heavenly THRONE where SOMEONE is sitting and reigns over everything. And that Someone hands the authority over to another Someone - who was like the son of man, and who also receives worship!
It is no wonder that Daniel was bewildered and pale after this vision! While the earthly kingdoms carries on and the little horn curses and blasphemes and oppresses the believers, Daniel sees a heavenly throneroom - which is actually a courtroom. He saw the eternal God sitting on His throne (literally: "Ancient of Days", however it does not mean that He is old. It means that He is everlasting). Everything speaks of holiness and purity: clothing was white as snow, hair was white like wool, throne was flaming with fire, a river of fire flowing from the throne. Thousands upon thousands attending Him. Absolute power flowing from the throne. This throne is not disturbed by the progress of the history of the world. On the contrary, this throne reigns over everything. Each time when an earthly kingdom falls or is replaced, it is because a word was given from the throne! Only one Word from the King of kings, and the terrifying 4th beast (Roman Empire) disappears! As easy as that! Only one word from the throne, and it is the end of the Antichrist. He who appears to have such power over the believers – he simply disappears when a judgement comes from the everlasting Throne!
Something more: Daniel sees Someone approaching the throne. A human figure who is given worship and glory (which only the Deity should receive). Someone "like" the son of man. He is not yet the son of man, because it was before Bethlehem's manger. The Holy Spirit helps Daniel to see very clearly that this person looks LIKE the son of man. And He receives authority, glory and sovereign power, exactly like the One sitting on the throne, although He is Someone apartfrom the One on the throne! To Him is given authority and an everlasting dominion. The authority of all the earthly political systems is taken away from the world dictator, Antichrist, and is given to this mysterious "son of man" who is apart from Him sitting on the throne and yet receives the very same glory and worship!!
What an absolutely gripping vision of Jesus Christ - who was only expected by Israel at that stage! How moving that Jesus is visualised as a Person separate from the Father, and yet fully God, just like the Father. And that He will have the final authority! Everything written in the NT, is seen by Daniel in this vision. How wonderful the Bible is.
Can there be any doubt at all of the infallible divine inspiration of the Bible as the Word of God? Can there be any doubt about the exact accuracy of Biblical prophecy? If the dreams of Daniel 2 and Daniel 7 already came to 100% fulfillment, we can be assured that the rest will also be literally fulfilled.
What has still to come into fulfillment? We are presently in the phase of the 10 toes/ 10 horns - different independent kingdoms spread over the earth. Next on the agenda: Appearance of the little horn, the Antichrist and the unfathomable suffering awaiting the church of the Lord. Afterward, the appearance of the Lord Jesus on the clouds, the destruction of the Antichrist, and the start of the final kingdom. The future belongs to the Lord and everyone who belongs to Him.
Can you see why it is worth the trouble to persevere in following the Lord with devotion? And to not stare ourselves blind at what is happening in the short term? Look further. The Bible is true. The prophetic word is accurate. Behind the scenes, God's throne governs everything. The future is documented already. Christ will eventually usher in the everlasting kingdom. Everyone who loves Him, is in the winning team.
Translated by Marthie Wilson