SCULPTURES (How many have you already encountered? Do you know others to add?Use highlighter if contributing any missing information.)

Pick 9 Public sculptures, on campus/in greater Lafayette area. Note locations in your left margins.

Physically visit a variety* (one bust, one fountain, one relief, etc.) of 9free-standing or low relief sculptural works to I-D-A-I-J. For #10: Draw line A, measured into categories in this order (natural, realistic, stylized, semi-abstract, abstract, non-objective). Place your 9 numbers where they would fall on this line, from most representational to least.

On a new line B, labeled favorite to least favorite, place the 9 numbers where they should fall. Would you have guessed this about your taste in3-dimensional forms? (Attach a full page digital image of one of the works we don’t have on file, if you’d like) In the right margin, write a best word for the purpose of each.

Beware, some sites not current. Don’t copy!

Note: not all 3-D objects are primarily called sculptures. When another word best describes it (though it may have sculptural elements incorporated), avoid it: bell tower, 3-D stone signage, grave markers, water fountains, reflecting ponds,engineering keys, etc. There are plenty of other sculptures.



*Transformation Faustino AizkorbeAg Mall, Marstellar St. (Class of 1952, in 2002)

*ContinuumLarry Anderson in front ofLynn Hall/Vet school

-Yue-Kong Pao bronze bust……………………..?In Pao Hall by gallery lobby

-………(giant compass tool)……………………..?In Pao Hall by gallery lobby

-………….(figures)……………………..?Relief, outside, Purdue Memorial Union

-American CreedEm ViquesneyPMU lobby, wall relief

- Misc.Bronze Portrait Busts, (A. Lincoln)……………………..?PMU, inside(From class of 1904)

*Engineering FountainRobert YoungmanEngineering Mall

(+ see at night w fountain on/ colored lights!)

-…………….(3 women)……………………..?Bldg Relief, on H o M (w mask, harp, script)

-(& bronze Paul Spotts Emerich bust …………………….?Band end, outside Elliot Hall of Music

- When Dreams DanceDave Caudillby Schleman / Hovde (silver, tubular, curved)

*The Way It WasJ Seward Johnson, JrClass of 50 Bldg, 2nd floor

-Spirit ArchPhilipShoreby Stanley Coulter (Class of 2000)

-(Lion Heads/ Fountain)……………………..?near Stanley Coulter (Class of 1903)

Chase Blake monument?

-(Steel Teaching Sculpture)Am. Inst. of Steel Construct. (orange, shows various beam connections)

by Civil Engineering

Neil Armstrong Chas FaganN.A. Hall of Engineering

-(abstract silver wrench?)Andrew T Crawfordby Potter Eng. Ctr./ME

-…………………….Faustino Aizkorbeby a Beering entrance, fountain side

- Spirit of FreedomEd HamiltonB.ack Cultural Center Lobby

- Metal Sculpture /Funk Dancer ’G’ Garry R. Bibbs Black Cultural Center Lobby

-Echo SpiralJohn MishlerLawson Computer Science, entrance

- Tired Lady …………………….? Windsor Hall, 2nd Street court

-The BoilermakerJon HairRoss Ade Stadium (bronze)

-Kaikoo VIBetty Gold(red angular one) at PickettPark

-Anemotive KineticRobert Mangold(18-colors, sphere, on pole, turns)

FlourishDan Lawler-White Pickett Park ?(- Untitled Dorothy Berg …….interlocked l forms, rusty metal) ?


-SeagullsCynthia McKownWabash Landing (by Borders/Scotty’s)

-Fishtail DanceJohn Mishler North River Rd. /Heritage Trail

By Williamsburg Apts.


- …..(sundial / sculpture)David Aho?PedestrianBridge

- (The World Split Asunder?)……………………...?RhielePlaza, by bridge stairs (911 memorial)

- & Most Precious OfferingSandra WhittenRhielePlaza, by bridge stairs

- Wabashiki……………………...?HarrisonBridge, drive-by (turns in wind)

- Gargoyle on bldg ……………………….? 312 Main St. / La Scala?

* Farm Family ObjectsL Vanderkolk / R Patrick5th and Main, for Farmer’s Market

- Marquis de Lafayette……………………...? 4th & Main, Tippecanoe Co. Courthouse

(also a sculpture atop the building and many others in the pediments of the courthouse)

- ………(kid’s area/suspended from ceiling) Dan Engelke &……..? Tip. Co Public Library (YOU control motor!)

- (‘Best Friends’ reading on bench) …………………………? “ (in lobby by Youth area)

- (……………..Wabash?)Dave CaudillAbove Art Museum’s 9th Street Entrance

- FacingVanderkolk / welding students Outside Ivy Hall, Ivy Tech Campus