-Dances are supervised by MCRC staff, community volunteers and parent volunteers. All volunteers are screened.
-Supervision begins at 7pm when the doors open. Supervision ends at 9:30pm. Youth dance participants start exiting the dance at 9:20pm. No one is allowed to leave the dance prior to 9:20pm unless a parent comes in to get them. Parents, please be at the Leisure Centre no later than 9:30pm.
Ticket Sales
-Tickets are available for sale at reception at 410 Bronte Street South Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 5:30pm and until 6:30pm on Tuesdays (starting September 3, 2013). Payment can be made by cash, cheque, debit, mastercard or visa.
- Multiple months tickets are available at 410 Bronte Street South. On dance night, tickets for the next month’s dance will be for sale at MCRC’s ticket desk at the Leisure Centre between 8pm and 9pm.
-Lost tickets cannot be replaced as MCRC does not track who has purchased a ticket. If you lose your ticket you must purchase a new one.
-No refunds will be issued.
-Dances do sell out – call 905-876-1244 ext 220 to hear a message confirming that tickets are sold out. Parents, if your child is planning on purchasing a ticket at the door (cash only), please come in with him/her to ensure that there are still tickets available. “At the door” ticket sales will start after 6:30pm on the day of the dance at MCRC’s ticket table at the Leisure Centre if available.
Membership Wristbands - $2 each
-wristbands must be purchased prior to the first dance attended in a school year and must be worn at each dance attended. A membership card with emergency contact information must be filled out when purchasing the membership wristband. Proof of age is required. Lost wristbands must be replaced at a cost of $2 each. For your convenience a printable copy of the membership card is available at or you can obtain a blank card at reception at 410 Bronte Street South in Milton.
Snack Bar – cash only
-Pizza slices are available for $2 each. Chips, chocolate bars, pop and water are available for $1 each. Please note: the snack bar is not peanut free.
-No outside food or beverages may be brought into the dance.
-MCRC has a zero tolerance policy for aggressive and disrespectful behaviour. Parents will be contacted and asked to pick up their child. MCRC has a zero tolerance policy regarding consumption of alcohol or illegal drugs. Anyone suspected to be under the influence will be refused entry and parents will be contacted.
Youth Dance Dress Code
-MCRC has in place a dress code for all youth dances in order to promote a respectful environment for all its members.
The following items are inappropriate attire for MCRC youth dances:
▪ clothing in which the waist is revealed or undergarments are exposed including tank tops with straps less than 1 inch wide and tops with no straps
▪ any clothing which the MCRC chaperones deem inappropriate. This can include, but is not limited to, clothing which promotes alcohol, drugs, sex, violence, discrimination or hatred.
Any youth dressed inappropriately will be asked to change or a guardian will be contacted.
Parent Volunteers
-Parent volunteers are needed to help supervise the dance. Parent volunteers are asked to provide a current police security check (dated within the last 6 months) as well as two personal references. All volunteers review MCRC child guidance policies prior to volunteering with children.
-Interested volunteers please contact Lee-Ann Babin at ted July 2013