August 27, 2004

For the last 6 years, the Oklahoma Chapter of The Society for Neuroscience has sponsored an interactive exhibit at the Oklahoma City Omniplex called "Brain Awareness Week -The Brain's the Thing." This exhibit is part of an annual international outreach program sponsored by The International Organization of Scientistsand Physicians in collaboration with The Society for Neuroscience.

The Oklahoma Brain Awareness Week exhibit is scheduled for March 24-26, 2005 at the Oklahoma CityOmniplexMuseum. Exhibits will include a hands on display of real human brains, microscope displays of neural cells, as well as select games and tests demonstrating how the nervous system works. We will provide a number of educational stations to address issues ranging from brain trauma to the effects of drug abuse on brain function. Each school is encouraged to arrange through the Omniplex for a class trip to view this exhibit. You can find more information about the Omniplex online at

The Oklahoma Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience will also have a Science Fair for Middle Schools (student registration deadline March 1, 2005). Each Middle School will have the opportunity to send five student science fair projects for exhibition during Brain Awareness Week at the Omniplex. The project should be an informative demonstration geared towards understanding any aspect of the nervous system. The student projects should be selected from a preliminary Middle Schools Science Fair that follows the rules and guidelines outlined in the attachments. Our goal is to encourage active learning about neuroscience and to help students develop the ability to communicate science-related information. More information and links for science fair ideas may be found at

Local organizers of this event include officers of The Oklahoma Chapter for the Society for Neuroscience and undergraduate/graduate students from The University of Oklahoma Norman campus and HealthScienceCenter. For any questions or further information, please feel free to contact one of the Science Fair organizers:

Dr. Regina M.Sullivan
Secretary \ Treasurer
Dr. John Ash

Student Representatives

Raniyah Ramadan

Dr. May Nour

Undergraduate Student Coordinators Amyie Vuong

Lauren Lunday

Kenneth Pope

If you are interested in participating in the Science Fair Registration forms are available online. Please complete and submit the registration forms via email to or by mail to:

Regina M. Sullivan
Department of Zoology
730 Van Vleet Oval
Richards Hall, Room 314
Norman, Oklahoma 73019-6121

We are looking forward to your students' participation!


Dr. Regina Sullivan,
Department of Zoology and
The Oklahoma Center for Neuroscience
University of Oklahoma
Office Ph: (405) 325-5653

Science Fair Rules

The project must be presented on a three paneled tri-fold science fair board (available at Hobby Lobby, Michaels and other craft stores). The area on the table directly beneath the students' board will be available for a projects model(s) to be displayed on. The space will be limited to the depth of the side panels when folded open, the student must keep this in mind when creating a model for the project. Any models that violate the space constraints will not be included in the presentation of the project or judged in the overall project score. Any projects not submitted by 5pm deadline on March 23th will not be included in the Science Fair.

Judging Criteria

1. Creativity (25 pts.)

2. Scientific Thought (40 pts.)

3. Skill and Thoroughness (10 pts.)

4. Clarity (25 pts.)

5. Oral Presentation (25 pts.)

Total 125 pts. Max.

Science Fair Registration Forms

Registration forms must be turned in by the student as an individual participant no later than March 1, 2005. Schools must email Amyie Vuong at by February 1, 2005. To register their school in the Brain Awareness Week Science Fair at the Omniplex, this is the responsibility of the teacher in order to secure spots for their students to participate. Student projects must be delivered to the Omniplex no later than 5:00 PM Wednesday, March 23th or they will not be judged or included in the exhibit.

School Registration Form
Due: February 1, 2005

School Name
School Address & Phone Number
Teacher Name
Teacher E-mail & Phone Number
Teacher Signature

Student Science Fair Registration Form Due: March 1, 2005

Information / Student
Telephone & E-mail
Teacher & School
Student Signature
Parent Signature
Teacher Signature

This form may be filled out and e-mailed to or mailed to:
Regina M. Sullivan
Department of Zoology
730 Van Vleet Oval
Richards Hall, Room 314
Norman, Oklahoma73019-6121

No forms will be accepted any later than March 1, 2005.