8080 SW 81 Drive
Miami, FL. 33143
(786) 566-2604
This agreement, made and entered into this ____day of ______, 2008, between WORLD SALSA FEDERATION, INC. hereinafter referred to as the “WSF” and
______hereinafter referred to as the Dance Studio:
- LICENSE TO SELL WSF MEMBERSHIPS: The above named Dance Studio is contracted with the WSF for one year of the date of signing this agreement at the introductory price of $99 with an option of renewal at the end of said year at the price of $200 per year. This license allows the Dance Studio to sell memberships to the WSF.
2.COMPENSATION: Theabove named Dance Studio keeps all compensation of membership sales of the individual WSF Membership for the contracted year at the suggested price of $25. It should be known that Membership to the WSF is $25 and can be viewed by anyone at the WSF website. The President/Owner of the Dance Studio named above is given free membership to the WSF and is entitled to all of the benefits. In addition the President/Owner of the Organization will also receive a WSF Bronze-Silver-Gold Syllabus DVD at no cost.
3.MEMBER BENEFITS: On initiation, each member will receive a laminated membership card, DVD of the WSF, and an official WSF pen. Additional benefits can be viewed by visiting our website
3. OBLIGATIONS: The WSF will send all materials to the Dance Studio for its new members once a month at no charge to the Dance Studio. The Dance Studio agrees to send via email all membership information, once per month to the WSF so it can issue membership materials for the new members. The Dance Studio agrees to abide by all rules and regulations of the WSF and if not in compliance with such rules will be suspended as an affiliate member pending a hearing by the WSF Board of Directors.
4. Dance Studio has the right to hold sanctioned WSF events within the rules and regulations of the WSF for competitions and events.
5.CANCELLATION POLICY: Once the agreement has been signed, there will be no refund to Organization for any reason.
World Salsa Federation Inc.Date
Organization PresidentDate
All applicants must accept and adhere to the WSF Statutes, Rules of Conduct and Salsa Competition Rules
This form must be forwarded to the WSF President Isaac Altman
Country applying for membership
Name of the Dance Studio
Name of Secretary
Office address
Postal code City
Tel. Fax.
Mobile phone
Name of President
Postal code City
Tel. Fax.
Does your Dance Studio have?
Teachers and trainers as members Yes___ No___ If yes how many as members of the WSF
Does your Dance Studio conduct Dance teacher’s examinations? Yes_____ No_____
If yes, in what disciplines?
Does your organization organize dance competitions: Yes_____ No_____
If yes, in what disciplines?
Following documents should be available by email and sent to the WSF Presidium.
1. A written document explaining the aims and objects of the Dance Studio.
2. Statutes and constitution of the organization
3. Rules and regulations
To be completed by the person filling in this form:
Name Position
City Postal Code
Phone Fax
Rules & Regulations for Associate Members
1. To promote the art and sport of Salsa Dancing with the aim of gaining friendship amongst members and friends so that competitions can be organized to create good sportsmanship amongst competitors and to bring the standard of Salsa dancing in the World to a higher level.
Individual Membership
2. Individual Membership is open to any person regardless of age, sex, race and religion.
3. Every application for individual membership shall be in writing. The membership form to be submitted to the World Salsa Federation (WSF).
4. The decision of the Executive Committee of the WSF shall be final in regard to any ambiguity or dispute on membership approval.
5. The Executive Committee of the WSF also has the right to reject or revoke any membership.
6. A membership card which is issued to the member must be produced for inspection when requested by the Executive Committee of the WSF.
WSF Membership Fee
8. The appropriate membership fee is payable at the point of membership submission.
9. The annual membership is valid from the 1st of January every calendar year. No prorated membership shall be entertained with the exception of Studio and Organization membership.
10. The membership fee is refundable if the application is rejected by the Executive Committee of the WSF.
11. Memberships are payable in advance. If an associate member falls into arrears with his/her membership, he/she shall be informed immediately by the Treasurer of the WSF. If he/she fails to settle the arrears within 14 days of the due date, he/she shall automatically cease to be a member.
Resignation or Revocation of Dance Studio Membership
13. Any resignation of membership must be in writing and addressed to the Secretary of the WSF but he/she shall continue to be liable for any membership dues or other debt due and unpaid at the date of his/her resignation.
14. Similarly, any revocation of membership must be in writing and sent to the member of his/her last registered address with the WSF.
15. In the case of any member who has resigned or ceased to be a member due to failure in payment of dues or for any other reasons, the same member if he/she opts to re-apply for memberships will have to pay the prevailing membership fee again.
General Meetings of the WSF
16. Members can attend any General Meeting(s) of the WSF but they do not have any voting rights.
17. Members shall not qualify for election for any post in the Executive Committee of the WSF.
18. However, in matters or issues relating to Members or under special circumstances with approval of the President of the WSF, Members may be allowed to submit their opinions on the related matter or issue.
Amendments to Rules & Regulations
19. The Executive Committee of the WSF shall have the right to amend the Rules and Regulations for Membership as and when it deems fit.
20. In the event of any question or matter arising out of any point which is not expressly provided for in rules and regulations, the Executive Committee of the WSF shall have the power to use its own discretion.
World Salsa Federation Inc.Date
Dance Studio PresidentDate