Outcomes: GL3, G2,3,4,S1,2,5, J4,5
Political Cartoons: The Rebellions of 1837
Create a political cartoon on the Rebellions of 1837
You must invent anappropriate slogan and have captions.
You must use at least TWO devices in your cartoon: Exaggeration, Allusion, Analogy, Symbolism, Metaphor, Caricature, Stereotype, Humor (satire), Personification
Your cartoon must include at least ONE Historical Figure (or reference to) from the Rebellions of 1837. (see class notes)
You need to illustrate your cartoon with fully coloured, hand-drawn pictures.
On the back, explain the background of your cartoon, and all devices that you used to create the cartoon.
Checklist for Creating Cartoons and Posters:
Identify your topic
Express your point of view and the message you want to convey
Determine what symbols are appropriate and historically accurate
Choose the words to convey your message.
Some Ideas:
Family Compact, Clergy Reserves, Battle of Toronto, William L. MacKenzie, Samuel Lount, Responsible Government, Reasons for discontent in Lower or Upper Canada, Robert Baldwin, Chateau Clique, Patriotes, 92 Resolutions, Rebellion in Lower Canada, Louis-Joseph Papineau, Lord Durham (Radical Jack) and the Durham Report, Rebellions Losses Bills, Lord Elgin
Political Cartoon : Rebellions of 1837Value = 20 points
Student Name: ______
CATEGORY / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Graphics - Originality / Several of the graphics used on the cartoon reflect an exceptional degree of student creativity in their creation and/or display. All graphics are related to the topic and make it easier to understand. Graphics are fully-coloured. / One or two of the graphics used on the cartoon reflect student creativity in their creation and/or display. All graphics are related to the topic and most make it easier to understand. Graphics are fully-coloured / The graphics are made by the student, but are based on the designs or ideas of others. All graphics relate to the topic.
Graphics are not coloured. / No graphics made by the student are included. Graphics do not relate to the topic. Graphics are not coloured.
Devices / Uses 2 devices which are very clear & effective to the reader. / Uses 2 devices which are clear to the reader. / Only 1 device used. / No devices used.
Not a political cartoon.
(Slogans&Captions) / Word choice and language level skillfully used to reflect purpose and audience. / Word choice and language level appropriate for purpose and audience. / Word choice and language level acceptable for purpose and audience. / Word choice and language level reflect some sense of purpose and audience.
CATEGORY / 8 / 6 / 4 / 2
Knowledge Gained / Demonstrates thorough knowledge of facts and ideas, with many original and creative ideas. / Demonstrates good knowledge of facts and ideas, with some original ideas. / Demonstrates some knowledge of facts and ideas. / Demonstrates emerging knowledge of facts and ideas.