Aprende Middle School Ms. Christian

2016/2017 (480) 541-6352

Dance Course Information

Welcome to Dance! Here’s the scoop:

Course Description:

This course is designed to introduce the basic fundamentals of dance technique, strength, flexibility, coordination, and endurance. Units will cover several different dance styles including but not limited to jazz, ballet, and musical theatre. Other topics will include physical fitness and body mechanics, dance appreciation, critique, and history.

Grading Scale:

A = 90-100 % B = 80-89 % C = 70 – 79 % D = 60 – 69 % F = 0 to 59%

Grading Policy:

Full participation is required on a daily basis. Points will be given each day for participation and dressing out if a movement day and participation in discussions and written entries on classroom days.


Your grade will be based on:

Participation, Effort, and Skill

¬ Dress Out / Participation: (20 points per week)

¬ Present, prompt, and dressed in appropriate dancewear.

¬ Actively participating on a daily basis with a positive attitude

¬ Skill and Improvement in technique class (warm-up, barre, across the floor, and center)

Written Assignments

¬ Journal Entries in Dance Notebook (25 points each)

¬ Video Critique Assignments in Dance Notebook (50 points each)

¬ Notes on Unit vocabulary and concepts

Tests and Performance Assessments

¬ Written Unit Tests (100 points each)

¬ Performance Assessments or Movement Exams on units (100 points each)


¬ Dance Inspiration Project (100 points)

¬ Dance Heritage Project (200 points)

¬ Dance Performance Report written paper (100 points)


¬ Notebook for Dance only (spiral bound or composition)

¬ Proper Dance Attire for dress out (outlined below)

Proper Attire:

Female: Please wear all black attire tops and bottoms. Dance pants, tights, or leggings are recommended for best results. NO SHORTS are allowed! Half tops are not allowed and stomach must be covered at all times! Tights and leggings need to be without feet and must extend below the knee for extra protection. Footwear varies by unit; you will not be required to purchase specialized dance shoes but may be asked to bring them if have them.

Male: Please wear all black attire tops and bottoms. Snug fitting t-shirt and dance pants or sweatpants. Leg length of pant must extend below knee. Footwear varies by unit; you will not be required to purchase specialized dance shoes but may be asked to bring them if have them.

The proper attire allows your teacher to see alignment and movements of the body.

You may NOT wear the clothes that you wore to school to class regardless of what color they are. Failure to dress out will result in a loss of participation points and student will have to observe class and complete an alternate assignment. Repeated offenses will result in further penalties.

Absence Policy

·  When you are absent, it is your responsibility to obtain and complete the information and assignments you missed.

·  Check my website and/or the board in my room to see what was missed and how to make it up.

·  You have 2 school days for each day absent to complete missed work (homework, as well as notes, warm-ups, class work, quizzes & tests, too!) After this time period, missed work becomes late.

Course Objectives:

¬ To learn the fundamental technique for all units of dance styles.

¬ To move with correct rhythm and timing.

¬ To condition the body for the fullest movement potential.

¬ To develop an appreciation for the arts and the ability to discuss and critique works of dance.

¬ To gain knowledge of dance history and appreciation of dance from various cultures and heritages

¬ To develop knowledge of correct bone and muscle alignment and to apply this knowledge to improve on dance technique.

Student Expectations: Consequences:

Responsibility Verbal warning

Respect In Class Time Out / Refocus

Preparation ISI Time Out (out of class) and parent contact

Referral to Administrator

¬ Attendance, promptness, and active participation is necessary on a daily basis. Each day you should be prepared to work to your limits, be open to try new styles, and consider every exercise a performance.

Teacher Availability:

If any questions arise during the semester, Ms. Christian can be reached at

Please see my website for a weekly calendar and all of the information distributed in class.

Aprende Middle School Ms. Christian

2016/2017 (480) 541-6352

Dance Course Information

Parent and Student Sign Page

Return by Friday August 5th, 2016

*Students will come prepared for class with proper (all black) dance attire starting on Monday August 8th, 2016

Please email Ms. Christian at

If you have any questions or need help obtaining these items.

Student Name:______Class Period:______

Student Signature:______Date:______

Parent Signature:______Date:______