Dance 4302, Fall 2008 Instructor: Teresa Chapman/modern
Advanced Technique & Theory Office WT 133B
In large measure becoming an artist consists of learning to accept yourself, which makes your work personal, and in following your own voice, which makes your work distinctive. Even talent is rarely distinguishable, over the long run, from perseverance and lots of hard work.
- David Bayles & Ted Orland
Office Hours: M/W 1pm -2pm Class Time: MW 10am-11:45
(and by appointment) Email:
Office Phone:(713) 743-2917 Email:
Course Description (modern component):
This is an advanced modern dance technique class. Emphasis will be placed on understanding proper physical alignment and strengthening core muscle groups. Extended movement combinations will challenge mind and body in an attempt to increase efficiency, stamina, and agility. This course includes moderate to extensive floor work.
Course Objectives:
- To continue to build strength, flexibility, and stamina
- To continue to explore musicality through movement
- To develop, strengthen, and refine a sense of personal artistry
- To explore the use of weight and dynamics in movement
- To extend capability for observing, learning, and reproducing movement phrases and sequences with accuracy and commitment.
Attendance is mandatory. Participation is crucial to the learning of dance. THERE IS NO DISTINCTION BETWEEN AN EXCUSED AND AN UNEXCUSED ABSENCE. If the student has an injury or contagious illness, please discuss it with the professor. Please notify the instructor before class begins if you must leave before a class has ended. An early departure is equivalent to a tardy. The School of Theatre and Dance Attendance Policy will apply to this course.
Students will be allowed to make up an unexcused absence by attending TRAVESTY DANCE GROUP-HOUSTON’S performance of Portables at Zilkha Hall December 11-13, 2008. Present your program and ticket stub or receipt of payment as proof of attendance when you arrive for the final exam.
ALL DANCE STUDENTS ARE ALSO REQUIRED TO ATTEND THE DANCE STUDENT ORIENTATION in Melcher Gym Friday, August 29th at 4pm. Failure to attend will result in the loss of 3 points from the final grade.
ALL STUDENTS ARE REQUIRED TO ATTEND THE EMERGING CHOREOGRAPHER’S SHOWCASE AT WORTHAM THEATER ON UH MAIN CAMPUS NOVEMBER 22nd or 23rd AT 2pm. A sign-in sheet will be monitored at the concert. Failure to attend will result in the loss of 3 points from the final grade.
Evaluation and Grading for Modern Technique Component:
10% Participation: This grade will reflect the quality of participation in class activities, overall effort and attitude.
10% Development of Technical Ability: This grade will be based on individual, physical potential and progress made over the course of the semester.
10% Visible Understanding of Movement Concepts: This grade will be evaluated based on physical as well as cognitive growth in understanding of concepts presented in this course.
20%Practical Evaluation #1: This grade will be based on movement retention,
performance skills, and technical ability.
20%Practical Evaluation #2: This grade will be based on movement retention,
performance skills, and technical ability. December 12, 2008 at 11am
10% Written Assignment #1 (10 points): Artist Bio 2018
Imagine ten years have gone by. Where do you see yourself? What accomplishments as an artist have you made? Dream, but be realistic. How did you accomplish your goals? What did you do to get where you are? Provide specific examples.
Due: October 1, 2008
10%Written Assignment #2 (10 points): What does it mean to be an Artist? Discuss the artist’s role in American society today. Gather your information from at least three sources: one from newspaper article, one from a magazine article, and one from a text. Include a separate bibliography. Add personal commentary. What contributions would you like to make? Where do you fit in? As a performing artist, what do you have to say? Think of this paper as an editorial.
Due: November 12, 2008
10% Written Assignment #3 (10 points): Dance Resume
Students will prepare and hand in a professional resume listing contact information, education, performance experience, training, skills and awards. Guidelines for this assignment will be handed out in November.
Due: November 26, 2008
Written Assignments:
Papers will be graded on grammar and spelling as well as content. The length of each paper should be between three and four pages. All papers should be printed and handed in on the date they are due. No papers will be accepted via e-mail.
In the event a student is asked to resubmit a paper due to poor organization, spelling and/or grammar, the student must seek assistance from the Writing Center located in Agnes Arnold Hall. At the end of the tutorial, the student will request a confirmation print out. This confirmation sheet should be stapled to the revision and resubmitted within two weeks of the original due date.
Late papers: There is a penalty for late papers. For each day a paper is late, one point will be taken from the final grade of the paper.
50% of final grade for AT&T will be from M/W session (Teresa Chapman)
50% of final grade for AT&T will be from T/TH session (Naomi Glass)
Grade Scale:
A+ 100
A 97
A- 93
B+ 89
B 85
B- 81
C+ 77
C 73
C- 70
D+ 66
D 62
D- 58
F 0
* Students in a degree granting plan for Dance at the University of Houston must meet the GPA protocol for the School of Theatre and Dance: If a student drops below a B- GPA for all major courses completed within a semester, the student will be placed on probation as a Theatre & Dance major. Please see the handout on GPA protocol for majors.
Note: Students may request an assessment of his/her grade at any time.
Dress Requirements:
Dance clothes and bare feet are required for this course. Your clothes should be form-fitting, allowing the shape of the body and its movements to be clearly seen. Please, no excessive jewelry…you could hurt yourself or someone close to you!
No Gum Chewing:
The departmental ruling on gum-chewing in class is based on the possibility of inhaling the gum and blocking the airway while dancing. Failure to adhere will result in lowering your grade.
Cell Phones:
The use of cell phones is strictly prohibited in class. This includes text messaging. Please turn off all cell phones and pagers for the duration of the class.
I look forward to working with you all this semester!
Teresa Chapman
***This syllabus is subject to modification at the instructor’s discretion***