DANCE 1221, Fall 2008 Instructor: Fırat Kazbek Özsoy

BALLET 3 part 1 Office: WT 207

When I miss class for one day, I know it. When I miss class for two days, my teacher knows it. When I miss class for three days, the audience knows it. Rudolf Nureyev

Office phone: (713) 743-9842 Class time: 10:00am–11:45am MO/WE

Email: Cell: (713) 240-4215

Course Description:

This class is about the artistry and movement of classical ballet. During this semester, the student is expected to learn intermediate to advance technique and discipline of the classical ballet. Building the body and mind for better control to express feelings through dance with musicality.

Course Objectives/Learning Outcomes:

  • Brushing-up the vocabulary of ballet.
  • Learning to appreciate the art of classical ballet.
  • Gaining better control of the body.
  • Developing better coordination of mind and body.
  • Building strength for better stamina.
  • Gaining and structuring long flexible muscles.
  • Exploring different styles and developing presentation, artistry and musicality.

Evaluation on Expected Improvements of Technique:

  • Learning the combinations efficiently and fast = 20%
  • Coordination of the body and separation of upper and lower body = 20%
  • Learning to plan and anticipate for the next movement = 10%
  • Moving to the music = 25%
  • Achieving correct lines and positions = 25%

Required Reading:

Ballet Basics by: Sandra Hammond

This will be our guide for proper terminology.


  1. Class attendance: Carefully read the attendance policy on the bulletin and included with syllabus. Dance classes strictly adhere to this policy.
  1. In-class/participation = 20% of grade
  1. Written assignment for Houston Ballet performance Onegin by John Cranko.= 15% of grade Optional dates to see it at Wortham Center Brown Theater in downtown

September 4, 6 at 7:30pm and September 7at 2:00pm.

In Your Assignment:

  • Describe the story or idea of the ballet in your perspective.
  • Explain the choreographer’s style of projecting their ideas.
  • Describe the main characters in the ballet.
  • Grade artistry and/or characterization for one dancer in the ballet.
  • Grade the musicality of the choreography.
  • Describe the most noticeable classical ballet movement in the ballet.

Assignment Due: SEPTEMBER 10

  1. Written Midterm =15% of grade

This written exam will be covering basic terminology, classroom work and concept of ballet movements.


  1. Midterm and Final Evaluations Each = 25% of grade

We will be learning 3 or 4 center combinations for each examination. We’ll start learning 1 to 2 weeks prior to examination. The combinations will be evaluated by performance quality, musicality, technicality and clarity of transitions between movements. Your overall work in whole semester will also affect your grades greatly for both evaluations.

Midterm and Final Evaluation Grating Breakdown:

  • Artistry and Presentation30%
  • Musicality 25%
  • Clarity of Technique 25%
  • Execution of the Combinations20%

Date for Midterm Evaluation: OCTOBER 15

Date for Final Evaluation: DECEMBER 1

  1. Make-up Credit: Written assignment for Houston Ballet performance Classically Modern. (Solo by Hans Van Manen, Midæval Bæbes world premier by Stanton Welch, Afternoon of a Faun by Jerome Robbins and Symphony in C by George Balanchine) = extra5% of grade

Optional dates to see it at Wortham Center Brown Theater in downtown

September 18, 20 at 7:30pm and September 21 at 2:00pm

In Your Assignment:

  • Describe the story or idea for each ballet in your perspective.
  • Explain the choreographer’s style of projecting their ideas.
  • Which ballet was more influenced in classical ballet technique?
  • Grade the technical difficulty of each ballet.
  • Grade artistry and/or characterization for one dancer in each ballet.
  • Grade the musicality of the choreographies.
  • Describe the most noticeable classical ballet movement in the ballets.

Assignment Due: SEPTEMBER 24

NOTE: There will be no other make-ups for absences allowed. If you know you might need a make-up, please make sure you plan to complete this extra assignment above on time.

***There is a Student discount on the Houston Ballet performance tickets, but only for the last Sunday matinees.


IMPORTANT NOTE that students in a degree-granting plan for Dance at the University of Houston must meet the GPA protocol for the School of Theatre. Students who receive below a 2.5 grade in a major/minor/certification class will be placed on PROBATION. The student must retake the class and complete it with a minimum 2.5 grade


The School of Theatre Attendance Policy will apply to this course. Copies are posted on the dance bulletin board, and are also available as handouts at the beginning of the semester. THERE IS NO DISTINCTION BETWEEN AN EXCUSED OR AN UNEXCUSED ABSENCE. Doctor’s excuses do not make an absence “excused.” Participation is crucial to learn dance. If the student has an injury or contagious illness, please discuss it with the professor. Please notify the instructor before class begins if you most leave before class has ended.


Dance clothes and BALLET SHOES are required. Your clothes must be close fitting in order to view your technical progress. Baggy clothes are not permitted. No heavy jewelry allowed. Secure hair away from face. Your grade will be penalized for inappropriate attire.


The departmental ruling on gum chewing in class is based on the possibility of inhaling the gum and blocking the airway while dancing. Therefore, student’s grade will be penalized for chewing gum during class.


Please remember to bring water to class. Hydrating the body during a workout is necessary for optimum performance.


Please do not leave your trash on the floor of the dance studio. Respect our dance space.


OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION: For information on Academic Honesty, Academic Calendar, Religious Holidays, and Disabilities please go to:

Absence and Late Policy for The School of Theatre & Dance, University of Houston (updated Dec. 2007)

1. Each student is allowed absences without penalty based on the number of contact credit hours for the specific course. The allowed absences are made available to students for unavoidable circumstances that cause an absence to occur. NOTE: ALL (both allowed and excessive) ABSENCES ARE REVIEWED IN APPEAL PROCESS, SEE #4.

If a class meets three hours a week, the student may be absent for three hours during the semester without penalty. Absences in excess of this number will result in a final grade drop in accordance with the following scale:

  • The class meets three times a week for an hour:

Four absences =1/2 letter drop

Five absences=one full letter drop

Six absences=two full letters drop

Seven absences=Automatic "F" grade

  • The class meets two times a week for an hour and a half:

Three absences=one full letter drop

Four absences=two full letters drop

Five absences=Automatic "F" grade

  • The class meets one time a week for 3 hours: At the discretion of the instructor.
  • For Production classes (Theatre 111, Theatre 112, Dance 3208, Dance 3109):

Absent one required rehearsal=one full letter drop

Absent two required rehearsals=Automatic "F"

Absent one performance=Automatic "F"

2. Students with legitimate problems resulting in excessive absences should drop affected courses in accordance with cut-off dates for such action as announced by each College. Students who fail to drop will NOT automatically be dropped by instructor. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE STUDENT TO DROP THE CLASS.

3. Tardiness (entering class after the roll has been taken.) Being tardy twice is equivalent of one absence. (DANCE NOTE: In dance technique classes, if a student arrives more than 5 minutes after the warm up has begun, he/she will not be allowed to take the class but must "sit out." If a student cannot dance due to an injury or non-contagious illness the student should "sit out." During a "sit out", the student must participate through assignments given by instructor. Students are allowed two "sit outs." Sit-outs are equivalent to tardies in this policy.) Leaving class early has the same penalties as a tardy.

4. Students may appeal excessive absences to the Executive Committee of the School of Theatre & Dance. ALL ABSENCES (allowed and excessive) MUST BE JUSTIFIED IN AN APPEAL. Appeals must be accompanied by a clear written statement regarding the rational for the appeal, as well as documented (medical or otherwise). Only appeals that aptly indicate unavoidable and catastrophic circumstances will receive favorable consideration. Students are urged not to risk losing the advantage of allowable absences by using for unnecessary reasons.

5. Work, professional jobs, athletics, and/or other external, university, or department obligations that conflict with a theater/dance course will not be excused or considered for appeal.



Course Grade/s and GPA Protocols


  1. To satisfy prerequisite and degree requirements, students must earn a minimum C (2.00) grade in each course attempted in theatre and dance (both required and elective) at the University of Houston School of Theatre & Dance.
  1. Students who receive a grade of C- or below in a School of Theatre & Dance major course must retake the course and complete it with a minimum of a C grade. When the course for which the student made the low grade comes around in rotation it must be repeated and the student will be required to complete the course with a minimum grade of C.
  1. Students may choose to appeal a grade of C- or below by submitting a written request to the School of Theatre & Dance Academic Advisor. The appeal process will be as follows:

• The advisory committee for each case will include at least:

Professor or Instructor for the course in question

Professor who oversees the major focus area of the student

Academic Advisor

• An appeals meeting will be scheduled with the student and the advisory committee.

• At the meeting, every effort will be taken to ensure that the student is able to explain to the committee the situation(s) that led to a less than satisfactory grade.

• Possible outcomes of this meeting include:

- The committee may agree that the grade will not change and the student will be

responsible for repeating the course.

- The committee may agree that another course may be substituted in the

student’s degree plan if the original course is not offered again within a year.

- The committee may agree that the student’s completion of missing work or re-

submission of inadequate work may be grounds for adjusting the grade to a C.

- The committee may agree that another resolution is warranted.

• The committee will determine the best course of action regarding each case and notify

the student in writing.

• The appeals meeting must take place within two weeks of the closing of the semester. This meeting will be separate from the faculty’s absence appeals meeting. If the student is unable to attend the meeting due to illness or due to an unforeseen emergency situation, the meeting should be rescheduled to take place no later than the first week of the following semester.

  1. Students must adhere to the School of Theatre & Dance Attendance Policy for all theatre and dance courses. Chronic absences should result in the student dropping/withdrawing from the class before earning a less than satisfactory grade. Chronic absenteeism and/or tardiness (regardless of reason) can result in a grade of C- or below. Students whose grades are in jeopardy due to absences must first go through the absence appeal process before appealing a low grade. [The Absence Appeal document can be found on the School of Theatre & Dance website ( via the Forms & Policies link.]


  1. All School of Theatre & Dance majors must maintain a minimum cumulative B- (2.67) grade point average of all courses in theatre and dance (both elective and required) attempted at the University of Houston as a condition for graduation as a Theatre & Dance major.
  1. If a student drops below a B- GPA for all major courses completed within a semester, the student will be placed on Probation as a Theatre & Dance major.
  1. While the student is on Probation as a Theatre & Dance major, all involvement in School of Theatre & Dance productions will cease, whether Main Stage productions, Student productions or Albee Workshop productions. If the student has already been cast in any show for the upcoming semester, he/she will be replaced. If the student has been assigned a design or stage management project for a show, he/she will be replaced. No auditioning or production assignments for upcoming productions will be allowed until the probationary status has been lifted. Officers in APO will take a leave of absence from their current or upcoming office until the probationary status has been lifted. Dance students may not perform in Spring or Fall public concerts while on Probation.
  1. Students may choose to appeal a probationary status by submitting a written request to the School of Theatre & Dance Academic Advisor. The appeal process will be as follows:

• The advisory committee for each case will include at least:

Professors or Instructors for all of the courses in question

Professor who oversees the major focus area of the student

Academic Advisor

• An appeals meeting will be scheduled with the Student and the advisory committee.

• At the meeting every effort will be made to ensure that the student is able to explain to the committee the situation(s) that led to a less than satisfactory grade point average.

• The committee will determine the best course of action regarding each case and notify the student in writing.

• The appeals meeting must take place within two weeks of the closing of the semester. This meeting will be separate from the faculty’s absence appeals meeting. If the student is unable to attend the meeting due to illness or due to an unforeseen emergency situation, the meeting should be rescheduled to take place no later than the first week of the following semester.

  1. Any student placed on Probation for two semesters in a row will be dropped as a Theatre & Dance major and will not be allowed to take any upper division theatre or dance classes.

• A student who is dropped as a major in the School of Theatre & Dance cannot apply for reinstatement for at least one semester.

• Reinstatement of a student into the School of Theatre & Dance will require a meeting with at least the following personnel in attendance:


Director of the School of Theatre & Dance

Professor who oversees the major focus area of the student

Academic Advisor

• To apply for reinstatement, the student will be required to show evidence of theatre or dance course work at another institution resulting in individual grades of C (2.00) or greater and a cumulative GPA of at least B- (2.67) in theatre or dance courses attempted during the intervening semesters. If, after a successful appeal for reinstatement, the student subsequently fails to maintain a B- (2.67) GPA for all major courses completed in a semester, the student will not be allowed to continue in the program.

  1. Students placed on probation for two semesters that are not consecutive must be prepared to meet with an advisory committee consisting of at least the following personnel:

Director of the School of Theatre & Dance

Professor who oversees the major focus area of the student

Academic Advisor