UWM Department of Dance Sample Syllabus Ballet I Dance 111 Lab 805/806

Mondays and Wednesdays 5:30-6:45 p.m. Mitchell Hall 395

Instructor: Diana LeMense E-mail:

Mailbox in Dance Department Office in Mitchell Hall #345

Dance Department Office phone : 229-2571

Course Description: This beginning ballet class meets twice each week in an open studio space designed for dance. The majority of course work is physical and experiential in nature and takes place during class time. (Low homework load but regular attendance is essential to learning). Students are guided in movement exercises accompanied by live and recorded music. Students begin with exercises at the ballet barre designed to teach basic ballet technique and to build student’s strength, flexibility, control and alignment. As each class develops the movement progresses to center practice and then into larger phrases danced across the floor.

This class is designed for first time students of ballet, or for students returning to ballet after several years without practice.

Course Outcomes:

  1. Students will be introduced to and will develop in their ability to execute and utilize basic ballet vocabulary and steps in movement phrases.
  2. Students will build strength, flexibility and endurance; understanding that their individual capacity for all are unique and exploring the limits thereof.
  3. Students will increase their understanding and appreciation of ballet as an art form and as a movement discipline, learning about the origins of ballet, the codification of the form, the principles of the technique and its practice around the world today.
  4. Students will develop their understanding and experience of efficient body placement and alignment, of correct and safe usage of outward rotation or “turnout” and of ballet “line”.
  5. Students will become familiar with the progression of a ballet class from barre through center practice and will apply skills learned at the barre to their center practice. They will increase their ability to learn and take cues from both visual and aural sources and develop their ability to hear the rhythm of music and understand the way it is counted for dance.


1. Attend class: Students are required to attend all classes, to arrive on time and to be prepared to dance.

Dance Department No Absence Policy

The Department of Dance has a No Absence Policy. Dance instruction is delivered in-class and students must be present to understand course information. Campus policy requires certain absences be excused (religious, military, jury duty, etc.). If you will be absent for a reason excused by campus policy, please inform the instructor prior to the absence and provide documentation if requested .

In addition to absences excused by campus policy, students will be allowed up to two absences for this course without a grade reduction. This includes absence due to doctor’s appointments, injury and illness. Two late arrivals or early dismissals will count as 1 absence. Each absence (beyond the two allowed) will result in the lowering of your attendance grade by 1/3. Example: 3 absences beyond the 2 excused = lowering of A grade to a B.

If you become injured either in class or outside of class, you are still required to attend, watch class and take notes. Please e-mail me AND provide written documentation concerning lengthy illnesses, injuries and medications that could interfere with your performance in class so we can discuss alternative grading strategies or if it is advisable for you to remain in the class.

Extra credit: Students who have more than two absences during the semester due to documented circumstances beyond their control (lengthy illness, funeral, etc.) may complete extra credit in order to avoid or minimize a reduction in your attendance grade. Extra credit requires attendance at an additional dance concert and submission ofnotes on the production, or viewing of an approved dance performance on video and submission of a paper responding to specific questions regarding the information presented in the video. (I am open to other extra credit ideas so feel free to suggest a project if something interests you.)

Class content:

Classes will consist of a ballet barre and center. There will be assigned readings and questions and may be occasional video showings, assignments to create and perform short phrases alone or with a partner and discussion of required concerts and readings.

Physical Contact/Touch:

In order to facilitate awareness and corrections, dance teachers incorporate tactile manipulation or light touch. If you have discomfort or trauma associated with being touched, I will be mindful and respectful. Please notify me via e-mail or by speaking with me before class or by appointment.

2. Complete Mid-term Movement Test and End-of-Semester Vocabulary Test:

a. At midterm class will be videotaped and you will be given access to the video to self assess your execution of class exercises. You will also be given a vocabulary test which will include vocabulary and steps from barre and center that the class has learned up to that point. You will be given a rubric in advance of the movement test so that you will know exactly how you are being evaluated.

b. A final comprehensive vocabulary and terminology test will be given the last week of class.

3. Attend ballet-based livedance concert and write a descriptive review. During the course of the semester, you will attend one live dance concert and turn in a written review/descriptive analysis. I will post a list of local and regional performances that you may attend to satisfy this course requirementon our D2L site. You must select a concert from the list or get prior approval. Student concerts, recitals or musicals are not acceptable. We may discuss concerts in class and guidelines and expectations for this paper are posted on D2L. Papers must be a minimum of 2 full pages (double spaced, typewritten with font size 10-12) and turned in within 1 week of attendance. Papers may be submitted to the D2L dropbox. Your ticket stub and the concert program must be handed in as proof of attendance.

4. Follow the Dress Code: Students are required to follow the Dance Department dress code for ballet classes.

Ballet shoes are required and must have elastics sewn on neatly. Form fitting, solid colored clothes are required. Women should wear leotards or exercise apparel with tights, leggings or form fitting pants (yoga pants). No bare mid-drifts or short shorts. I must be able to see your feet and ankles. For women: wearing a sports bra underneath a leotard or a supported camisole is highly recommended. Men should wear a form fitting t-shirt and pants (shorts, bicycle pants, tights or tighter fitting sweats are all options.) It is also recommended that men wear a dance belt. Please do not wear big, baggy T-shirts, sweatshirts with hoods or long pants that cover your ankles and feet. Failure to adhere to the dress code may affect your course grade.

Long hair must be pulled away from the face and neck and secured tightly. I also discourage jewelry such as large pendants, rings and earrings. They become lost easily and also can cause injury to you and others during more vigorous movements.

Ballet slippers and other dance wear can be purchased locally at Trep-Art (13865 W North Ave., Brookfield, Phone: 262.786.8868) or Danceworks (1661 N Water St.) or on line at Discount Dance Supply ( or Dance Distributors (

5. Complete Readings and Questions from “Ballet Basics”:

Required text: Ballet Basics(5th Edition) by Sandra Noll Hammond.

Available in the UWM union book store or at amazon.com and other sources. A copy of the text is also available on reserve at the UWM library.

You are encouraged to consult your text book regularly for information that will assist you in understanding how to correctly execute the steps you learn in class and in remembering the names of the steps and positions you learn. I will assign specific chapters and associated questions throughout the semester. The questions can be found on D2L and once answered, should be submitted to the D2L dropbox by the due date. Answers that are submitted after the due date will be subject to a 1 step grade reduction for each class period that passes after the due date and until submitted. (1 class period late reduces an A grade to an A-. If turned in 2 class periods late, the A grade would be reduced to a B+.)

6. Watch Performance DVD and answer questions regarding the performance.

A DVD will be put on course reserve at the UWM Library Media Desk. You will be assigned to watch the DVD and answer a series of questions about the ballet.

Grading Criteria:

1.Attendance and Participation: Actual attendance and focus/presence/enthusiasm as well as adherence to the dress code and timely completion of assignments = 40%

2.Improvement: Acquired skill, recognition of vocabulary and other information covered, incorporation of corrections into practice, musicality, personal growth and change = 10%

3.Mid-term Vocabulary and Movement TestSelf Assessment and End of Term vocabulary Test = 20% (10% each)

4.Critique Paperon dance concert attended (due within 1 week of attendance)=


5. Questions from assigned readings = 15%

6. Written response to Media Reserve Performance DVD= 5%

NOTE: Failure to complete any required aspect of the course, including mid-termtest, end-of-term test, all assigned readings and questions and performance critique, is unsatisfactory and will result in a D grade or lower.

University Policies regarding students with disabilities, observance of religious holidays, military duty, incompletes, discriminatory conduct, academic misconduct, complaint procedures and grade appeals can be located at:

I’m looking forward to dancing with you. I hope you have a great semester. --Diana LeMense