Damien Reinhart

Department of Anthropology

University of Minnesota

395 Hubert H. Humphrey Center

301 19th Ave. S.

Minneapolis, MN 55455

Phone: (701)-527-2231



2008: M.A. of Anthropology in progress, University of Minnesota, TwinCities.

2007: B.A. in Anthropology, North DakotaStateUniversity, Fargo.

2004: A.A. in History, Bismarck State College, Bismarck, North Dakota


Teaching Experience

2008, University of Minnesota. Teacher’s Assistant. Introduction to

Archaeology. Discussion leader for two sections of students on Tuesday

mornings during fall 2008. Designed in-class activities, developed essay

questions, and grader. Sections accounted for 25% of overall grade.

2007-2008, Metcalf Archaeological Consultants, Inc., Bismarck, North Dakota. Trainer of new employees to the company. Demonstrating the proper operating procedures for curation of artifacts, fieldwork, and standard operating procedures.

2007, North DakotaStateUniversity. Teaching assistant for a mummy studies course that instructed teenage girls on the importance of women selecting careers in math and science.

2007, North DakotaStateUniversity. Served as anthropology tutor for the TRIO program and the entire campus in classes of various levels

Field Experience

2007-Present: Metcalf Archaeological Consultants, Inc., (Bismarck, North Dakota). Conducted files searches and trained others in said task, prepared and authored field reports, recorded field notes, became proficient in GPS use as well as in electronic mapping with two versions of GIS, participated in Classes I, II, and III of cultural resource inventories, curator of artifacts, and skilled in the varying phases of excavation

2006: The North Orkney Population History Project (Westray, Orkney Islands, Scotland, U.K.). Participated in interviewing local islanders concerning their views on the changes they have seen on the islands during their lifetimes, transcribing interviews, surveying abandoned farms, mapping those same farms, creating profile drawings of each site, documenting my findings in field notes, supervising small crews in the field, understanding and recognizing patterns in island demography

Laboratory Experience

2007-Present. Metcalf Archaeological Consultants, Inc. (Bismarck, North Dakota). Data collection and analysis of artifacts encountered during cultural resource surveys in North Dakota, South Dakota, and Montana. The historic and prehistoric artifacts were then cleaned, catalogued, and prepared for transportation to the state historical preservation office or the rightful landowners.

2006-2007. Iron Age European Peat Bog Body Image Analysis (North DakotaStateUniversity Biological Anthropology Research Laboratory). Analyzed and interpreted the computed tomography (CT) scans of the mummified remains of an iron aged human being. I made several new discoveries concerning the life and death of the individual using MIMICS scan analysis computer software. Used this data in a presentation and senior thesis for the McNair Scholar’s Program.

2006-2007. Marine midden analysis (archaeology laboratory, North DakotaStateUniversity). Analyzed, quantified, and classified the marine midden that was recovered during fieldwork in Western Samoa during excavations in the late 1990s. The data was entered into spreadsheets and there will be future collaborations for the write-up.



Reinhart, Damien. 2007. What Lies Beneath the Skin? Unpublished senior

Thesis for inclusion into the 2008 McNair Scholar’s research journal. North DakotaStateUniversity. Fargo, North Dakota.

Presentations and Conference Papers

Reinhart, Damien. 2007. What Lies Beneath the Skin? Analysis of an Iron Age

Bog Body. Paper presented at the annual McNair Scholars Research Presentation. North DakotaStateUniversity, Fargo, North Dakota.

Reinhart, Damien. 2007. The North Orkney Population History Project: The

Perspective of a Student Participant. Proceedings of the APALA student conference, Department of Anthropology, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada.

Technical Reports

Reinhart, Damien. 2008. Jerome 1-15H: A Class III Cultural Resource Inventory in

McKenzie County, North Dakota. Metcalf Archaeological Consultants, Inc. Bismarck, North Dakota.

Reinhart, Damien. 2008. Rindell/Lovdahl Pit: A Class III Cultural Resource

Inventory in Divide County, North Dakota. Metcalf Archaeological Consultants, Inc. Bismarck, North Dakota.

Reinhart, Damien. 2008. Watford Expansion Survey: A Class III Cultural

Resources Survey in McKenzie County, North Dakota. Metcalf Archaeological Consultants, Inc. Bismarck, North Dakota.

Reinhart, Damien. 2008. Knife River-North Central Pit Expansion: A Class III Cultural

Resources Survey in Walsh County, North Dakota. Metcalf Archaeological

Consultants, Inc. Bismarck, North Dakota.

Reinhart, Damien. 2008. State 4-36H: A Class III Cultural Resource Inventory

in McKenzie County, North Dakota. Metcalf Archaeological Consultants, Inc.

Bismarck, North Dakota.

Reinhart, Damien. 2008. Jones 4-24H: A Class III Cultural Resource Inventory

In McKenzie County, North Dakota. Metcalf Archaeological Consultants, Inc.

Bismarck, North Dakota.


2007. Selected as a delegate to the archaeology forum sponsored by the Golden Key Honor Society. Could not attend the yearly delegation in China.

2007. Graduated Magna Cum Laude from North DakotaStateUniversity.

2007. Phi Kappa Phi (North DakotaStateUniversity).

2007. The National Dean’s List (North DakotaStateUniversity).

2006. Selected as a McNair Scholar (North DakotaStateUniversity).

2006. North DakotaStateUniversity Transfer Student Scholarship.

2003-2007. President’s and Dean’s List at Bismarck State College and North DakotaStateUniversity

2004. Nominee for Who’s Who Among American Junior College Students.

2003. Awarded with inclusion into the campus honor fraternity at Bismarck State College, Bismarck, North Dakota.


McNair Scholar, North Dakota State University

American Association of Physical Anthropology


English: Native Speaker

Spanish: Moderate


Horizontal and stratigraphic excavation, monitoring, data recording

Survey and mapping, use of GIS and GPS

Lithic and ceramic analysis

Digital photography

Feature and artifact illustration

Software proficiency in: Corel Presentation, MS Excel, Microsoft Office, ArcView 3.2 and 9.2, MIMICS imaging software

Skilled in human osteology and forensic anthropology


Dr. Heather Gill-Robinson

Department of Anthropology

North DakotaStateUniversity

Minard Hall-404H

Fargo, North Dakota58102


Dr. Jeffrey Clark

Department of Anthropology

North DakotaStateUniversity

Minard Hall-408D

Fargo, North Dakota58102


Dr. Tim Murtha

Department of Landscape Architecture

The PennStateUniversity

419 Stuckeman Family Building

University Park, PA 16802


Ed Stine

Branch Manager and Principal Investigator

Metcalf Archaeological Consultants, Inc.

2154 East Broadway, Suite 19

Bismarck, ND 58502
