Dallas Elementary Parent Survey Results

2. Which of the following parent opportunities/activities that take place at your school do you find most valuable?

3. We offer monthly informational meetings for parents on a variety of topics and offer information on our website and in the Parent Resource Center. Please let us know which topics (if any) have been helpful to you.

4. Please list any additional topics that would be of interest to you in future meetings that have not yet been offered.

5. Our school Parent Resource Center has materials and resources available for parents/guardians to use with their child. Please indicate which items (if any) have been most useful to you.

6. Your child's school receives Title I funds, part of which are dedicated to supporting parents as they work with teachers and students to achieve academic success. Please share what you feel could be the best ways to use these funds (in addition to the resources and materials currently available in the Parent Resource Center), to support you as we work together to help your child.

7. There are computers available for parent use at our school. So that we may be able to continue to provide this service and provide suitable access please let us know how you use them.

8. We are able to provide information and share access to educational resources in a variety of ways. So that we may know what we can offer you please share which (if any) devices you or your child use to access the internet.

9. Which school-related computer programs or websites do you use? Please check all that apply. Your answers will help us identify best ways to share information and resources with you.

10. My child enjoys coming to school.

11. We welcome comments on your response to the previous question.

So far he is not challenged academically.
They always love to go to school,some mornings they are awake before me.
Teachers need to pay attention to the bullying that takes place in schools!when my child tries to tell their called tattle tales.
My children enjoys coming to school, however the substitutes are usually the issue. Their comments and aggressiveness needs to be more professional.
My son actually loves learning bridge. He talks more about what he does then in regular school
more homework rather than having small amounts
They are always ready to go to school and love talking about their teachers and their experiences in class.
Depends on which child (always or sometimes) I have more than 1
most of the time
Need to set a better sleeping pattern. Naps too long and is unable to sleep during the night sometimes.
He loves school and his teachers
They are always showing me what they are studying. Directly after school is homework time, followed by studying and reading. This keeps them motivated to return to school the next day to learn more. New things are learned and the look of awe is outstanding. They are always awake before me in the morning.
Some days my children are motivated than others. They do discuss their day on a regular basis and tend to feel the stresses that seem to trickle down from top to bottom.
My daughter loves coming to school. She enjoys the teachers and students. She is very social and outgoing.
before no, but now enjoys it
I would like Spanish info
We just relocated here from another state and my daughter has been bullied already at school. She complains about kids cursing around her and discussing sex topics. Where are the faculty when these things are taking place?

12. I feel welcome in my child's school.

13. We welcome comments on your response to the previous question.

Some teachers are NOT friendly. They are sending bad vibes to visitors.
i don't feel I am made aware of events, and the ongoings of my child. I have to reach out to the teachers and admins, if I am to know anything, and even then sometimes they do not respond.
I've had one generation move to middle school and the teachers all know my kids. I always feel welcomed.
After four yrs. They still refer me as you are. Learning faces an names.
We are going to miss Dallas next she will b off to middle school.
I would like to see math nights come back. I can't remember the name, but the parents would go in the class room and the teacher would give the parents several problems to work out and then go over the answers step by step. This is how I learned how to do their math verses the way I was taught and teaching them. This allowed me to embrace the new way of doing math.
I lone Ms. ____ in the front office! I always feel welcome whenever I can make it to the school.
Always welcome - I have no issues
Staff is always pleasant and is ready to help
everyone is always friendly and helpful
I haven't been able to be a active this year with car problems but I know my kid all have gone through Dallas Elem and they know us. I am always welcome.
Everyone is always friendly and helpful when you can catch them in between tasks. Their day doesn't allow much time for this anymore however.
I always feel welcome
The ______is not as friendly as she could be.

14. What do you think helps/would help to make our school a welcoming place for all parents?

Maybe find out why teachers are unhappy, not my child"s teacher.
to reach out to those parents who are non custodial but are allowed to know and share in their child's education and ongoings.
You guys do enough. You're welcoming and nice to everyone.
Learning parents an their children as a family.
I always feel welcome, but I friendly smile and greeting is always a nice gesture to make someone feel welcomed.
I feel the teachers and staff at Dallas Elementary have always been very kind and welcoming to me and my son. We feel comfortable with coming to anyone staffed at its school. I have not experienced any bad treatment.
Everything is good so far
I think that the children should have more projects that could be done at home
I think that the children should have more projects that could be done at home
it is welcoming
Everything Dallas Elementary does is more than enough to make parents welcome. I know they know me by name.
Nothing - no suggestions, you guys are awesome
I love it
The smiles on teachers and staff faces
think the school does a good job already
I think everyone is very nice and welcoming all the time!
Have the children involved in more plays/art shows/spelling bees. This would draw parents in
nothing needs to be changed
It is always very welcoming and helpful
I think you guys are perfect. You care about our kids and their well being.
I realize the restraint on time but more general contact from their teachers would help. Whats wrong with making calls to parents and provide an update every few weeks. A quick call can do a lot to engage a parent.
By asking parents to volunteer for projects or to help out in the classrooms
More parent involvement (school events, fairs, fundraisers, school dances).

15. I feel like a partner with my school in my child's education.

16. Would information on any of the following services be of benefit to you?


17. I feel that the school communicates often, and clearly with me.

18. Please share suggestions that would help us, as we reach out to work as partners with parents to increase student achievement.

Solicit more volunteers to help in the school, especially with struggling students.
to reach out to those parents who are non custodial but are allowed to know and share in their child's education and ongoings. Specially when the school has the court documents stating this.
More understanding of curriculum and maybe if the kids need extra practice they can bring math and other subject books home if requested.
Communication more through via email possibly or via text.
I don't get to watch news. I didn't know about early release on snowfall. Need a bigger sign I'm front of school.
Direct communication- I think if the teachers take time out during conference to focus on areas of success (i.e. child's weakness) the parents will get involved. Once the parent know how they can help would make all the difference. I believe parents are struggling like the children because they don't know what to do and 90% of the time they don' t have time to visit the school. Perhaps the communication can be like middle school email messages (i.e. your child has a failing grade). However, in elementary instead of failing it should be stated your child needs more help with....You only get this information at conference time.
I would like to know more about what my child needs to be learning in school.
I would like to know more about what my child needs to be learning in school.
no suggestions at this time
Maybe occasional phone calls from the teachers between conference to let parents know what needs to be worked on or if they are misbehaving.
No suggestions
- Continue to be extremely detailed in the daily log / notes home section
n/a yall do great
If needed could there be extra work given to practice over holidays or breaks? I think only allowing kids to check out books on their reading level or above rather than anything like Guinness Book, etc.
I volunteer at the school so I tend to keep myself in the loop. I personally see how much time is being consumed by other things and understand the struggle these teachers are faced with but as I parent I do see a lack of engagement as a whole.
use all different methods of learning. Kinetic, auditory, visual aids, groups
Students need more challenging but fun homework projects or activities to do with parents )Science/Educational Fairs).

19. My child's teacher(s) clearly communicate how my child is doing in class and what is expected of him/her.

Other Comments:

20. My child's teacher(s) let me know what I can do to help my child.

21. In what ways do you prefer to receive communication from our school?

22. Please share your thoughts on what it means to be in partnership (engaged) with the school to help your child achieve academic success.

to work with the teacher and administration on all areas of improving with the students and communication between student, parent, teachers and administration.
Be more involved. I know I want to be more involved but being a single mother who works all the time ,especially mornings. I can't get involved like how I want to.
For them to feel like their opions matter its their school.
It means being there for your student and his/her teacher. Creating relationships with teacher as well as other faculty members to make sure your child is succeeding.
Working closely with teachers and support staff to understand the "school day". As a parent I feel it is important to know what a normal school day is like for the student, teacher and staff. Having this knowledge gives confidence in the learning experience of my child. I enjoy the use of Class Dojo. It is an items such as Class Dojo to make me feel connected to my son's class and teacher.
It's important to do their homework with them. This will help increase retention by repetition. Also, find out what interests them and incorporate that in their subjects and they will gain focus.
excellent communication and awareness
I think having more interaction with the class would be nice. The weekly schedule is nice to have from the teacher as well.
parent teacher meetings
Be involved and participate in your child's success by engaging with the teachers and staff.
Being involved, knowing your child's teacher, willing to communicate with teachers to help your child excel. I can always ask what more I can do and always get great feedback and suggestions.
That they actually care for my children individually and not as a whole. I love Dallas!
I believe a parent should be involved and talk to teachers on a weekly basis
It is important to be involved in my child's education
me and my daughters teacher have an amazing partnership. she is always going over what is expected to help me and my child. I am greatful to her everyday.
constant communication
I feel as though i am in partnership when I am informed of all activities that are occurring with DES. I also love the advice given on some learning tricks that may help my child. Example: reading
being in partnership with the school allows me to know how I can help my children with their educational needs. Also it helps my children to want to do their best because they know I am engaged too.
god communication with the school is always helpful in your child's academic achievement
As a parent be involved and come to the school. There are a lot of things I would love to be a part of but I work all the time. In order to be in a partnership, we all need to have a personal relationship with "our" students and teachers
A mutual respect for the well being and success of my child and as a parent returning that respect to the success of the school as a whole.
Working closely with my teacher and my child to help my child achieve academic success
receiving weekly progress on my student
I feel that my child's homework is too easy and she usually completes her homework within a day or two.