/ N03x3d1_draft_mtg_min_of_DEV-IEEE_meeting_2010-10-Cambridge_US
Revision A of DRAFT AGENDA
DRAFT – Revision A – Subject to Change
ReferenceHL7 HCD
Joint meeting of IEEE EMBS 11073 and HL7 Health Care Devices (DEV) WG, at the HL7 Working Meetings
Meeting dates:
2011/05/16 to 2011/05/20
(Monday, April 16–Friday , May 20, 2011)
IEEE11073 Upper Levels Chair:
HL7 DEV WG Co-Chair:
John Rhoads (ANSI)
john.rhoads”at”philips.com / Place:
The Hilton in the Walt Disney World Resort
1751 Hotel Plaza Blvd
Lake Buena Vista, Florida 32830
+1-407-827-4000 phone
+1-407-827-6369 fax
Maps & Directions
Host organisation:
ANSI - HL7 international - please register onsite
(see for detail). / Host:
ANSI - HL7 international


continued overleaf …

Daily Schedule (from the HL7 Meeting Brochure):

07:00 – 08:00Continental Breakfast

08:00 – 08:45HL7 General Morning Update Session

Q109:00 – 10:30 Meeting Session (or Quarter)


Q211:00 – 12:30Meeting Session


Q313:45 – 15:00Meeting Session


Q415:30 – 17:00Meeting Session

Q517:00 …Additional meeting after Q4

Day / Time / Event / Chair / Notes
Monday / AM / Q1 / Welcome & Introductions
Agenda Review & Approval
Minutes Review & Approval
IEEE Status Report / Rhoads, Wittenber /
  • Attendance: see Note 2
  • Move IEEE Status Report discussion to Q2 Monday
  • Jan’11 F2F MMap OK @ MindMgr8 vs. XMind
  • Thos. Norgall sent regrets

Q2 / Prospective agenda topics for TC215 F2F
HL7 Health Care Devices - DCM4MD
  1. Informative Ballot – Progress report (John R, Ioana S)

PM / Q3 /
  1. Methodology – applications (Ioana S)
  2. Additional cases – review; prioritization (all)

Q4 / IEEE Nomenclature Harmonization Overview
  • MOU (e.g. ISO / IEC SC3 _ventilator Nomenclature)
/ Wittenber / Jodi: don’t need MOU! One exists for ISO/IEC  applies to SC62A. Ask KB for doc’s as needed for copyright/distribution mgmt purposes.
Tuesday / AM / Q1 / IEEE
  • Status Report(moved to Monday)
  • web page(moved to Q3)
  • Standards relationships
/ Wittenber / *Expand NIST Tooling discussion to include other tools.
  • Can’t get Polycom for WebEx w/NIST; will use VoIP alternative; see Note 3

  • Licensing / NIST Tool
  • Demo of DB (NIST)*
Report from Joint mtg w/Mobile Interop’y / /Bennett
Rhoads / Charmain Williams – Products & Licensing Mgr
AnasthasieSainvilus - Licensing Mgr
Tricia Gerden – TechProgDev Mgr
Yvette Hosang – Risk Mgr
Checked w/ToddC @ content use precedence
PM / Q3 / Web pages [Ctn’d from Q2]
  • RTM general status
  • 20601/104xx PHD terms and Continua (WAN) activity
/ Wittenber
/Schluter /
Ieee.org: ieee11073.embs.org
Discussion suggestions:

Q4 /
  • Ventilator terms
  • aECG
  • Additional terms not yet in Rosetta
Life cycle of a term (KF) / /Fuchs
Wednesday / AM / Q1 / Coordination with Generation of Anesthesia Standards WG – pre-operative domain analysis / ? Joint w/Pt. Care (@ DCM4MD) Q1-2nd half or Q4
Q2 / Harmonization: ISO/IEC SC3 80xxx – Ventilator Nomenclature / RTM/Vent Nomenclature tCon – 12 Noon
PM / Q3 / IEEE 10101 renewal
  • subsets, priorities, process
  • spreadsheet workbook

Q4 / CtnuJoint w/Pt. Care (@ DCM4MD) / ? Joint w/Pt. Care (@ DCM4MD) Q4 or Q1/2
Thursday / AM / Q1 / Available for additional topics
Q2 / Summary and Action Review
PM / Q3 / Add x73 PHD Status report (Bogia)
Friday / AM / Q1
PM / Q3
  1. Next 'Devices' Meetings (does not include interim project / task meetings):

*HL7 Working Group Meeting, 15-20 May 2011 - Orlando, FL USA

*ISO/TC215 Plenary and joint Working Groups, 23-27 May 2011 Finland

*25th Annual HL7 Plenary & Working Group meeting, 11-16 September 11, 2011 - San Diego, CA

*HL7 Working Group Meetings. 15-20 January 2012 - San Antonio, Texas

  1. Attendance (Day 1):

MQ1 / MQ2 / MQ3 / MQ4
John R / X
JanW / X
Patty K / X
Kathryn B / X
Jody H / X
Isabel D / X
John G / X
Sandra M / X
Alan N / X
Paul S / X
Andre Knafel / X
Ioana S / X
  1. Instructions (from KB) for Tuesday morning tCon access:

1. Please join my meeting, Tuesday, May 17 at 9:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time.

2.You will be connected to audio using your computer's microphone and speakers (VoIP). A headset is recommended.
Meeting ID: 204-941-512

  1. RTM [Notes from Tues Q3-4; jw]
  2. Rosetta general status [Schluter; see slideset]
  3. ?(JW): relational/OO orientation: Topological=Enterprise vs. PoC; Physiological vs. MedDev; Msmts vs.
  4. ?(JW): relational/OO orientation: Alarms vs. Msmts.
  5. ?(JW): relational/OO orientation: Ctls vs. Msmts
  6. ?(JW): relation/OO orientation: “Device [Info] Model” vs. “terminology”
  7. ?( ): Harmonizaiton w/LOINC or SNOMED: JW/PS—working on that for overlapping, hi-use terms
  8.  somewhat different [explicit: x73, implicit:RTMHL7v2] models

  1. GAS
  2. Review Andrew Norton’s work on Hemodynamics nomenclature equivalence assessment @ x73-10101 Nomen and SNOMED-CT
  3. Action: Proceed to Resp nomenclature
  4. Use/extend/adapt DB tool JW developed for this
  5. Add in RTM Gas Delivery terms
  6. Review Martin Hurrell’s work on VMD modelling
  7. Action:
  8. Intersect x73 and RMIM of x73 DIM with this work (Jan/Allan)
  9. Intersect this work with NIST ICS Gen tool (Jan/Allan/John G.)
  10. Vent Nomenclature
  11. Reviewed results of meeting so far as affect Vent Nomen WG
  12. Steven D suggested potentially using ISO DB (see ) to use for term repository
  13. Action: highest priority to get Glossary of terms for review in Vancouver, BC (mid June) and for potential entry into ISO DB tool.

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