Ch 14 Test Review – Skeletal System


Articulation Compact Orthopedic Arthritis Intercostal

Bursa Degenerative Periosteum Arthrodesis Odontology

Cancellous Extremities Resorption Arthroplasty Orthopedics

Cartilage Ligament Synovial Cervical Osteoarthritis

Collagen Marrow Tendon Chondrectomy Periodontal


AKA bil CXR fx lt

Amb CAT ext lat ortho

*The human body has more than ______bones.

*The skeletal system works directly with the ______system.

*List five functions of the skeletal system.

*What is bone tissue composed of?

*How many years do bones continue to grow?

*What are osteoclasts?

*Differentiate between tendons and ligaments.

*Describe the two major types of bone tissue.

*Describe the axial skeleton.

*Describe the appendicular skeleton.

*List the shapes of bones. Give a description and example of each.

*Describe the skull.

*What are fontanels?

*Label a diagram of tooth parts

*Describe the parts of a tooth.

*The adult has ______teeth after deciduous teeth are replaced.

*Describe the thorax.

*Differentiate between “true” ribs, “false” ribs, and “floating” ribs.

*Describe the intercostal space.

*Describe the vertebral column.

*Label a diagram of the vertebral column

*Describe long bones and label a diagram of the anatomy of the long bone

*What are bone markings? Give examples.

*Two or more bones join at a ______, also called an ______.

*How are joints named?

*List the three types of joints.

*List the six types of diarthrosis joints, describe how they move, and give an example of each.

*Describe the function of bursa.

*Describe the following assessment techniques of the skeletal system:

X-rays, Bone marrow aspiration, Bone marrow biopsy, Radionuclide bone scan,

Computerized tomography, and Magnetic resonance imaging

*Respiratory System Disorders (description, cause, symptoms, prevention, treatment of each):

Arthritis – Ankylosing spondylitis – Avulsion fracture – Bursitis – Caries – Carpal tunnel syndrome –

Degenerative joint disease – Dislocation – Fracture – Gout – Herniated disc – Kyphosis – Lordosis –

Meningomyelocele – Osteoma – Osteomalacia – Osteomyelitis – Osteoporosis – Paget’s disease –

Periodontitis – Rheumatoid arthritis – Rickets – Scoliosis – Subluxation - Talipes