Daily Rules and Procedures – Mrs. Bartlett

Sophomore Language Arts

1.  Each student should be in his/her seat when the bell rings. They should have their Journals out ready to begin writing for 5 minutes. Normally, the date is written on the left hand side of the board, and underneath the date is the journal question/subject for the day. They must have at least 6 sentences written. Journal Checks – Mrs. Bartlett will check all students Journals on Fridays. Each student will only be awarded the full points IF they have completed every journal entry for the week!

2.  As soon as the timer goes off, the students are to put away their journals and take out their flashcards. Each student NEEDS to have his/her flashcards, so Mrs. Bartlett will periodically go around to check and to award points to those students who have brought their cards.

3.  The students have 5 minutes to study their flashcards. Studying happens everyday, and students may either quiz the person next to them or they can study their cards on their own. If students do not study their cards during this time, the must come after school to study their cards for 10 minutes with Mrs. Bartlett.

4.  After 5 minutes, the students will put their cards away. Students may leave their and their cards in the appropriate basket in the room. However, any damage to property or missing items is NOT the responsibility of Mrs. Bartlett. If the student fears theft or damage to his/her property, it is best if all materials are taken and placed in his/her locker at the end of class.

5.  The students will begin working on their daily lesson. All assignments must be handed in on time, or the student will face a 30% reduction after the first day the assignment is late and no credit after that. If there is a legitimate reason for not turning in your work, please feel free to consult with me. We may be able to work out a new due date.

6.  Dates and times of Tests will be announced in class, and the date of each test will be written on the board. Quizzes may be announced ahead of time. However, there will pop quizzes and reading checks from time to time.

7.  Students are allowed to go to the restroom, but they only have 3 restroom passes a quarter.

8.  Students must be respectful in their language and actions toward both adults and students. This means that cussing, name-calling, and put downs will not be tolerated and may result in a detention or even an office referral.

9.  Plagiarism of any kind will not be tolerated. If you plagiarize it will result in an automatic zero for that assignment. Please check to confirm that you have cited your sources correctly. If you are unsure, ask!

*Return this portion to Mrs. Bartlett

I have read and understand the rules/procedures of Mrs. Bartlett’s classroom, and I agree to abide by all of the mentioned rules.

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______