Participant Application

Please complete ALL sections of this application. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

GENERAL INFORMATION:Date of Application: ______

Name: Who referred you?

Social Security Number:______DOB: ______Age: ______


StreetCity, StateZip

Resident of Wyoming since: ______U.S. Citizen: □ Yes □ No

Home Phone: ______Cell Phone: ______

Email Address: ______

What is your ethnicity?□ Hispanic or Latina□ White/Caucasian□ American Indian

□ Alaska Native□ Native Hawaiian□ Pacific Islander□ Asian

□ Prefer not to answer□ Black or African American

Marital Status:□ Married□ Divorced□ Single□ Separated□ Widowed

Marital status or cohabitation does not affect eligibility

Parenting Adult:□ Custodial □ Non-Custodial□ Related Guardian

(one or more bio children live with you)(no bio children live with you)(legal guardian, blood related)

Number of Children:

Are you:□ Employed Full Time (30+hours a week)□ Employed Part Time □ Unemployed

If yes, name and address of employer:

Current hourly wage: List income for last month:

List other wage earners in household:


Child’s Name / Relationship (biological/step child/
girlfriend’s child, etc) / Birth Date / Age / City / Lives with?
(list name and relationship)

Current Dating/Married Relationship:

Name / Relationship (dating, married, separated, etc) / Age / Length of Relationship / Children


Court Ordered to PAYChild Support: □ Yes □ No If YES, Amount/month: ______

If YES, Case Worker Name:

If YES, Do you have back child support? Approximately how much?

Court Ordered to GET Child Support: □ Yes □ No If YES, Amount/month: ______

Are you currently receivingFood Stamps:□ Yes □ No If YES, Amount/month: ______

Do you currently receive child care assistance through the State of Wyoming? □ Yes □ No

Do you have health insurance? □ Yes □ No

Are you a veteran? □ Yes □ NoIf yes, do you have a DD214? □ Yes □ No

Are you currently in school? □ Yes □ No If YES, where?

Do you have: □ High School Diploma □ GED? If yes, graduation date:

If no, please indicate your plan to obtain your GED:

Do you have any special needs regarding education? □ Yes □ No

Do you have a: Valid Driver’s License □ Yes Dr. Lic. # ______□ No If NO, explain: ______

Personal Vehicle □ Yes □ No Reliable form of transportation □ Yes □ No

Type of CAREER desired through this program:______


Please provide information regarding previous jobs.Start with your current or last job. Include any military service assignments. Please attach a resume if you have one. FILL IN ALL INFO.

1. Employer Name: ______

Job Title: ______

Start Date: ______End Date: ______Hourly Wage: ______

Job Duties: ______

Reason for Leaving: ______

Contact Person: Phone:

2. Employer Name: ______

Job Title: ______

Start Date: ______End Date: ______Hourly Wage: ______

Job Duties: ______

Reason for Leaving: ______

Contact Person: Phone:

3. Employer Name: ______

Job Title: ______

Start Date: ______End Date: ______Hourly Wage: ______

Job Duties: ______

Reason for Leaving: ______

Contact Person: Phone:


School/Location / Course of Study / Dates of Attendance / Degree/Certificate Earned
High School/GED


Any medical problems that may interfere with employment or training:______

Have you ever been convicted of a crime as an adult?□ Yes □ No

This does not affect eligibility in any way.Please include ALL convictions, even misdemeanors. These include but are not limited to: DUI, shoplifting, forgery, burglary, possession of a controlled substance, domestic violence, assault,, etc. Knowing this information simply helps us understand which supports you will need to get employed.

If yes, please explain: ______


If on probation/parole, please list name and phone number of your probation/parole officer:

ESSAY QUESTION: Please explain what you hope to gain from participating in the Dads Making a Difference program – include how it might help your child(ren), you, your current relationship, your employment status, etc. Put a lot of thought into this response and include at least 75 words.











Please provide complete addresses and telephone numbers for THREE individuals who are NOT living in your home and who will know your whereabouts after completion of the program:

First and Last Name / Relationship / Phone / Cell Phone / City, State


I AGREE to submit to monitored drug testing and/or breathalyzers throughout this program.

I CERTIFY, under penalty of law, that the above information is correct.

I UNDERSTAND that my statements may be verified.


Applicant SignatureDate

DADS Application Rev. 06/2018