Los Angeles Community College District

East* City* Harbor* Mission* Pierce* Southwest* Trade Tech*Valley* West*

Deans of Academic Affairs and Workforce Development

Meeting Minutes

September 9, 2004


Carole Delgado, Pierce; Abe Farkas, West; Vincent Jackson, Southwest; Alma Johnson-Hawkins, East; Bobby McNeel, Harbor; Cynthia Morley-Mower, Trade-Tech; ND Ondoy, Mission; Ed Zayas, Mission; Diane McBride, DO; Vickie Emerson, DO; Betina Vallin, DO


Lisa Lewenberg, College Advancement-DO

New Program/Skill Certificate:

The Deans were informed that City would not be submitting the Forensics program for approval this year. Other new programs:

West is proposing three new programs: Drug and Alcohol Studies, Fire Science Technology, and Wild Land Fire Technology. These three programs will be announced at LOWDL in October. There were no objections; all agreed that there is need for these programs at all colleges. Alma Johnson-Hawkins stated that Fire Technology program at East is doing very well. Ed Zayas said The Fire Technology program is a good “stepping-stone” for those students pursuing a career with the Fire Department.

Alma Johnson-Hawkins informed Deans that East in considering a certificate program in American Sign Language (ASL) and a certificate program in Commercial Music.

Aves Scholarship:

The application deadline at the colleges’ should be scheduled for early September. (September 10th?) The District needs the names by September 30. The college committee will review the applications and decide on which students will receive the scholarship. Students should use money for Fall 204 semester. Each college will also need to notify Diane of the students’ information (i.e. name, major, etc.) and the students will be required to send a “thank you” letter. Felice or Brian from the Foundation will inform Diane when the funds are in place for students to use. Diane is working on a thank you letter from the Deans to the donor, and will share that with the deans for comments before sending it.

Draft is attached*

Any Deans interested in having District provide you with a database of students who are eligible for financial aid and their GPA will need to send an email request to Diane

Department of Labor Grant:

The AACC along with the ETA will hold a conference on September 27-28 in Las Vegas, NV. This conference will focus on image, outreach, recruitment, retention, training and skills needed in the fields of healthcare, childcare, job development, hospitality & tourism, multimedia, administration of justice, and homeland security. Diane will also try to find funding for other vocational programs. It was suggested that representatives from the Culinary Arts departments at Harbor, Mission, and Trade-Tech attend conference also. Diane will check if more than one person per district is allowed to attend. Out-of-state travel is allowed with VTEA funds only if requested in advance. CalWORKs funds are an alternative to pay for travel out-of-state.

Diane asked that colleges that offer hospitality and culinary please send any informative brochures or other materials on their programs that could be shared at the conference. Please also let her know what are the challenges these programs face- and what is needed most to improve services for students. There may be information on funding opportunities that Diane will bring back.

The website for conference information is

Occupational/Technical Programs:

A final draft of the Occupational Program guide for the county was included in each Dean’s packet. Please review the section pertaining to your college and send changes or indicate approval on email to Jesus Encinas . Diane is hoping to have the program guide ready for DPSS, and to take to the Department of Labor conference in late September.

Planning and Prioritizing for 2004-2005

A side from the Occupational Program Guide, Diane would like to compile universal Program Matrix to be used as a marketing tool. Depending on her availability, Sharon Tate was recommended as a good person to contact for advice and assistance with this project. It was decided that before we begin gathering data and assembling it in a booklet, the committee will decide on a format structure, what information will be included, the number of copies that will be printed, and after getting a price quote from the printer, what will be the cost per college?

The first choice for a possible date for a second Workforce Development Committee Meeting is Thursday, January 27. Tuesday, January 25 is an alternative. As soon as we have confirmed date, we will begin the planning process.

Send suggestions for events to post on Workforce Development Calendar on out website. Events can be business meetings, job fairs, conferences, city events, etc.

First Quarter Expenditures:

Each Dean received a printout of expenditures as of date of meeting.

There is a new format: the form has a section to report dollar amounts and a narrative section to indicate program activities and highlights. The 1st Quarter ends September 30 and the report is due to Sacramento October 30.

Although the Chancellor’s Office had said that expenditure rates of the first quarter were important for determining the rate of release of funds to districts, deans noted the difficulty of having faculty being able to spend funds in the first quarter because many of them do not return to campus until the Fall semester begins in September and are not able to begin spending until then. Diane will include that information on the explanation section of the reports.

Siemen’s Update:

A handout outlining differences between the Siemen’s and Aves scholarship was included in packet. The major difference is that in order for a student to qualify for a Siemen’s scholarship, the student must be enrolled in a program sponsored by Siemen’s Building Technologies. Siemen’s would also like to include more colleges in their program. You may contact Bill Grevatt at District if you would like more details, 213-891-2433.

In addition, a summary of activities to date with Siemens is attached *

Bill generates these summaries regularly to all, and is ready to work with additional colleges who wish to be included in the Seimens internships, and other activities.

VTEA Surveys:

Survey forms have arrived and are now in the District Office Data Control Unit of IT waiting to be printed. Approximate arrival at the colleges is the second week of October. Betina will notify each Dean if there are delays. We will be sending some extra blank forms to each college, however please encourage instructors and students to use the online student survey form. Link to online survey:

Next Awards Ceremony:

Planning concerns discussed for the 04-05 Excellence in Workforce Development Awards Ceremony are what date in April? A date in late April was agreed. Will it be held at Trade-Tech College once more? Diane will check if there are other conflicting schedules before confirming an event date. It was agreed that Trade had done a wonderful job of hosting for the last events, but it is a lot of stress to the college staff, and Trade has carried this weight for several years in a row.

Diane will ask John to bring the question of the location to the cabinet, so the presidents can discuss it themselves, since this is an important decision, and should be addressed at that level. The committee agreed.

College Advancement Update:

College Advancement will host the “All College” meeting September 10 at 10:00am to discuss upcoming earmark funding. The process has been documented and a briefing kit has been developed, which will be shared tomorrow. A copy of the kit will be disseminated to the Presidents.

The health consortium continues to grow. The consortium completed the second series of management courses and will deliver training focused on “Emotional Intelligence” in November. The consortium is working with the Hospital Association of Southern California to establish a delivery method for members throughout the County.

The Center is also working in the restaurant/service area to increase performance among first-time supervisors. Training is being delivered through Los Angeles City College.

CACT also collaborated with the LA/Orange Manufacturing Alliance to access funding for brochures and a website to allow student to log on and access manufacturing related courses and information. Pierce, Valley, East, Southwest, City, Trade are participating.

Next Meeting:

October meeting to be held at the CCCAOE conference, on Thursday October 7th after the regional meeting.