D29 Identify site health and safety hazards and control risks

D29.1 Identify hazards and assess risks

Performance Criteria - this involves being able to...
(a) undertake organisational risk management processes
(b) review and interpret information relating to potential hazards
(c) identify the hazards arising from construction products and processes that need to be assessed
(d) obtain accurate information on any factors relating to the hazards
(e) identify the significance of the hazards
(f) assess the significant hazards to identify the residual risks and apply the principles of prevention and protection
(g) check that resulting information on significant residual risks is provided to the appropriate people / The Range...
[1] Risk Management:
• hazard identification
• risk assessment
• prevention and protection
[2] Hazards:
• falls from height
• slips, trips and falls (same level)
• hit by falling or moving objects
• manual handling
• noise and vibrations
• power sources
• hazardous substances
• trapped by something collapsing or overturning
• confined spaces
• fire
• lack of/breaches of security
• water
• moving vehicles
• operating equipment
• sector or context specific
• display screen equipment
• materials & their failure points
[3] Factors:
• injure people
• cause ill health
• damage property
• adversely affect the man-made and built environment
• cost
[4] Assess:
• likelihood of occurrence;
• severity of harm or damage which may be incurred
[5] Risks:
• high
• medium
• low
[6] Principles of prevention and protection:
• eliminate
• control at source
• manage
• personal protection equipment
• communal/collective protection

D29 Identify site health and safety hazards and control risks

D29.1 Identify hazards and assess risks

The Evidence - performance and process
Product Evidence:
(1) Information on design risk management processes and significant residual risks which includes reviewed information on hazards and factors relating to hazards, identified hazards arising from construction products and processes, identified significance of hazards, identified residual risks, applied principles of prevention and protection (all) [all]
Process Evidence:
None applicable / The Evidence - knowledge and understanding
(1) How and why do you undertake design risk management processes? (evaluation) (a) [1]
(2) How and why do you review and interpret information relating to potential hazards? (analysis) (b) [2]
(3) What do you identify as the hazards arising from construction products and processes that need to be assessed? (understanding) (c) [2,3]
(4) How and why do you identify the significance of the hazards? (synthesis) (e) [2,3]
(5) How do you obtain accurate information on any factors relating to the hazards? (application) (d) [2,3]
(6) How and why do you assess the significant hazards to identify the residual risks? (analysis) (f) [2,4,5,6]
(7) How do you apply the principles of prevention and protection? (application) (f) [2,3,6]
(8) How do you check that information on significant residual risks is provided to the appropriate people? (application) (g) [5,6]