St Joseph’s Catholic High School

Business & Enterprise College

“Living, loving, learning – through Christ”


·  Living and promoting the Catholic faith in a spirit of tolerance, with Jesus at the centre of everything we do.

·  Loving and caring for all and worshipping God together.

·  Learning by providing enterprising educational opportunities to enable all to reach their full potential.

·  Recognising our responsibility to the local and global community

Name of Policy: Attendance Policy

Person Responsible for Policy Development: John Kinsella

Governor Committee: Pupil

Adopted: July 2015

Review: June 2017

Review Date: Annually

Located: School Website, Staff Shared Area, Policy File



St Joseph’s Catholic High School is a community founded on mutual love and care for the individual, in which the Faith of the Church underpins all our activities. Christ is our model in striving for excellence in all that we do and in valuing the unique contribution and gift of every member of our school community.

At St Joseph’s:

·  We are committed to developing the full potential of every individual, regardless of culture, race, religion, disability, or special need by creating a safe and caring environment where all members of the community can thrive and achieve at the highest level.

·  We recognise that a high level of attendance is linked to high levels of attainment, and as such, attendance is a matter for the whole school community. We will endeavour to work towards a goal of 100% attendance for all students by adopting a whole school approach to attendance matters.

·  We will initiate appropriate action where a student’s attendance is in danger of dropping below the minimum expected attendance of 95%. More direct intervention and subsequent action planning will be employed where a student’s attendance falls below 90% at any point across the academic year. Action will be taken to support improvements in attendance and individual targets set to encourage good attendance.

We will ensure that attendance matters are addressed with the least impact on student academic achievement.

·  We believe that, although the legal responsibility for regular attendance lies with parents and carers, we acknowledge that maintaining this, requires co-operation and support from the school. We will work in partnership with students, parents /carers and external agencies to remove barriers to excellent attendance.

Our Attendance Policy should not be viewed in isolation; it is a strand that runs through all aspects of school improvement, supported by our policies on safeguarding, bullying, behaviour and special educational needs.

This policy also takes into account the Human Rights Act 1998, the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and the Race Relations Act 2000.


To raise levels of achievement by ensuring the highest levels of attendance, punctuality and involvement in the school, particularly among vulnerable groups within the student population.


·  To keep an accurate and up to date record of attendance

·  To inform parents of attendance and punctuality issues

·  To identify causes of non-attendance and take action

·  To improve attendance of individuals, groups and the school.

·  To ensure that all staff are informed of their individual responsibilities for checking the attendance data and monitoring attendance and punctuality.

·  To include training in attendance monitoring in the induction programmes for new staff.

·  To screen all first day absences as soon as they become apparent and follow them up using appropriate systems.

·  To investigate reasons for poor attendance and address the causes, involving parents/carers when appropriate.

·  To apply disciplinary sanctions in instances of recurring unauthorised absences or frequent late arrivals.

·  To ensure that students are contacted by the most appropriate members of staff.

·  To arrange attendance meetings, including parents/carers as well as students, in cases of unsatisfactory of attendance in order to set targets and resolve outstanding issues.

·  To pursue cases of poor attendance caused by prolonged illness and take appropriate action to ensure that the students are able to continue their education.

·  To specifically monitor with particular care students in vulnerable groups.

·  To celebrate in assemblies and by the award of certificates excellent or markedly improved performances in attendance and punctuality by individuals, tutor groups and house groups.

·  To have procedures in place for the receipt of information from parents about absences that can be authorised.

·  To include information on attendance in reports and present it to parents and governors during the school year.

Responsibilities of Parents/ Carers

Parents/Carers of children on role at school have a legal duty to ensure the full and regular attendance of their children unless there are reasons for absence acceptable to the school, or that the school agrees to authorise. Where parents/carers fail to carry out this responsibility, the LA, has a duty to take action against those parents/carers, either by:

·  issuing a fixed penalty notice;

·  prosecution in the Magistrates Court;

·  application for an Education Supervision Order (ESO) under the Children Act 1989 in the Family Proceedings Court.

Parents/ Carers should:

Account for all absences so that, at the discretion of the school, they can be authorised.

In some cases the school will ask for medical evidence.

Contact the school if their child is absent to let them know the reason why and the expected date of return. Follow this up with a note where possible.

Avoid unnecessary absences. Wherever possible make any type of appointment outside school hours and provide an appointment letter for the school

Inform the school if there is a change in circumstances or other difficulties which may have an effect on attendance, so that the school can provide support for the child.

Attend meetings as requested by the school to agree strategies to secure improved attendance for their child.

Encourage their child to look to the future and have high aspirations.

Leave of Absence

St Joseph’s actively discourages student leave of absence in term time. Due to changes in

the Education Regulations with effect from 1st September 2013 the Headteacher cannot

authorise any leave of absence during term time (including holidays) unless there are

exceptional circumstances. Any such requests must be submitted in writing, addressed

to the Headteacher in advance of the requirement. Parents / carers must ensure that leave of absence is agreed before making any arrangements.

Where a leave of absence during term time is agreed to be exceptional, it is vital that it does not coincide with examinations or other important tests that students have to take.

Headteachers are advised by the Government, not to authorise leave of absence, where the pupil will miss a public examination.

School Roles and Responsibilities

The Governors:

Annually review the school’s Attendance Policy and ensure that the Registration Regulations, England, 2006 and other attendance related legislation is complied with.

Agree school attendance targets and submit these to the Local Authority within the agreed timescale each year

Monitor the school’s attendance and related issues through reporting at Governing Body Meetings

Ensure that there is a named senior leader to lead on attendance

Ensure that the school has clear systems to report, record and monitor the attendance of all pupils, including those who are educated off-site

Ensure that there are procedures for collecting and analysing attendance data, which are then used to devise solutions and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions.

Hold attendance panels for persistent absentees and participate in attendance reviews where appropriate.

All Staff:

Re-enforce the value and importance of education and regular school attendance for future success and fulfilment, whenever the opportunity arises in the learning environment.

The Leadership Team /Assistant Head Behaviour and Safety:

Actively promote the importance and value of good attendance to pupils and their parents

Ensure statutory compliance and monitor the implementation of the Attendance Policy and ensure that the policy is reviewed annually

Ensure that all staff are aware of the Attendance Policy and adequately trained to address attendance issues.

Report the school’s attendance and related issues to the Governing Body via meeting cycle

Ensure that systems to report, record and monitor the attendance of all pupils, including those who are educated off-site are implemented

Ensure that attendance data is collected and analysed frequently to identify causes and patterns of absence, devise solutions and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions.

Develop a multi-agency response to improve attendance and support pupils and their families

Document interventions used to a standard required by the local authority should legal proceedings be instigated

Ensure that deletions from the attendance register follow LA guidelines on ‘Children Missing Education’ and ‘Removing a pupil from the attendance register’

Pupil Progress Co-ordinators:
Foster a positive attitude to school attendance within the year group through assemblies, the year notice boards, rewards and constant reinforcement with students.
Encourage a spirit of healthy competition between forms and individuals.
Monitor the attendance patterns of all students by whole year, tutor group and vulnerable groups including those with deteriorating levels of attendance, those with attendance between 80% and 95% and those at risk of disaffection.
Co-ordinate the use of strategies to improve individual attendance within the year including use of short term targets, attendance reports, in collaboration with Tutors, Heads of Department, Parents, Attendance Officer and other professionals as appropriate.
Liaise with the school’s Attendance Officer to:
·  decide upon referrals to the Local Authority .
·  ensure that students with poor attendance are receiving support.
Liaise with subject teachers to ensure that appropriate work is set for long-term absentees and those excluded from school.
Work with the Attendance Officer to identify ways in which long-term absentees can be reintegrated effectively.


Take accurate daily registers for their tutor group within the agreed time frame.

Are alert to patterns of attendance during the school day and follow up any unexplained absence

Contact parents and intervene early on if they have concerns.

Encourage good attendance through constant reinforcement of individual and class targets and through encouraging students to want to be the best attending form in the year group.
Monitor attendance within the form and use short-term attendance reports and targets where you feel there is deterioration.

All class teachers:

Contribute to the whole school approach which reinforces good school attendance; with good teaching and learning experiences that encourage all pupils to attend and to achieve.

Register the class accurately, at the start of a lesson on SIMS and inform the office if a pupil is missing from their lesson.

Provide appropriate support when student returns from long term absence.

To support the school in its drive to achieve excellent levels of attendance and punctuality, through the provision of specific support for key staff, students and families to improve attendance and punctuality for all year groups.

The Attendance Officer:

Is the first contact for all attendance issues in school.

Processes all leave of absence requests in consultation with the headteacher.

Conducts daily post-registration attendance checks and initiate periodic truancy checks.

Meets late students daily and challenges reasons for lateness. Liaises with AHT regarding late detentions.

Monitors absence rates across the school on a weekly basis

Organises and conducts meetings with parents/ staff and students to establish the reasons for non -attendance, makes assessments, agree a plan for improvement and monitors progress towards targets.

Produces and interprets statistical data relating to attendance patterns of group/cohorts within the school and provides appropriate intervention for targeted students.

Provides regular updates for staff, e.g. SLT, PPC’s and Tutors, on student attendance and prepares half –termly reports for Governors, HT and SLT.

Attends appropriate meetings in school, all parent evenings and induction events.

Is available to staff and parents for home visits on individual pupils.

Provides advice and support for students returning to school after a long period of absence.

Initiates and conducts governor attendance panels for identified students and participates in LA attendance conferences.

Attends meetings with the LA Inclusion officer as a representative of the school and liaises with relevant staff and outside agencies that can support students in successfully improving their attendance.

Initiates appropriate legal action with LA Inclusion team to ensure the school is carrying out its statutory responsibility in respect of students.

Participates in initiatives which raise the awareness of school staff, parents and the community on the importance of school attendance.

Maintains a working knowledge of the statutory framework relating to school attendance, in order to be able to offer informed advice to parents, school staff, governors and others.

Administration Team:

Ensure that School Coms is used daily to contact parents of pupils with unexplained absences

Make First day absence calls when absence continues to be unexplained.

Ensure all registers are completed for am/pm registration and that codes for absent children are entered correctly

Ensure that registers for Lesson monitor are completed daily.

Refer issues to the Attendance Officer /PPC’s /Tutors as appropriate

Support Systems.

St Joseph’s School, recognises that poor attendance is often an indication of difficulties in a child’s life. This may be related to issues at home and or in school. Parents should make school aware of any difficulties or changes in circumstances that may affect their

child’s attendance and or behaviour in school, as this will help the school identify any additional support that may be required. We also recognise that some pupils are more likely to require additional support to attain good attendance.

The school will implement a range of strategies to support improved attendance. Strategies used will include:

Discussion with parents and pupils

Attendance panels

Parenting contracts

Attendance report cards

Referrals to support agencies

Learning mentors

Reward systems

Time limited part time time-tables

Additional learning support

Behaviour support

Use of Inclusion unit

Reintegration support packages

Support offered to families will be child centred and planned in discussion and agreement with both parents and students.