D21 Analyse resources and work processes and develop schedules of work

D21.2 Develop a schedule of work

Performance Criteria - this involves being able to...
(a) collate design information and identify project needs
(b) produce detailed schedule of works which are accurate, and contain a complete statement of the project needs and the range of services which will be needed
(c) estimate the work content and time duration accurately
(d) plan the schedules of works so that it is achievable with the resources available
(e) calculate appropriate and realistic allowances to meet anticipated contingencies
(f) draft the schedule of works in a format which is appropriate to the type and scope of the work
(g) present the schedule of works to stakeholders, correct any inconsistencies and agree amendments
(h) present information clearly and accurately and reach agreement using a style and approach which maintains goodwill and trust / The Range...
[1] Project needs:
• time and sequencing;
• cost;
• quality objectives;
• construction and installation requirements
[2] Range of services:
• design (including management services);
• materials;
• construction;
• plant and equipment;
• people;
• demolition
[3] Draft:
• manually;
• electronically
[4] Present:
• orally;
• in writing;
• graphically;
• electronically
[5] Inconsistencies:
• working arrangements;
• staging of payments;
• schedule of deliveries;
• obligations to third parties;
• statutory obligations and approvals

D21 Analyse resources and work processes and develop schedules of work

D21.2 Develop a schedule of work

The Evidence - performance and process
Product Evidence:
(1) Schedule of works which include project needs and the range of services, work content, time duration, calculated allowances for contingencies, corrected inconsistencies, agreed amendments (all) [all]
Process Evidence:
(1) Presentation(s) of schedule of works (f,g) [4] / The Evidence - knowledge and understanding
(1) What do you identify as project needs? (understanding) (a) [1]
(2) How do you collate information? (application) (a) [1]
(3) How do you produce a schedule of works containing the project needs and range of services? (application) (a) [1,2]
(4) How do you calculate allowances to meet anticipated contingencies? (application) (d) [1,2]
(5) How and why do you estimate the work content and time duration? (analysis) (b) [1,2]
(6) How and why do you plan the schedule of works? (synthesis) (c) [1]
(7) How and why do you draft the schedule of works? (evaluation) (e) [1]
(8) How do you present the schedule of works to stakeholders and correct any inconsistencies in schedules of work? (application) (f) [3,4]
(9) How do you present information? (application) (g) [4]
(10) How and why do you agree amendments to schedule of works? (evaluation) (f) [3,4]
(11) How and why do you reach agreement? (evaluation) (g) [4]