Data Request Form

Policy Organisations Requests

Points of Contact:

Monica Filkova,Manager of Market Analysis:

Camille Frandon-Martinez, Research Analyst:

A. Name of Requesting Party
or Parties
Contact Details / Email Address
Phone Number
B. Name of Institution
Contact Details / Postal Address of the Institution
Research Information / Research/Report title
Research Abstract/Summary
Expected Date of Publication
C. Data Requested
Please indicate the data points you would like to request (Country name, time period, other specific details that define the request scope)
Describe how the requested Data will be used in the research
("the Purpose of Use")

D. The Data will be provided on the following terms and conditions:

  1. The Data are provided to the entity requesting the Data, hereinafter referred to as "the Receiving Party", exclusively and solely for use in the research described in Section C above ("the Purpose of Use"). The Receiving Party shall NOT share, transfer, sell or make available the Data to any other person. The Receiving Party will treat the Data as strictly confidential and proprietary to the Climate Bonds Initiative. Thus, the Receiving Party agrees to assume full responsibility for any and all claims and liabilities resulting from or otherwise related to the possession and use of the Data.
  2. All Data and other confidential information created by the Climate Bonds Initiative remains the property of the Climate Bonds Initiative and no licence or other rights to the Data or other confidential information is granted or implied.
  3. On completion of the research (and in any event no later than two (2) calendar months after the end of the period mentioned in Section B above), the Receiving Party shall report the results obtained through the use of the Data in writing to the Climate Bonds Initiative by sharing the final thesis/research document.
  4. The results obtained through use of the Data within the Purpose of Use may be published or presented by the Receiving Party. The Receiving Party agrees to give appropriate acknowledgement to the Climate Bonds Initiative by clearly referencing the Climate Bonds Initiative whenever its Data are involved, referenced, or used as the source for statements or conclusions.
  5. To avoid prejudice to the rights of the Climate Bonds Initiative, and/or to the confidentiality of the Data, the Receiving Party shall transmit any material intended to be published (or presented to the media) to the Climate Bonds Initiative for review at least seven (7) days prior to its submission to any editor or publisher.
  6. The Receiving Party shall consult the individuals named in “Points of Contact” (as detailed on page 1 of this form) before such publication is made.
  7. The Receiving Party agrees that the Climate Bonds Initiative reserves the right to use, publish and disseminate the conclusion/results of the research or publications of the Receiving Party that includes or references Climate Bonds Data in its future communications or reports, provided it clearly attributes authorship by the Receiving Party.
  8. The Receiving Party will provide the Climate Bonds Initiative with a copy of the Receiving Party’s final research Dataset in a computer readable format and the Climate Bonds Initiative undertakes that the final research Dataset shall remain confidential, for non-commercial and internal purposes only.
  9. On completion of the research or earlier termination of this Agreement, the Receiving Party will cease to use the Data for any purpose. The Recipient will return (or, at the Climate Bonds Initiative’s request, destroy or, if impracticable,prohibit access to) all materials, in whatever form or format, which contain Data or otherconfidentialinformation, immediately upon the Climate Bonds Initiative’s written request, except for one copy whichthe Recipient is required to retain for its professional records provided that with respectto such copy the Recipient will continue to be bound by its non-disclosure obligations.
  10. Completion of the research using the Data or earlier termination of this Agreement will not relieve the Receiving Party of any obligations under this Data Request Form (which will continue to apply without any expiration period).
  11. This Agreement may not be amended except by writtenagreement signed by authorised representatives of both parties. This Agreement will begoverned by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and the parties herebysubmit to the jurisdiction of the Courts of England.

Agreed and accepted by the Requesting Party,

Signature Date

Climate Bonds Initiativeis a registered charity in England and Wales (no.1154413) 1