Code……. Course item: ………


A.  Basic information

Name of course / Irrigation and drainage
Study level / First degree
Unit running the study programme / Faculty of Agriculture and Biotechnology
Study programme / Environmental Engineering, Agriculture, Landscape Architecture,
Name of teacher (s) and his academic degree / Assoc. Prof. Roman Rolbiecki, Prof. Stanisław Rolbiecki
Introductory courses / Agrometeorology, Soil Science
Prerequisites / Basic knowledge of Technical drawing

B.  Semester/week schedule of classes

Semester / Lectures / Classes / Laboratories / Project / Seminars / Field exercises / ECTS
summer / 1 / 2 / 1 / 5

2.  EFFECTS OF EDUCATION (acc. to National Qualifications Framework)

Knowledge / on successful completion of the course student is supposed to define the basic information connected with land reclamation and measuring
Skills / on successful completion of the course student is supposed to, acquire the tools need to manage soil, plant and water resources in agricultural and natural ecosystems. Project the irrigation and drainage systems
Competences / on successful completion of the course student is supposed to get involved in environmental stewardship, land reclamation and rural land use planning and help to create a sustainable future


multimedia lecture, lab, project


test (one), project (one)


Lectures / Water and its role in plants. Water resources of Poland. Soil water movement
and water availability, uptake, transport and transpiration in plants. Crop plant adaptation to moisture stress condition; quality of irrigation water. Effect of saline water and soil salinity on plant-water relation and management of crops. Excess soil water and plant growth; water management in problem soils. Soil, plant and meteorological factors determining water needs of crops. Drainage requirements of crops and methods of field drainage, their layout and spacing. Irrigability of lands.
Labs / Project of drainage of chosen field areas with different kind of soils (organic and mineral). Project of different methods of irrigation; microirrigation system; fertigation an open field; management of water in controlled environments and polyhouses; water use efficiency of different irrigation systems. Measurement of soil moisture using tensiometer, pressure plate and membrane. Making of soil moisture characteristic curves. Water flow measurement using different devices. Determining soil profile moisture deficit and irrigation requirements. Computation of water requirement of crops using simple formulas, such as: Hargreaves, Grabarczyk. Calculation of water use efficiency and scheduling of irrigation based on evapotranspiration and tensiometer methods. Measurement of water flux under saturated and unsaturated conditions. Determination of infiltration rates and hydraulic conductivity.
Field exercise / Visit at the experimental field with the irrigation equipment (forest nursery).


Basic literature / Karczmarczyk S., Nowak L., (red.) 2006. Plant irrigation. Aneks. PWRiL Poznań.
Drupka S., 1976. Rolnicza i techniczna eksploatacja deszczowni. PWRiL Warszawa.
Dzieżyc J., 1988. Rolnictwo w warunkach nawadniania. PWN Warszawa.
Żakowicz S., Hewelke P., 2002. Podstawy inżynierii środowiska. Wyd. SGGW Warszawa.
Supplementary literature / Wiadomości Melioracyjne i Łąkarskie. Kwartalnik wydawany przez ZG SIiTWM.
Prochal P.,(red.) 1986. Podstawy melioracji rolnych – tom I i II. PWRiL Warszawa.
Kaniszewski S., 2005. Nawadnianie warzyw polowych. Plantpress Kraków.
Dzieżyc J., (red) 1989. Potrzeby wodne roślin uprawnych. PWN Warszawa.