The Czech Republic Hairless Dog Club
cordially invites you to the
Special European Club show KCHN CR
With awards of titlesSpecial European Winner 2013 andSpecial European Junior Winner 2013
Which will be heldon Sunday, July 6, 2013
Sportovní hala (Sporting hall) B. Modrého vLanškrouně, Za Střelnicí 551, 563 01 Lanškroun, Czech republic
1st Entry deadline: 11.5.2013
2nd Entry deadline: 25.5.2013
Martha Heine (D), Hassi Assenmacher-Feyel (D)
(Changes in judges list reserved)
Under the provisions ofarticle 13 paragraph c),applications submitted after entry deadlines dates can not be assigned.
7.00 – 9.00:admission of the dogs
9:15:opening the show
9.30 – 14.00:judging
14.00:final competitions
(The time schedule can be adjusted according to the number of registered dogs)
The entries can be sent by e-mail or by post to:
Bc. Ludmila Křížová
Pod Horkou 40
635 00 Brno-Bystrc
mobil : 728 072553
Download here
The entry confirmations will be sent by post or e-mail (to all who have specified their e-mail) no later than 7 days before the show.
Baby class: 4 – 6 months
Puppy class: 6 – 9 months
Junior class: 9 – 18 months
Intermediate class: 15 – 24 months
Open class: from 15 months
Winner class:from 15 months for the dogs with recognized international or national champion title, National winner, Club winner, Special show winner – copy of the recognized titles must be enclosed. This titles must be obtained in competition with an adult dogs. Should a photocopy of completed champion or recognized title not be enclosed with the application, the dog will be placed in the open class.
Veteran class: from 8 years
Honour class:for the dogs with recognized international or national champion title, National winner, Club winner, Special show winner – copy of the recognized titles or pedigree must be enclosed. This class is for presentation the club breeds.This exhibits are out of the Club winner title competition. The judge places the exhibits in order of quality. The winner goes to the final competition ‚Winner of Honour classes‘.
For entering a certain class, the age of te dog at the day of the show is decisive.
Imported dogs must be recorded in the Czech book of breeds.
Qualifications and placings:
excellent, very good, good, sufficient
The four best dogs in each class are placed provided that they have been awarded at least the qualification ‚Very good‘.
very promising, promising
The four best dogs in each class are placed but without a ‚Winner class‘ title.
Special CCD/PSPP European Baby Winner 2013– compete separately males and females from Baby classes, which were awarded Very promising 1.
Special CCD/PSPP European Puppy Winner 2013– compete separately males and females from Puppy classes, which were awarded Very promising 1
BOJ – Best of juniors–goes to the best young male or female of breed in competition with all CAJC awarded dogs.
Special CCD/PSPP European Junior Winner 2013–goes to the male or female awarded BOJ. Special CCD/PSPP European Junior Winner 2013 of opposite sex will be chosen out of the other CAJC awarded exhibits of the same sex.
Special CCD/PSPP European Winner 2013 – compete separately males and females awarded CAC out of Intermediate, Open and Winner classes.
BOV – Best of veterans -goes to the male or female, which were awarded Exc.1 in Veteran class.
Special CCD/PSPP European Veteran Winner 2013 – goes to the male or female awarded BOV. Special CCD/PSPP European Veteran Winner 2013 of opposite sex will be chosen out of the other Exc.1 awarded exhibits of the same sex in Veteran classes.
BOB – Best of breed-compete males and females awarded BOJ, Special CCD/PSPP European Winner 2013and BOV.
For the purposes of the Special show are awarded the titles:
BIS Baby- all males and females awarded Special CCD/PSPP European Baby Winner 2013(CCD,PSPP)
BIS Puppy- all males and females awarded Special CCD/PSPP European Puppy Winner 2013(CCD,PSPP)
BIS Junior- all males and females awarded BOJ (CCD,PSPP)
BIS Veteran- all males and females awarded BOV (CCD,PSPP)
BIS Honour classes- all males and females, winners of honour class (CCD,PSPP)
BIS-all dogs awarded BOB (CCD, PSPP)
Best brace – a male and female of the same breed, which were judged at the show belonging to the same owner.
Best breeders group – consisting of minimum three and maximum five exhibits, which were judged at the show, of the same breed, minimum out of two different sirs or dames no matter what gender, bred by the same person (same kennel name), even if they are not his property.
Payments for foreign exhibitors:
Bank: GE Money Bank, a.s.
Owner address:Klub chovatelu nahacu CR, Pocernicka 365/65, 108 00 Praha 10, Czech republic
IBAN CZ2606000000000150744822
All fees are included!
State a message for recipient: your name and surname, dogs name. If you are registering 2 or more dogs, please send names via mail to: .
Required documents:
- pedigree of the dog
- pet passport or veterinary certificate with valid vaccination against rabies
- entry confirmation
Veterinary conditions:
1.All the entered dogs must be clinically healthy.
2.Dogs must have pet passport or veterinary certificate with valid vaccination against rabies and must be immune against distemper, parvovirus and leptospirosis.
3.Dogs from EU and third countries must have valid EU Pet Passport and must meet the conditions by the EU 998/2003 from 26. 5. 2003
Fees:1st deadline 2nd deadline
Baby class 23€ 25€
Puppy class 23€ 25€
First dog35€40€
Second and other dog 31€35€
Veteran class 23€ 25€
Honour class20€ 23€
Competitions 20€ 23€
Proof of payment must be attached to the entry form, otherwise the application will not be accepted.
The entry form will not be accepted without an evidence of payment. For the purpose of distinguishing payments for the deadlines, the postal stamp date on the envelope containing the entry form or e-mail delivery is decisive. It is not possible to pay the fees directly at the show.
A photocopy of both sides of pedigree with the filled owner of the dog must be enclosed to the entry form. Copy of the recognized title for the dogs compete in Winner or Honour classes and a photocopy or proof of payment of the show fee must be enclosed to the entry form. If the proof of payment is not sent, it is not possible to accept the dog to the show. In the case of entering two or more dogs the same owner, as the first can not be regarded the dog entered to Baby, Puppy, Veteran or Honour class and this dog pay the fee specified for his class.
The entries for the competitions can not be made directly at the show.
Advertisting in the catalogue: it is possible to publish max. A5 format advertisement. It is necessary to send the text of ad or the picture and paid by the end of deadline.
The prices:for breedersfor enterprises
1 page A510,- ,- EUR30,- EUR
1/2 page A55,- EUR15,- EUR
This prices are for advertisement, which will be published once in the catalogue.
General conditions:
The dog show is organized according to the dog show rules of the ČMKU
Only the club breeds, which are entered in FCI-accepted stud books are allowed to take part of the show. Certain dog have to reached the age required for entering the desired class on the show day at the latest. The entry fee for the first dog includes the price of the catalogue.
The exhibitors are obliged to abide with the instructions of the organizer and of these propositions.
It is forbidden to bring puppies for the purpose of sale to the show.
It is forbidden to bring fully non-vaccinated puppies to the show.
The organizer of the show is not responsible for any damages caused by the dog or by the exhibitor neither for death nor for loss of the dog. The owner is responible for demages caused by the dog.
Roaming of unleashed dogs shall not be permitted. The exhibitors are obliged toclean uptheir dogs' excrements.
Bitches in season, highly pregnant bitches, breastfeeding bitches, sick dogs, dogs suspected of disease, dogs which are not listed in the catalogue, dogs owned by the person who has beenremoved fromthe rightof show the dogs and the dogs with tendencies to bite shall not be eligible.
Changing classes after deadline shall not be possible.
In case the show does not take place for objective reasons, the fees would be used for covering the show preparation expenses.
A protest against any decision made by the judge is not admissible. A protest can be submitted for formal reasons such as violation of show regulation provisions and proposition provisions. The protest must be submitted in written form, against a deposit of 20 Euro, during the course of the show. If the protest is found to be unjustified, this deposit will be forfeited to the organizer of the show.
Important notice: A copy of the pedigree or the confirmation from studbook, that the pedigree will be issued must be enclosed – that goes for all the dogs entered to the show.
The exhibitor agrees with the publicationof his address inthe catalog.
The exhibitors agrees with the propositions by sending this entry form.
We are looking forward to yourparticipation
The Show Committee