C/o Clifton Management, Inc.

1326 So. Ridgewood Avenue, Ste. 14

Daytona Beach, FL 32114


Cypress Head Master HOA

January 19, 2016- 7:00 P.M.

CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by R.A. White. The quorum was established by the presence of: R.A. White, President, R. Bennett, Vice President/Treasurer, T. Campion, P.J. Doyle, T. Gumkowski, and M. Pietras, Directors. S. Clifton (CAM) was present on behalf of Management. The audience arose for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

RESIDENT PARTICIPATION: *R. Lee-Requested better access to clubhouse calendar for scheduling. *S. Lowe-Requested 2014 Roster be updated. *B. White-Requested a study committee be formed to investigate the feasibility of creating “One Cypress Head” as requested by T. Delmonte and J. McMahon on or about April 20, 2015. Motion made by R. Bennett, seconded by P.J. Doyle, to appoint a study committee to consist of board presidents/appointees of Lakes/Villas/Keys/Cypress Head Master/and 1 owner not within any of the sub-associations; motion carried.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA: A Motion was made by M. Pietras, seconded by R. Bennett, to approve the Agenda as presented; motion carried.

READING OF THE MINUTES: A Motion was made by P.J. Doyle, seconded by M. Pietras, to waive the reading and for approval of the Minutes of November 17, 2015; motion carried.

STATUS OF ACCOUNTS: R. Bennett provided a verbal report and balance sheet showing a total reserve and operating balance of $670,092.96 (12/31/15). Motion made by T. Campion, seconded by M. Pietras to approve the financial reports as presented; motion carried.

MANAGER’S REPORT: *Office Computer in need of replacement. Proposal received in the amount of $1,026 from ACNS Computer (Desktop/Word/Install). M. Pietras to review other options (and back insure back up for software is installed). *Cover letter being included with Second Notice of Annual Meeting informing owners of availability of Amended CC&Rs.


*Drainage/Surface Damage: C. Wright has completed work on Renaissance, however, is awaiting sod. There are additional areas scheduled for repair as well, including 1083 Crystal Creek and 1165 Siesta Key.

*Nature View Drainage: J. Veracka reported that The Lakes has allocated $2,000, 3 owners have allocated $1,300/pc (1124/1130/1140 Nature View) and a request is being made for $2,000 from Cypress Head Master HOA. CC&C Maintenance will be installing thicker drainage pipes and large drains ($7,900). A contract is to be drafted between all parties releasing liability. Funding must be obtained prior to the project start date. Management to contact C&C to inquire if this is the best possible resolution. Motion made by T. Campion, seconded by M. Pietras, to approve $2,000 to for partial funding of this drainage issue; motion carried.

*Williamson Extension: B. White appreciated D. Hunter for the continued follow up and meetings with the City. #8/#5 will have fencing improvements and 2 major water/sewage lines have been relocated off Cypress Head property. Temporary lanes are projected to be opened in 2 weeks and the entire project is projected to be completed by April 2016.


*Website: J. Forehand, current “volunteer” website host has resigned. A letter of appreciation and gift card to be forwarded. Motion made by T. Gumkowski, seconded by R. Bennett, to approve Cut Above Designs in the amount of $200/Home Page $150/Additional pages $30/Month Hosting; motion carried. V. Perkins, owner has already started the website ( Board members presented requested the Home Page picture be of the entryway not the golf course. (Manager’s Note: After the meeting it was investigated and the pictures on the Home Page actually rotate to include the entryway.)

*Landscaping: T. Gumkowski reported the following ongoing/completed projects:

1. Poinsettias were put in prior to Thanksgiving. Petunias were then put in, but the warm weather caused them to prematurely die as well as animals digging them up. Therefore, a new set of plantings have been installed at no cost. New plantings will go in March 2016.

2. Additional lights at each side of the signage are being installed (4). The center island lights have been out since just before the holidays. It was determined that carpenter ants invaded the junction box.

3. Entryway into Lakes is being improved. Irrigation must be completed first. Hedges are being cut and landscaping being improved.

4. Rountree was appreciated for responded quickly to a large irrigation break just before the holidays as well as a tree that had come down.

M. Pietras requested a copy of Roundtree contract to review. Owner present requested the large lily in center section of entryway impedes visibility and should be cut down/removed.

*Golf Committee-Discussion: B. White prepared and forwarded correspondence to the City Manager and Mayor regarding the need for the golf course advisory board to include members of Cypress Head. Currently, the City Manager has requested non-resident participation. The suggestion is to allow for the Cypress Head Master HOA President or designee be a part of this advisory board.


*ARC: R. Geiger reported as the Chairman of the ARC that 103 requests were received in 2015. Primarily roof replacements and tree removals. 2016 has started with the construction of a new home on the last empty parcel on Key Largo. Motion made by T. Campion, seconded by R. Bennett, to approve Richard Lee to be appointed to ARC; motion carried. Motion made by T. Campion, seconded by R. Bennett, to approve Deb Hebert and Rosalie Kalman to be appointed as part-time ARC members; motion carried. Motion made by M. Pietras, seconded by P.J. Doyle, to approve landscaping improvements to association owned property to be paid by tenants at 6251 Palm Vista; motion carried.

*Irrigation: Aldo provided a written report to the Board.

*Social Committee: M. Geiger was introduced as the new Social Chair. She reported that the Social Committee currently consists of 11 members (names are being included in the newsletter). They have met on 1/8 and have a meeting planned for 1/27. Their goal is to provide fun! An event is being planned for every other month with a yearly calendar forthcoming.

*Volunteer Luncheon: S. Lowe reported there are 120 volunteers being invited to the February 23rd 3PM clubhouse event. Motion made by R. Bennett, seconded by T. Gumkowski, to approve up to $750.00 for this event; motion carried.


*T. Gumkowski reported police have been active within the community during times following school and traffic duty on Williamson.

*B. White reported there were recent 2 alleged attempted burglaries.

*M. Pietras expressed appreciation to B. Carter/T. Delmonte for organizing the Annual Holiday Party at the HRYC in December. Requested authorization to install a flag pole at the front of the Clubhouse (proposal will be obtained from F. Cocuzzo). Is obtaining pricing of flags to be placed along entryway(s) during Veteran’s Day, Memorial Day, and July Fourth.

NEXT MEETING: The Annual Meeting of the Membership is scheduled for February 11, 2016.

ADJOURNMENT: Motion made by T. Campion, seconded by R. Bennett, to adjourn the meeting (8:30PM); motion carried.