Cypress Animal Hospital, Inc.
Boarding Information/Agreement Form
Client's Name:
DATES: Dropping Off______Picking Up______Time?______
Emergency Contact and Numbers (MUST be someone local):
Pet(s) Boarding: ______
**We require all pets be up to date on necessary vaccinations in order to stay at the clinic. Pleasepresent proof of vaccination if done elsewhere. These vaccinations include: Cats - Feline Distemper and Rabies Dogs - Distemper, Parvo, Corona, Bordetella (Kennel Cough) and Rabies
I accept this policy and agree to have my pet(s)'s vaccines updated if needed. Please initial
Does pet(s) require any MEDICATIONS or TREATMENTS while boarding?______
Please list with instructions:______
Please list any allergies to medicine or vaccines: ______
Will HEARTWORM PREVENTION need to be given while boarding? When?______
Does the Doctor need to EXAMINE pet(s) while boarding? Reason?______
DIET to be fed: Clinic (Purina)______Brought from home______Other______
Treats brought:______; Toys/bedding/carrier brought:______
Do you want your pet(s) to have: a BATH prior to pick up? ______
Topical flea medication?______Which type?______Nail trim?
**Because of the many pets that come through the clinic, we strive to keep FLEAS and TICKS
under control. As a result, any pet staying at the clinic found to have many fleas or any ticks will be
treated with the lowest priced topical flea medication upon entering at the owner's expense. Please
initial for acceptance of this policy. Please Initial:______
I fully understand that I assume all risk and that the clinic and staff will not be held liable for any problems that develop provided that they have taken all reasonable precautions against injury, escape or death of my pet(s). I understand that if any problems occur, the doctor will attempt to contact me and/or the emergency contact listed above. If neither can be contacted, my pet will be treated as deemed necessary by the doctor, and I assume full responsibility for all resulting treatment expenses. I fully intend to pick up my pet(s) on the date that I have stated. I will call to inform the clinic of a new pick up date if circumstances change. If I do not pick up my pet(s) within 7 days of the stated date and do not call to change this date, my pet(s) will be considered abandoned. I have read and understand this entire agreement.
C:\Documents and Settings\Reception\My Documents\boarding Agreement.docx